Find a pro-choice/anti-life argument that holds any water
Protip: you can't
Find a pro-choice/anti-life argument that holds any water
Protip: you can't
niggers disproportionately kill their unborn children when allowed to do so
SJWs would rather abort than raise a kid to be a commie
Mormons are having half a dozen white kids each and will not start aborting them even if it is legal and free and encouraged.
pro abortion - most abortions are done by non whites
two wrongs do not make a right
abortion is not compatible with christian values
>it encourages unmarried risky sex
>minorities and libs are highly susceptible to this because of poor moral creeds
even though we fight, you must protect your fellow man from the jew
is it murder to kill a fetus?
People can do what they want fuckface
t. libertard
People will start performing abortions on them selves or worse, there will be underground abortion clinics which are unregulated
If i fug my bepis explode X---DD
>killing niggers is wrong.
>niggers disproportionately kill their unborn children when allowed to do so
That's not an argument for abortion. That's an argument for deporting niggers. If niggers are a problem, get rid of the niggers.
>SJWs would rather abort than raise a kid to be a commie
That is also not an argument for abortion. It's an argument for removing leftist control of education. You can't raise a commie if their educational system doesn't reinforce those beliefs.
>Mormons are having half a dozen white kids each and will not start aborting them even if it is legal and free and encouraged.
Good for them
People do what they think is right for themselves.
People have always and will always kill their children.
Abortion is just the most human way to go about that.
I can understand those who are against abortion but I personally don't see it as a living creature until the heart is beating. You can't murder something that isn't alive.
But we can't do that you tard. With abortion we're tricking them into thinking that its a good thing b/c >my women's rights
How would we trick a bunch of niggers into leaving
some people like to murder people who have been too. should we make murder clinics legal too?
there are people who think blowing themselves up in the name of allah is right for themselves.
people have always will always kill and rape too
let's make it legal too?
this argument holds no water whatsoever. it's alive and growing.
>people have always will always kill and rape too
>let's make it legal too?
I mean, that's why we invented flesh lights man.
if fleshlights are the solution to rape then videogames are the solution to abortion
Define: Alive
Suppose it isn't. Suppose it is murder to kill a baby that has been born. Now suppose a baby is born on February 2nd. Killing the baby after it's born would be murder. Killing the baby on February 1st would not be murder, since we're supposing killing a fetus isn't murder. What's different between a baby one day before its birthday, and a baby on its birthday? Virtually nothing. The only difference is one is inside the mother, and the other is outside. Why should it being inside or outside of the mother make it okay or not okay to kill the baby? Those in support of this will say the baby is in its mothers womb, and a person has a right to kill anything inside of their body. They say the baby is a parasite like a tapeworm, and not a human. Yet somehow after exiting the body, the parasite becomes human. That is why this argument does not hold up. So, if it's not okay to kill the baby on its birthday, it can't be okay to kill it one day before either. How about two days before? There's still virtually no difference between the baby that's born and the baby two days before it's born. How about three days? And so on...until you reach some substantive point at which you can say "before this point in its development the fetus is not human, and after this point it is human." If there is no such point, then the fetus is a human since conception, and abortion is murder. If there is, then when is that point?
That doesn't exactly follow m9.
Regardless, if abortion was illegal women would just toss their kids out in the woods/rivers/oceans/deserts to die of exposure or be eaten by animals. As they did in Rome, Greece, India, China, Gaul, Persia, Mesopotamia, Assyria... Well, that's not quite true. They might go full Carthage and throw their unwanted children into the flaming pit of their pagan god Ba'al Hammon.
Personally, I think having children be sucked out through vacuum hose is preferable to letting them starve to death or get eaten. I mean, if you'd rather just bash their heads against rocks the old fashioned way be my guest.
For a bunch of people who are always crying about muh white race genocide and brown people taking over your country, you sure seem fine with them reproducing unchecked.
>anti-life argument that holds any water
A glass cup.
It holds water, and when it shatters, can be used to cut someone's juggular to cause them to bleed out, thus anti-life.
>You can't murder something that isn't alive.
>Define: Alive
That's up to you to define. You claim you can't murder something that isn't alive. Sperm cells are alive, but they don't have heartbeats. Plants are alive, but they don't have heartbeats. The fetus is alive before it grows a heart. Do you disagree with those statements?
Human suffering is reduced overall by the availability of legal abortions. Without legal ones, you'll have illegal ones. Same problem with worse outcomes.
Also, the kind of people who abort are the very kind who you want to have abortions.
Rape babies. I don't know how I could make a woman carry their rapists baby to term. That's about all I can think of tho
>A glass cup.
Not an argument.
>we should condone women killing their children because they'll kill their children anyway
>we should condone niggers stealing from stores because niggers will steal from stores anyway
>Sperm cells are alive
Then having a wank is murder aswell if we follow your statement?
I think that saying that it's only murder when there is a heartbeat is a fair answer to the question.
>Then having a wank is murder aswell if we follow your statement?
No, and there's no logical way to arrive at that conclusion. You claimed you can't murder something that isn't alive. Yet you think something is not alive unless it has a heartbeat. You are categorically wrong.
>I think that saying that it's only murder when there is a heartbeat is a fair answer to the question.
