BBC implying "islamophobia" reason fro Quebec attack

I fucking hate the BBC. And am forced to pay for it like all cucked Brits. Here they are on the latest Muslim slaughterfest in Quebec:

"In June last year the same mosque was the target of an Islamophobic incident when a pig's head was left in front of the building, with a card saying "bonne appetit".
Eating pork is forbidden in Islam. "

CBC did as well... They all are.

> forced to pay for it
keep telling yourself that
havent ever paid the fee and never will

lol I don't pay for that shit, I don't even have a tv

>bonne appétit

I don't speak frog, what's the issue?

Should be bon, appetit's masculine

>We condemn this terrorist attack on Muslims
>the attack was by Muslims

Good man. I feel the hassle not worth the effort so I pay. But most prosecuted/jailed for non-payment are single mothers..

You're not forced to pay for the BBC. I've no idea why people think this. Unplug your lead for the back of the TV, don't watch the BBC and they can't do shit. I've not paid mine for 3 years and just watch YouTube, Netflix ect

Lè recòrd is corrècted

You have to pay the licence fee even if youn watch non-BBC programmes (Sky, ITV). Internet sgtreaming not covered (I think)

I haven't paid for a TV License in 9 years. Just say you only use non-BBCiplayer catch up/Blurays only. Then do what you want, they can't prove anything.

Don't be a brainwashed cuck.

le àlloeha ackbaré

it's bon appétit btw

Sup Forums is an echo chamber of weaponized autism and can be controlled easily. Quint essentially pol is a 5th Collum, a right wing internet defense force of pretty desparate individuals, whom most of them are a product of the modern crisis of the nuclear family, hence raised without male role model or in absents of a father figure. Sup Forums user are over intelligent but under performer due to the lack of the understanding of basic morality and self discipline. Hence Sup Forums user are very easy to control with their passion, which is their internet addiction, conformity of like Minded "individuals" and their lack of having a truly intimate relationship due to their fear of letting other people come close and getting hurt again.

The result is an rather unsecure mind which consider themselves as individual but at the same time adopt other peoples ideas by the means of meme-tier info graphics without fact checking or questioning them. The Sup Forums lives in his constant urge to "participate" at the next "happening" but only projects his wish "to end his situation" to the geo political theater. This gradual process will lead to a product which is ultimatively controllable as I said a 5th Collum of right wing puppet masters with doom and gloom as prospect. Also I would generally suggest that the average Sup Forums user is sexual unexperienced or insecure because modern society raised them by the believe that sexuality is the most important thing and rather play video gamed than looking for another "competition" or failure as "lover".

But then again Sup Forums also is the possibility to truly challenge the own believes and meet very interesting people. The aim should be to see positive into the future and be the change you want to see yourself instead of perpetuating white supremacy memes and doom and gloom.
Be the agent of positive change and not the puppet to a master you dont know.

well you see, if you don't be a good cuck all the time and suck muslim dick at every opportunity then you basically force them to kill you.
t. MSM

Every media immediately tried to shill muh phobia because those are the talking points the media so desperately wants to play to score points against Trump.

Not today though, Moroccan on Moroccan crime


>with a quebec accent

kek can sommeone vocaroo this ?

>Forced to pay for leftist propaganda

Come home, White man. The land of freedom calls.



I pray to Kek nightly for the chance

The bbc has fallen so far so quickly. They used to be THE go to source for news. Even up until ten years ago.

But everyone sees them for what they now are. Total leftists masquerading as an unbiased news source. But what I've noticed in the last year is they go heavy on the muzzie propaganda. Every news story has the perspective of some muslim for god knows what reason.

I have the BBC app on my phone.
For the past few days the top story which gets the big image and headline is their latest bitch about Trump, under that in a 2x2 window are four other articles bithing about Trump and then the rest of the news is listed in a single columne under that. When the attack happened it was up there at the very top taking the spot with a bigger headline and image, very much being the focus as breaking news should be but as soon as reports started getting out that the attackers were muslims the article was pushed back down under the Trump window with the first bitching piece resuming its position on top.

>unironically paying TV tax


I literally don't watch any of that crap. They're all left globalist bullshit.

You've summed it up well.

Would bet you a bitchazillian dollars if the perps were white and the motivation was raaaaycist that story would remain at the top. They would strongly infer Trumps words were responsible.

But media likely knew fairly early on it was sectarian violence so laid off pushing the story. These people are so transparent its disgusting.

>people sign a petition

That's because they're weak, just tell the cunts to fuck off if they come round, they have no power.

the german government comes out fighting against pol. You'll strike a chord with a few but mostly you should stick to felating muzzies.

Whilst learning French at school I always found the feminine/masculine parts so fucking gay.

Why are they even needed?

more descriptive language, MUCH more beautifull than english

they all are and the SJWs are out in full force in the comments crying about how evil whites are and how much they love muslims

Pretty much my life.

Power isn't beautiful my leaf friend.

BBC is so right wing it is pathetic. Everyone knows Trump's rhetoric and muslim ban caused this.




>And am forced to pay for it like all cucked Brits.

I don't pay for it. You don't have to either. Just get rid of the Kike Propaganda Machine from your home. You'll be happier for it.

>Why are they even needed?

Grammatical gender correlates to declensional class. Any language with noun cases (which means all Romance languages, which historically descend from Latin) requires grammatical genders which, ultimately, descend from the Proto-IE "genders" of Animate and Inanimate.

Or, to put it another way, it's a white thing. You wouldn't understand it.

Meaningless drivel. Grammatical gender exists as a relic of the Proto Indo-European language that our white ancestors spoke. Or, rather, that my white ancestors spoke.

This confirms they're no longer a reputable news service. Can't wait til they get the London mayor on to discuss this. Well, if by discuss you mean rant about how intolerant white Britain is.

Just don't pay for you retard. It's not hard.

Just saw CTV report the same thing. Won't mention outlets confirming one's a Morrocan or that the mosque has been investigated for funding terrorism.

What's the split between sunni and shia amongst bbc staff?

Be interesting to know now this attack has been confirmed as sunni attack against ahmaddiya

La langue française n'obéit pas à la logique mais bien aux lois de l'esthétique mon cher.

The Jewish controlled media is the most powerful tool used to shape public opinion that has ever existed.