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But those guys are all Arab too! Only white people can take in Muslims, remember?
Those countries have no welfare and their women look ugly
Nah the problem is that those are rich arabs. They treat syrians, iranians, iraqis etc as trash and would shoot them at the border.
wow if they were white countries that would be considered racist
>Syrians refugees in Saudi Arabia: 500.000
>Syrians refugees in UAE: 242.000
>Syrians refugees in Qatar: 40.000
>Syrians refugees in Kuwait: 155.000
>Syrians refugees in the US: 16.000
>Syrians refugees in Romania: 2.525
>Syrians refugees in Spain: 8.365
What are you faggots even complaining about?
Muslims countries are taking more refugees than any other.
The middle east is always a perfect representation of the ivory tower leftist ignorance. They can be very particular about white ethnicities (the ones they belong to) but when it comes to the middle east they just imagine the whole thing as a big desert full of crying dirty children who just want peace and love. When there's dozens of ethnicties in the middle east and surprise surprise they generally hate each other and kill each other on a regular basis. Also if you called an iraqi a syrian he'd probably stab you.
> Germany : 1-1.5 *10^6
Yeah nice strawman you got here, nigger, it would be a shame if caught fire.
all the smart educated arabs stayed in the region, europe and america get the uppity dindu ones
This nigga serious?
more like 300k
>Uses Romania and Spain instead of say Germany, France, Sweden, Italy, Greece or any country which actually shows the scale of the syrian rapefugees.
It will literally take you 10 seconds to find sources.
>Turkey: 2.7 millions
Not. An. Argument.
germany has 300k syrians and sweden 100k, rest are less than this. what up?
Imo the upper limit for refugees per western country should be 200. The rest should stay in the middle east.
I use the countries of the user who post there.
If you want to use Germany, the white country with the biggest amount of Refugees then let's compare them with Turkey.
Muslims still take more.
What i really wanna know is, at what point does Syria run out of refugees to export?
And even they manage to shit up countries in no time (see bataclan) so yeah they should stay in their countries.
Shhh, Americans and euros on Sup Forums love false narratives dude, just type something like: GERMANY TAKES 6 MILLION REFUGEES OY ANUDDA DRESDEN!!!! for r/the_donald upvotes.
syria is out of refugees actually.
Sure, whatever. I'm not saying you should welcome refugees.
I'm against taking Muslim refugees.
I'm only saying that this "Refugees only go to welfare white states" argument is very false and easily debunked.
Most Muslims will rather go to another Muslim country than a European country.
here is a map, have fun.
greece has about 20k syrians, italy 3.5k, france 12.5k
bulk of the syrians are in germany, sweden with germany having about 450k and sweden 120k-ish.
>muh 194819 trillion refugees in europe
The US and Canada were founded on immigrants and freedom
It is our obligation to help out refugees, not theirs
Nice strawman, everyone knows that actual syrian refugees are like 2% of the rapefugees. Most of them are from afghanistan, iraq, kenya, pakistan etc. The "poor syrian children" is a meme.
here is the actual map based on factual data.
Well, you're not getting rich by sharing your wealth.
War refugees indeed don't walk all the way to Europe, you are right. Most actual syrians stay close to Syria and will try to return at the first sign of quiet.
What we are getting are economic migrants who indeed come to exploit the asylum laws here. Good catch Argentina user.
> it is a great idea to import large numbers of people into countries that import the vast majority of their food and water
As says, they have akready taken in quite a few.
Nope, most muslims WILL come to western western welfare states. Yeah the vast majority of them aren't syrian but when mama merkel decided that they accept anyone without any papers then suddenly there was millions of """""syrian""""" """"""refugees"""""" coming across.
We should send rapefugees to Israel
try again fag
WOW millions? Where's the proof because all evidence is to the contrary, most refugees are within the middle east like Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey.
What about Pakis, Afghans, Iraqis, Turks, Albananas, Somallis and the other trash that comes along with Syrians?
>Saudi Arabia, close neighbour, similar culture, similar political system, similar religion, large government wealth, same macro-racial group
>Germany, distant, incompatible culture, incompatible political system, incompatible religion, overburdened economy, different macro-racial group
Oh wow, Saudi Arabia took more Syrians in. Good for Saudi because Saudi is totally like Germany.
Saudi is the one funding ISIS.
pretty much this, my family has a new syrian neighbor, some very rich family in energy business. they lived a short time in qatar first and then france because they knew french but said both are shit so moved into turkey lol.
