Fucking goyim again

>pray to literal chaos god throughout elections
>chaos ensues

why are you such pretentious fucking cowardly cucks? this is the future you chose
and it'll only get more hilarious
anyway my rabbi gave me some info on what's going to happen in the following months, I can share if you care to hear it

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what are you talking about ashtray-kun
Sup Forums relishes chaos and its happenings
always has

well that's not the impression I'm getting from all the sweating scared pepes on the front page, obesity-san

uhhh, we're not the ones panicking, Shlomo. You are.

even after all this time
you still have no fucking idea who gave Trump the wall and muslim ban ideas, have you leafy

Let's hear it kike

praise kek

We're comfy right now, waiting for Bannon to make his next move.

I would hear your rabbi's words though, merchant friend. Truth is a weapon that cannot harm me.

Speak your mind Shlomo, I'm listening.


a shekel for your insights kike

Let's go schlomo I don't have all day

go seek shekels somewhere else, you fucking shekel-seeker


Ill have the diamond jews from Antwerp send you a diamond for your insights

Jews invented walls and banning terrorists? Well okay.

in the upcoming months, we will start building more luxurious homes underwater

i'm so excited!!

Panic? Dude I'm unironically euphoric


Motherfucker, I've wanted to ride eternal ever since I saw the Road Warrior at age 9. I never dreamed I'd actually get to do it. I"m fucking pumped.

>TFW my war rig will be lubed with heeb blood

Hello jew.

Am I right in thinking that Trump's election is a US-Israeli-Russian takeover of the west, in order to secure themselves against radical Islam and globalism?

Moshe, go to be slavewage somewhere else.

1. Trump coerces saudis to fight ISIS directly and stop toying with oil prices under threat of withdrawing all american military presence from arab peninsula
2. Putin does not leave Ukraine but does not expand further because NATO is no longer seen as viable threat
3. Israel gains MASSIVE political leverage against arab world, basically open season with very little global backlash on kebab removal
4. UN cave in to american dominance due to being little pussy bitches, as before (Obama just didn't attempt to make them do it)
5. Executive orders restrict any POC body that threatens civic order, BLM, BDS and Nation of Islam collapse by early 2019
6. At least half a dozen states are added to the islamic travel ban
7. Wall is built, Mexico bitches loudly and loses money due to tariff but ultimately Trump's plan works
8. Drug prices SKY ROCKET, 75-300% price increase for anything cartels deal in
9. Less welfare to dindus on account of federal budget punishing libtard states, mostly NY and CA.
10. Israeli aid dollar is raised by 500 million dollars, NATO and disaster relief funding drops by 650

Future looks yummy
And remember, this is what you chose, not me

>it'll only get more hilarious

That's the point shlomo. At least you Israelis have a sense of humor.

These liberal jews over here are as bad as the white goyim liberals. At least you Israelis will shitpost with us and can take a fucking joke.

That sounds really good, but is Europe gonna get better too?

You're basically asking me "Exactly when am I going to die"
Are you sure you want to know that?

Why not? Maybe I'll go to America before.

can i have paypal money uncle goldenstein

You think just because you spent one election cycle in a panic that you are the master of chaos, Sup Forums was born in a panic, big guy.

>Fuckton of arabs
>Slow response
>No more NATO

you can guess exactly how it's going to get, sadly. Still, you're better off than Canada

How am I better than Canada? They have an ocean between them and the middle east.

>implying I should trust a jew's answer ABOUT ANYTHING....

Jew, I . . .


i still love you uncle goldenstein even when you keep money too yourself

those are newfags

Gas chamber when

You're a fake Jew real Jews want to keep Muslims around to destabilize the west and scare the euros into supporting Israel expansion


Sounds like us fake Jews are far better than your real Jews mate


music makes me want to conquer the middle east

Muslims will be allowed to enforce the covenant you have with sabaoth.

Lots of fake Russian Jews