French-language media confirms one shooter was of "Moroccan origin."


I hope every media organization that mentions Trump and islamophobia will now issue corrections!

Other urls found in this thread:

Was Morocco one of the countries on the ban list?

It is now.

No. What does this have to do with the US pausing immigration from 7 countries for 90 days?

It would add insult to injury since trudeau came out and virtue signaled right before this that they were going to take all the Muslims that trump is "refusing" to.

The bug-arachnid-jewish media machine will just memory hole this and hope normies won't check who actually did it

It would, and I agree with you. Muslims are slaughtering people every day because they're Muslims. They're lethal even to other Muslims. They've done it every day before we were born and will keep doing it every day after we're gone because that's what Muslims do, even in sleepy French-Canadian towns.

he deserves this

I thought they only blocked Syria. I could be wrong. Read the document.

Son, you know emperor trump will just tweet about it. It will circumventing the whole shill media and force them to report on it.

"Not even a week after Trump's islamophobic ban and terrorism is already on the rise"

They'll always spin it in their favor, user.

Sup Forums is an echo chamber of weaponized autism and can be controlled easily. Quint essentially pol is a 5th Collum, a right wing internet defense force of pretty desparate individuals, whom most of them are a product of the modern crisis of the nuclear family, hence raised without male role model or in absents of a father figure. Sup Forums user are over intelligent but under performer due to the lack of the understanding of basic morality and self discipline. Hence Sup Forums user are very easy to control with their passion, which is their internet addiction, conformity of like Minded "individuals" and their lack of having a truly intimate relationship due to their fear of letting other people come close and getting hurt again.

The result is an rather unsecure mind which consider themselves as individual but at the same time adopt other peoples ideas by the means of meme-tier info graphics without fact checking or questioning them. The Sup Forums lives in his constant urge to "participate" at the next "happening" but only projects his wish "to end his situation" to the geo political theater. This gradual process will lead to a product which is ultimatively controllable as I said a 5th Collum of right wing puppet masters with doom and gloom as prospect. Also I would generally suggest that the average Sup Forums user is sexual unexperienced or insecure because modern society raised them by the believe that sexuality is the most important thing and rather play video gamed than looking for another "competition" or failure as "lover".

But then again Sup Forums also is the possibility to truly challenge the own believes and meet very interesting people. The aim should be to see positive into the future and be the change you want to see yourself instead of perpetuating white supremacy memes and doom and gloom.
Be the agent of positive change and not the puppet to a master you dont know.

During the press conference tonight some journalist already asked if the attack was caused by the "Trump effect" or something like that. It has already begun.

hmmmmm I hope CNN finds this out and reports it to the masses soon....

>Sup Forums is an echo chamber
It's true because I've heard this post several times in the last hour.

>5th Collum

Rofl, they're loving this. Slimy fucks.

Why is this man always right? How does he do it?

time traveler

Quebec's new anthem:

(Sorry, no proper version on yt)

Morocco is only 99.1% Muslim. Maybe he comes from Morocco's 0.9% religious minority groups.

Not lost in translation, decent ruminations on the subject matter Deutschbro

Moroccan christian

IQ in the top 99th percentile

shill copypasting this on every bigger thread

Hes a good man. With good awesome heart

>mfw in response to this and the protests Trump will add more countries to the ban

barbers did nothing wrong

arabs have always robbed them of their language, culture and even the fuckin flag so fair play to the man, if this is true.

this. His Uncle was a professor at MIT for crying out loud.

I remember supporting you fucks during the Bataclan and Nice attack

Don't come here, ever, you filthy nigger

>Here's how it went down
>>be me
>>Syrian angry at the West REEE.MP4
>>call Canada's PM. Tell him I have to get out of here
>>go to Quebec, learn Quebecois accent on Thursday
>>travel South with my friend who's last name got "weedlmao" in it, on Friday
>>go to Murcia border, there was waiting for me. Omar Mir Seddique Mateen (yes he's not dead)
>>give me ak47
>>go back on Sunday to some random mosque, shoot up people
>>blame it on the West
>>back to Syria on Monday
>>Canada lies and says they arrested me and my weed friend




Common fucking sense.

Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen.

