red pill over dose
red pill over dose
Other urls found in this thread:
New York is like 5% white
What did you expect?
>shitskin /wwe/ jesus
We need to do a strawpoll and find the Whitest and least White board because I think this might be one of the least White ones.
>beta faced autists in either videogame/teenager clothing or style-less formal wear
Why am I not suprised?
>New York is like 5% white
like you?
>literally talking about their steam accounts
Says more about America than pol
>Minorities ruined the stream for us.
>Our people can do this in public and harass celebrities.
>America dropped this many redpills through minority groups
So Argentian was white all along?
The ultimate redpill on Sup Forums is that there is no conspiracy. People here are fools when they think they understand how the world works. They think they understand what the world needs. They gloss over the world's incredible complexity and assume a facade of intellectual divinity, encouraged by paranoia, sitting in their low-middle class homes, shitposting late at night to soothe the conspiracy voices in their head. Truth is, the world is complicated.
The final redpill.
Sup Forums was always the place borderline conspiracy theorists came to become fully schizoid. It was never good.
best post of the day desu
Jesus is white.
>Taking shitposts literally... the post.
Go fuck off OP. All that shit you are posting about is the most stupid retarded gay fucking shit. Shia & his cameras and all these other stupid kids games isn't something most people or most Sup Forumstards for that matter would bother with. You do though. faggot
>there is no conspiracy
Which conspiracy are you talking about?
the whole nazi thing was just a prank
it just shows that those born with those disablities know through experience the problems they have
Ever heard old black men complain about how neighborhoods go to shit once too many blacks move in?
Younger business type successful educated blacks bitch that they busted their ass getting out of the ghetto and nigs bring it with them to the new areas
OP found a homo friend I see.
>can't wish society was better and talk about it otherwise you're a conspiritard, bam mind blown
Jesus and 60 cent are gods
Why do leftists come here shame colored people who have right wing ideals?
Afraid of losing their votes when they think for themselves?
Hitler let in Muslim, Indian and Muslims to enroll and help in the fight. Hell look up Vlasov they even let the Slavs help out in the fight against gommunism
Being an actual nazi is a meme, most ppl are just conservatives
Socialism always gets shitted on Sup Forums
/tg/ would win that by a long shot. Warhams, D&D and card games are white people (and to a certain degree asian people) stuff.
As far as american 'whites' go. Melting pot. American will be some vile brown mix in 100 years, with a few black ghettos and some amish enclaves inbetween.
some of us are oldfags from the days when this was a left wing terrorist website
>implying everyone on Sup Forums has blonde hair/blue eyes and is a nazi
lol at your life kid
t. turd skin
> beta faced
what is "Beta Face"? do I have "beta face"?
I won't post pic of face (inb4 doxx) but I will post pic of gut.
Do I have beta face?
Kek Sup Forums is satire mate. We're here for the memes except maybe some 12yo who took the nazi memes seriously. I for example an an anarchist.
>conservative (social)
>socialism (economy)
Holy fuck you are 1 stupid shit. Like the rest of that shit continent that knows fuck all about politics
What ? Are you stupid ? Conservative also means someone who believes in capitalism and small government.
I would say /tg/ is by FAR the most whitest board on this entire site
There's a few Asians in the mix but its almost entirely white
This shit had better end soon
Fugg, are you a long haul trucker who gets no exercise?
My 82 year old father who has endured prostate cancer, an aneurism and a heart attack is more physically fit. Not good, man.
Dude you really need to start at least walking or something how the fuck do you expect to survive the civil war
So fucking say capitalism and small government, it doesn't mean conservative by default you fuckwad
>newfag shills don't know what a redpill is
> Argentina 5% white
Keep dreaming swecuck.
> Sup Forums is satire
> Greek flag
When your whole country is a joke, you see everything as a joke. It's classic self defense.
> I for example an an anarchist.
which is why your country is a joke
Hi leftypol
>being unable to differentiate shitposting and memes from core beliefs within Sup Forums
In general, Sup Forums is a traditionalist, moderate conservative board.
t. tanned candian
I hope you guys knew that most of this board is non-whites
>1 post by this ID
Also, you don't know what "schizoid" means. It's not schizophrenic.
live stream with chat
In these times even shitskin allies are good, you know, the eneme of my enemy.