You can only think that by ignoring the rest of my post. You're ignoring it because you know you're wrong.
how can it not be alive? a plant doesn't have a heartbeat but we say they are alive too.
there are two states for humans: alive or dead. it's obviously not dead since it's growing and in a relatively short period of time is going to be walking around and talking
>That doesn't exactly follow m9.
exactly, because saying fleshlights is a solution to rape makes no sense.
legalised abortion and the culture that abortion is ok encourages abortion
killing unborn babies is not the correct solution to the problem
well played
wrong. they can easily be put up for adoption and lead fulfilling and successful lives. let's say you're in a plane crash, would you rather have a 100% chance of dying or have a parachute?
two wrongs don't make a right. the only acceptable abortion is to save the mother's life, however that is exceedingly rare.
a sperm cell is not going to grow into a human by itself
Anybody believes it is possible to find a common middle ground position on the issue?
I don't believe that a fetus in its early weeks of development should be regarded as a human individual. But that lump of cells is still something that, if left alone, will develop on its own into a human individual, therefore it should be treated with some respect. In general I believe that abortion should always be extrema ratio. There are plenty effective ways to have all the sex you want while avoiding an unwanted pregnancy. Abortion shouldn't be an excuse for irresponsible individuals that refuse to use contraceptives, fail to properly use them or rely on dangerous methods of contraception (pulling out or "safe days").
But there are some instances in which I find abortion acceptable:
If going through with the pregnancy puts the life of the mother at risk, termination of pregnancy should be a possibility at any stage. Even when the fetus is nearly fully developed, it's still the life of a human against the life of another human. The human that can chose to save itself (the mother) should be granted the possibility to do so.
If the pregnancy it's the result of rape (real violent rape, not feminist retroactive rape or similar fantasies) the mother should have the choice to terminate it in the first weeks, and only in that period.
If the fetus is diagnosed with some serious conditions (i.e. genetic illnesses) that would condemn it to a pitiful existence, or end in death withing months/years after birth, we should be mercyful and grant a peaceful release, unless the parents have balls of steel and want to go trough with it.
>killing unborn babies is not the correct solution to the problem
There is no correct solution. Either you pay for that abortion now or welfare/incarceration later. It's just a matter of which nets you the most efficient result.
>wrong. they can easily be put up for adoption and lead fulfilling and successful lives
This opinion does not reflect the reality of people born to impoverished/separated parents.
1) Abortion has the potential to leave psychological and physical scars.
2) Abortion is a band aid solution to an underlying problem - a culture that endorses unrestricted and unsafe sexual practices
3) Just because you need an abortion for your poor lifestyle choices doesn't mean other should subsidise it
4) Abortion has it's merits in restricted circumstances but outside of those there is no reason for it
Low energy.
Killing a child isn't exactly theft, I mean I guess you could say you're stealing money from corporations which produce diapers, formula, baby clothes, et cetera. The problem with theft though is that it's depriving someone of something which they value. Nobody cares if you steel rotten fruit peels, but if you snag a diamond from the mines of an African Warlord he's like to take you out back and shoot you. If a woman has a child and decides to kill it, they clearly didn't value that child. The child probably valued its own life, in some abstract sense, but them's the breaks man. Life's a bitch like that.
The point is more that abhorring abortion is something very modern. Prior to the advent of Christianity, or if you're Chinese until about the mid-2000s, abortion was just a fact of life. You got rid of kids you couldn't support or didn't want or which weren't yours. Of course, historically it's always been the man's decision whether a child was allowed to live or not.
>because saying fleshlights is a solution to rape makes no sense.
Fleshlights are an outlet for one's sexual urges, as is masturbation in general. It doesn't solve the problem of rape of course, but in our modern society rape is a fairly rare occurrence.
The Romans actually did have legalized rape though. You could basically do whatever the fuck you wanted to non-Citizens. Babby fuck, babby fuck, it was awwwrigh.
>legalised abortion and the culture that abortion is ok encourages abortion
Not really, abortion rates have been declining since about 1985.
if abortion is murder then male masterbaiting is genocide because it kills millions of semens.
bleeding heart anti-abortion cucks BTFO, there is no possible way to refute this fact.
>what is education
> let's say you're in a plane crash, would you rather have a 100% chance of dying or have a parachute?
i think you misread the OP
>Not really, abortion rates have been declining since about 1985.
>what is welfare
a sperm cell is not a growing human, moron
>what is welfare
Something that has nothing to do with this conversation.
Unless you're saying that welfare prevents abortions, in which case shouldn't you be rabidly pro-welfare?
>completely missing the point
welfare has increased since then to make it easier for single mothers to raise children with the help of welfare. however that is still a very pro-abortion culture around that likely encourages many abortions
>This thing which makes abortion less likely ACTUALLY makes them more likely.
if we let the people do as they please
the seculars, the minorities, the poor, they will get abortions.
your moral religious citizens will abstain from abortions
everybody gets what they want
the free market prevails
This you absolute retards.
Niggers when given the choice kill their children all the time because they are fucking sociopathic niggers.
Abortion is the perfect way to limit their existence. That we have managed to trick lefties into making it their main issue because "MUH WOMINZ RITEZ MUH BODY MUH RULEZ" is fucking brilliant.
I'm fucking getting tired of us exploiting the world from the shadows only for some christian rightwing do-gooder to not realize our true purpose and unwittingly fucks it up.
I didn't say that. I'm saying that despite decreasing abortion rates, there is still a pro-abortion culture.
it's also our duty to help children that are being ripped from the womb
Muh body!