Fuck right off.
You can support them and feed them with your money, your house, your gfs pussy when they have a "sexual emergency"
>Posts no contrary source
>A poster on Sup Forums is more reliable than wikipedia
How do you retards not forget how to breath?
we were talking about syrians not other refugees.
when you say refugee it means the ones that come from the syrian war.
saudi arabia has no culture similarities with syria.
Indeed, that's actually the I'm trying to say.
I agreed that many refugees aren't Syirians and they use this crisis to immigrant and I think something this is pushed by the local gov.
For example Senegal send immigrant to countries with weak foreigner policy like Argentina because they send a % of what they gain in that country.
Some Muslims countries are taking advantage of the Syria Civil War to do the same
Pretty much what Mexicans do in the US
nice try emu
450k is a shitload of people for a small country like Germany to take. That's changing the demographics for thousands of years
of what
Be glad you have an anonymous forum to spout your borderline retarded, baseless opinions without being laughed at you basement dwelling autismo.
The same Turkey making bucks of ISIS oil? The same Turkey using ISIS to weaken the Kurds? The same Turkey which is Islamic? The same Turkey run by a dictator? The same fucking Turkey that has the same macro-racial and macro-culture groups as Syria? THE SAME FUCKING TURKEY WHICH IS THE NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOUR?
There is literally no argument that Germany should take in any refugees. Refugees are not a global issue caused by a global problem. Refugees are a local issue cause by a local problem
>Syrian ref- MidEast ref- okay the whole of the fucking third world refugees in Germany: 2 million
muslims are never gonna be accepted
they are never gonna assimilate
and once they are in power you can bet your white ass you will be the first one on the chopping block, if there are even any of us left by then
I can't believe people just eat their sob stories up
>If I say it, it must be right.
Nigger I'm half saudi. Literally 50% of my family is in Jeddah.
Here's your beloved wikipedia
>1,2 million migrants in 2015
It's hard to make a difference between syrian refugees and rapefugees when you're not allowed to. We got called nazis for years because we wanted to know if they were actual refugees.
germany population is 80m, 450k is literally 1/160 of the whole population. it can NEVER change the demographics unless all germans in germany suddenly decide to suicide.
syrian refugees in europe by numbers.
This is why the majority of "refugees" are men and the proportion of women is extremely low.
>turey suppot isis
>let's compare them with Turkey.
But they are only in Turkey because they are trying to get into EU. Turkey is just unfortunate enough to be the main road from the deep middle east into the civilized lands.
not an argument
Conspiracytard: the post.
Like I give a shit what ethnicity you are, you're still a loser that doesn't know shit.
> similarities
Neither does any european country yet here we are.
>when you say refugee it means the ones that come from the syrian war.
Bullshit, refugees now include people from African countries and Afghanistan as well.
did you just assume my argument?!
When I even say something like that?
I never say Germany should take refugees.
And how many "syrian" "refugees" are there? 3 million? 4 million?
>>Syrians refugees in Saudi Arabia: 500.000
Fucking roach, hope you drown in rapefugees
Quebec has shown, not only mudslimes can commit terror attacks
> you're totally fucked
well i dont care about them, the so called "refugee crysis" is the syrian refugee crysis due to the syrian war.
most refugees come from syria, the afghans and other shit are just opportunists.
yurop is relatively better to live for a poor bastard compared to anywhere on earth.
rich generally go for culturally similar countries because they can afford a comfortable life there and also stay in a place that they are relatively used to.
if the refugee agreement didnt happen between us and yurop millions of poor refugees would flow to yurop in addition to what you have.
we have a shitton of churches and mosques right next to each other.
apparently about 10m
i am sorry famalam i dont care about your safe space.
Ameritard must think it's impossible because they think they have half the syrian population living in America, kek.
>Conspiracytard: the post.
Not an argument.
>Like I give a shit what ethnicity you are, you're still a loser that doesn't know shit.
Not an argument
>I never say Germany should take refugees.
And yet Germany and Europe are taking in refugees. This is what we're pissed about.
never again assume my posts straya, or i will unleash emus on your face.
Just you wait shitskin, its fucking over
>we were talking about syrians not other refugees.
True, so the real refugee number is waaaay higher than the stated 450K
>when you say refugee it means the ones that come from the syrian war.
And we need to remember that there are parasites of color pouring from plenty of other places, Turkey included.
>saudi arabia has no culture similarities with syria.
False statement, religion alone is a huge factor
> yurop is relatively better to live for a poor bastard compared to anywhere on earth.