Damn, that was one fast plane

How the fuck is Sup Forums not filtered in Syria?

the US would never ban their historical ally

/sg/ helping call in air strikes + you can't mossad the assad

He's got great brain.

Only one that's bullshit is Iran


...someone plz screenshot this. The button on my phone is broken thus I cannot do it.

looking forward to seeing Trump's tweet about this.. should be based

What about the other guy

It would have been true perfect if you address Mateen as Omar "fagskiller" mateen holy kek


He has a personal intelligence network he uses for business and he makes statements that leaves out supporting facts and appears to jump to conclusions though are actually correct. That way, he looks smart on his own when all is said and done

No info yet.

Quite likely that morrocan is what the media refer as the quebecer, ie a citizen or quebec born morrocan. Obviously a muslim, in any case.

TYhe arab dude they haven't released shit about, because he's the one that gonna hurt the narrative

why does france always love 'em and leave 'em?


Iran dindu nuffin! Dey just need mo' money for dat Quds Force!


it's ok hans, you don't need to project this hard


Moroccan immigrants are total scum, we already know this

>when the shooter's moroccan

It's the anti-echo chamber your nigger

All the proof is in the (You)'s you got from this shill post


>French-language media confirms one shooter was of "Moroccan origin."
LITERALLY confirms it as a false flag.
>Random Moroccan
>Arrives in the country barely a week ago
>Shouts 'Allahu akbar' while gunning down praying Muslims at a mosque
>In Quebec, Canada

Oy vey

tesla time machine

British media is reporting Canadian police calling it a hate crime and islamophobic attack. No mention of the religion or ethncity. Implies to the audience that this is a right wing attack.


One was Moroccan.


>learn Quebecois accent on Thursday

I thought Muslims already know how to fuck goats?

No, but apparently the second shooter was Syrian. I'm not sure if that was confirmed officially yet though.

From what I understand, the banned nations do not have a government system in place whereby we can properly vet those seeking entry by background check.

no u

Given that multiple Canadians are now dead, what did they win?

>hence raised without male role model or in absents of a father figure
>he thinks Sup Forums is made up of niggers

A one way ticket out of Canada


were they canadian if they were in mosques?

That's some serious pseudo-intellectual bullshit you're spewing, aspie. Good Lord, you could cut through a Brat with all that edge you just typed.

Canada is just one big mosque now.

What if we convince muslims to burn down mosques as a false flag, but then collect evidence of them doing it and pinning them crime on them instead.

Fuck, I didnt know Sam Hyde was Moroccan



Also, just read the article. Officials reaction : "Muslims welcome! They belong to Québec!"

Country ball comics have no right being as adorable as they are.

My spidey sense fucking called it. I am wizard.

The victims was muslims. It's an attack on islam.

Made me chuckle.

kek is a kruel god


The media has had the president on a leash for far too long. Its time for fireside chats to come back.

>raised without male role model or in absents of a father figure
>over intelligent but under performer
>sexual unexperienced or insecure

Yeah nah, speak for yourself Hans.

Great, now all the racist assholes will cheer for the attack...

The get will bring us wisdom

its new CTR pasta
at least the say over intelligent proving they get BTFO everytime they come here lol



Wait a minute, I though he had a quebecois name.

Islam will be BTFO by their own doing

I know a moroccan girl, shes a slut and cunt.

Kill all muslims.

dont they speak french in morocco

someone posted a red herring about shooting up Toronto yesterday.

The ban is on countries in a civil war (Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Soudan, Libya), failed states (Somalia) and countries who are in a confrontational situation with the USA (Iran, regarding the nuclear deal).

Also, remember that the USA used to not have an embassy anymore in Iran since the hostage situation. The swiss embassy was doing the job of the middle man.

In other words, they ban countries whose passports are worthless (who can print them?) or who are in such a tense situation with the USA that everything might be frozen until it's figured out.

Nothing strange, to be honest. If you visit Israël you might want to get a new passport, because a lot of arab countries will refuse to let you in if they see an israelian stamp on your passport. There is no such thing as a right to get in every country of your choosing.

Samuèl Hydeux is the unknown attacker

I honestly have nothing informative to contribute

Why am I not surprised?
Moroccans are really a big issue here, seems like leafs got that taste too now.

They speak whatever language they need to sell their stuff
The true jews