>spends his whole day on a free speech site
You're really confused aren't you?
>spends his whole day on a free speech site
You're really confused aren't you?
Rare flag
i aint gay but i know when a brother is THICCC
>We wuz founderz of democruzy. >Yeyeyeye being republican is awesomee
The media calls Trump an economic fascist so I guess I'm a fascist too. Blame them, not me.
your flag has a pee stain on it.
>all Trump's grandkids are Jews
Sup Forums was a mistake, genocide is in order.
i'm not a fascist, but it's just common sense to use whatever means are available to you to spread your message. don't be a retard, op.
nice cosplay, make it yourself?
T. Cyprus
Because nobody knows anything about your country I'll just leave this rare Sandnigger here and go.
mister max?
Thanks for that image, Hue. I figured Fascism wasn't the Saturday morning cartoon villain the college kids these days spout.
Fascism is the only way
Otherwise you get modern degeneracy
>these days
I do think you mean literally every single second after WWII.
he's a cyprus turkshit posting
like usual.
So I just realized that Trump is Fascism-light, covered with the "Make America Great Again" slogan. So is Japan. This model is so natural to humans I dont know why we arent fully living under it.
Of course you know (((why)))
Cause the last time a major country was under Fascist rule there was a fucking war?
Never thought about it, no wonder it's so demonized. Hopefully more people wake up and realize the infiltration the Jews have had in the world.
No, Adolf was not the last, the real last time was actually pretty good
(((1 post by this ID)))
Saged, slide, gay
>no academic references
>asserts multiple statements w/o argument
>expects me to take this account more seriously than those he condemns
Honestly i really do think 88 holds back 14 and fascism in general.
We can simply fight against jews implicitly if we subscribe to a set of values and at the same time we'll have the benefit of not sounding like conspiracy theorists.