Fuck Europeans
Ain't that right, Canadabros?
Fuck Europeans
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America really has no friends.
That's adorable
I-I wish I had a BFF
Well when you're on the top of the food chain, it is perfectly natural not to have any friends.
we want need a leaf as one, more like
There are no leafs reporting.
Don't you have Kazakhstan
or Belarus
I'll be your friend, Russia.
Russia has Belrus. Beautiful women from Belrus.
It's been "fuck Americans" for as long as I can remember.
fuck off and leave us alone fucking slimey pozzed nigger lovers.
>fuck off and leave us alone fucking slimey pozzed nigger lovers.
>not even Canada.
Good job America
>replies to wrong poster while calling out discrepancy in post vs country flag
i still love you america
yep skull fuck them till they shit cum
I love you too bud
i want to be friends with USA but they are a bad influence, they have New York, Hollywood, legalized marijuana, and they warmonger to much. all traits that are undesirable, and they rub off on us and the rest of the world. if Trump can clean you guys up we can be Bros
I'd rather save them from degeneracy and mudslimes than fuck them over though.
Fully on board with Trump. Canada needs to get out from under the Queen. We need our own 1776.
You're about 200 years late for that
Things can happen really fast. America wasn't exactly looking too good before Trump got in. With the internet the information that comes out won't be put back in the box. If America can lead through culture rather than War like they used to there is hope.
You have Crimeia.
you forgot the next scene where america eats the icecream