Yes, that is because our generosity is being abused.
> rich generally go for culturally similar countries because they can afford a comfortable life there and also stay in a place that they are relatively used to.
Rich and useful people have left the region before the war already.
> if the refugee agreement didnt happen between us and yurop millions of poor refugees would flow to yurop in addition to what you have.
I think a patrol boat and a couple of guys with a towhook could have done the job as well.
muslim refugees are a good thing
sharia law is the only thing that can save us from liberalism and self genocide by low birthrates
>we're pissed about
You're just as bad as those retards crying about Trump banning cunts from entering the US.
Shut the fuck up and mind your own fucking business you stupid cunt. Are you really so sheltered that you don't leave your fucking house and realize you live in Australia not Europe? None of this will effect you ever and if you went to Europe you'd see it doesn't affect them either you dumb fucking autist.
t. Messi Ahmed
kys che piece of shit
its not over, fire rises.
i dont care about the "real" refugee number you are talking about.
i dont care about anywhere else other than syria when you talk about "refugee" because the famous refugee crisis refers to the syrian refugees.
religion is not a huge factor. say you are catholic irish, you go to catholic poland and you ll face a huge cultural difference.
tl;dr you are idiot.
I literally do not understand if you're a country or not. FRYOM implies that you're a former country.
Fuck Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf statelets. The oil work because of the oil, the Western and East Asian metics and South Asian slaves. They produce nothing of value for the human race.
I wish that their monarchs are overthrown and the ruling classes die screaming.
>Two sources
Essentially states because the Saudis aren't apart of any refugee agreement, the UN can't ascertain how many refugees from Syria are in KSA, but rather have to go off the Saudis own claims.
>Al Arabiya
Nope, try again
>mfw I read it in his voice
Fuvk off roach we have like two million of those leeches
>i dont care about the "real" refugee number you are talking about.
No, I am beginning to realize that facts bother you, so I shall leave you to your liberal fantasy world.
>tl;dr you are idiot.
So lets en this on your terms, with name-calling. Except I'll leave it to you to descend to that level.
your generosity isnt abused, you have a system. you assumed that stuff like these would never happen when you first established the system. now smart people are using this system for their own benefit. this is what humans everywhere do. for example, in turkey we dont have such systems so syrians cant abuse it, actually the opposite happens, turkey abuses syrians. but my father claims these syrian refugees (the poor ones of course) worth nothing, they dont work properly at all etc. so they deserve this mistreatment.
no they didnt, rich people got effected from the war a lot as well and most were still in syria (other than the ultra-rich) during the first times of the war. then they left very early in the war.
you are idiot if you think your european countries will sink refugee boats. its also fun to hear this from a so called "civilized" country's "civilized" member. you are same as isis lol.
Yea, shitskin mudslime converts non mudslime, to commit mass murder in place of warship.
> can you be more scared
get rekt. i hope we get the visa free travel. then you ll have the joy of having 15m kurds in your germany.
the so called "refugee" crisis is the "syrian refugee crisis" that happened in 2014ish remember? when millions of refugees literally poured all over to the world due to isis etc.
how many times do i have to repeat myself?
i am not scared, what about you leaf?
Im literally cheering, being an alberta nigger
> they fucked it up so bad for rapefugees, it almost seems like a planned attack
> couldn't have turned out better for WHITE Canadians
>now smart people are using this system for their own benefit. this is what humans everywhere do
I know, this is why it is outdated and should be abolished.
> you are same as isis lol.
Very rich coming from the country that helps people abuse our generosity. Don't worry, you'll get all the ISIS people you sent here back and you will never have to deal with raysist foreigners again in your life.
Wait, where's leafland? Aren't they taking like half a million?
61,886 (applicants to Dec 2016)
43,589 (approved as of Dec 2016)
39,902 (resettled as of Dec 2016)
Oh and something I forgot - I never said sink the boats, I suggested to tow them back to safe Turkish shores ;)
syrians are mixed
some have brown hair and blue eyes.
they seem them as inferior.
Hahahhahah, less then half that.. and only smart successful mudslimes.
The cuck minister is virtue signaling to secure shitskin votes
as if it is going to stop refugees from crossing borders and shit, they ll just find another way.
imho we should just bus them to greece after the shit they pulled. that d be really nice.
we arent getting shit back sorry. most probably when the visa deal is done you guys will get even more """refugees"""
Your fucking delusional roach, its over.
Enjoy those "moderates"