why did the Nazis invade Poland?
Why did the Nazis invade Poland?
it belonged to the german empire and they wish to take it back
Danzig or War!
JUST don't mention the war
poland shot first, we had to defend ourself
> What is the commonwealth
Poland was never German until [[[someone]]] occupied it.
Better Question.
Why did the UK and France not declare war on the Soviet Union when they invaded Poland?
To protect their backs for incoming invasion on France
>Krauts prepared plans of invasion on france long before attack on Poland.
Didn't know French called Germany in the same way we do (Alemanha). I thought it would be similar to "Germania" in Italian.
France declared war first tho?
They killed Germans.
Why care about subhuman slavs anyway?
Jews were murdering Germans so Hitler invaded to stop it
At least that's one story I've heard on the subject
Because they were the only nation in Europe that failed to realize that the USSR meant business.
Plans to defeat the USSR existed prior to, and during WW2, (then there was the cold war), including the possibility of preemptively attacking them, which didn't happen because the western Allies were outnumbered 4:1. This is, in my opinion, proof that Hitler never really put up a decent fight, he was expected to fall from the very start and if anything, he actually helped the USSR gain a foothold in Europe (wouldn't be surprised if the Russians rigged the German elections).
All Stalin really had to do was not completely lose before winter, wait it out, let Hitler spend resources and time killing some of Stalin's unwanted peasants for him, and then strike back. (Keep in mind Napoleon got to fucking Moscow and still lost. The nazis weren't even close).
In short, the only reason he got away with those brief 6 years, was because everyone else was counting on him not to be retarded enough to sucker punch his Western neighbors right before the Russian invasion. Guess they were wrong.
to protect 6 millions of innocent germans being killed by le ebil poles
pic related evil polack watching death camp made for germans
This. (((Roosevelt))) was one sack of shit.
No, Polish people were murdering Germans, the Jews just tricked them into doing it.
(((poles))) wouldn't give back Danzig and the polish corridor, which were majority ethnic germans, and in at least one town the germans were purged
yes, pic related evil polack killing innocent german children
Nobody was murdering germans
Two morons destroyed themselves because of greed and da joos.
How cute.
Bromberg massacre right ?
Danzig was not even Polish, it was a free city
Nice try
That was after the German invasion
sarga bogre gorbe bogre
Border skirmishes and shit
Poland dindu something
another proof of polish crimes against innocent german population in ancient german city of Bydgoszcz, pic related dead german child killed by evil polack
Hitler would have invaded France in the Summer of 1940 whether they had declared on Germany or not. Nazis honestly believed England and France wouldn't declare for Poland. The "Phony War" between Sep 1939 and May 1940 was just a period of German preparation for the invasion of the low countries and France that would have happened anyways if Brits and Frogs hadn't declared.
Same reason the Union invaded the South.
to liberate Polish death camps
Also to OPs question look up "bloody sunday"
mind your accents:
Sárga bögre, görbe bögre
better question- why we weren't even invited to a victory parade in London (?), despite fighting literally from first to the last day of war in continental Europe.
Armies were formed under both allied and soviet command.
Neglecting even that, after such a hecatomb on polish nation for past 6 year, was such a dick move.
You got any source for this?
Hitler did nothing wrong
Also do you even realize Polish people are genetically Ashkenazi Jew Hybrids?
>be poles
>be born under germany
>try to exterminate ethnic german land
>get revoked by Soviets/Germans
Because they didn't.
At least, that was what known back then. The Molotov Ribbentrop pact was a secret still.
So the West thought Stalin "prevented" the nazis from occupying the whole country.
That's easy, Poland and USSR never were officially in the state of war because on the 17th September our government was evacuating towards Romania and didn't receive the declaration of war. When they reached safety, the war has already ended.
I always wondered this.
>exterminate ethnic german land
I can't believe being such a tard is not a federal offense in United States.
>USA loses war
>south is annexed to Aztlan
>Aztlan goes and tries to exterminate American citizens previously
>USA invades to get territory back
Mexico and Canada invades USA wins, invents 9 million aztlan holocaust, USA is occupied by aztlan mexico and canada who work to destroy the sovereign interest of USA, Aztlan holocaust denial is illegal and wanting to be an American is racist xenophobia.
Did I mention Poles are subhumans?
This man predicted everything from feminism, media, jews he was literally a prophet and we should have listened.
>From his early student years, Dmowski was opposed to socialism and suspicious offederalism; he desired Polish independence and a strong Polish state, and saw socialism and conciliatory federalist policies as prioritizing an international idea over the national one.Over the years he became an influential European nationalist thinker.
>Dmowski had a scientist's background and thus and preferred logic and reason over emotion and passion
>Dmowski saw all minorities as weakening agents within the nation that needed to be purged
>Dmowski claimed thatZionismwas only a cloak to disguise the Jewish ambition to rule the world. Dmowski asserted that once a Jewish state was established inPalestine, this would serve as a nucleus for the Jewish take-over of the world.[80]In the same essay, Dmowski accused the Jews of being Poland's most dangerous enemy and of working hand in hand with the Germans to dismember Poland again
this was all before the first ww1 war
fuck off haitiano, poles are white.
All of Europe is White.
In the US it is illegal to NOT be a retard. Just look at Trump
Poland keeps popping up in things and it's always a target. I have no idea why. maybe it's because they are really easy to use in starting a war or they are so strong in war they are always attacked first with out warning. ether way I call it bull shit. just leave the Poland alone jesus.
That could be any britfag in any random pub too.
Poles fit right in
Poland is Israel 2.0. That's why.
Pretty much any decent book on WWII.
mate but fucking polacks killed 11 millions of innocent germans I saw it on Sup Forums and youtube it's fucking true open your eyes!!!!
Well actually 1.0 and Israel 2.0
>just leave the Poland alone
Poland was German land, they were all born in Germany, Poland came to exist after the end of world war 1 in 1918, all of the poles in ww2 were born in Germany/russia/austria.
They're sandwiched right between the two major historical powers in the region.
>[Hitler] actually helped the USSR gain a foothold in Europe.
>All Stalin really had to do was blah blah blah Russian Winter blah blah blah Napoleon
babby's first Modern History.
And these are the only parts I agree with, the rest is just wildly speculative drivel.
>Be Adolf Hitler.
>My dear Generals, i had an epiphany. I think the jews are evil.
>Ha-ha!! Well no shit, Adolf!! What else did you discover? Water is wet?
>No seriously, guys, listen! i also have a fantastic idea how to get rid of them.
>We're listening.
>We're gonna BLOW UP THE ENTIRE CONTINENT. I'm pretty sure we'll clip a couple of damn jews in the process.
>That's..... the best idea, EVER!!! Heil Hitler!! Heil Hitler!!! Heil Hitler!!!
>WW2 starts.
There you go.
Really makes you think
Poland was wasting land, Germans wanted to make use of it but Polacke had to chimp out
If you agree with the creation of Poland you agree with racism and nationalism.
>replying to yourself
Sweden is butthurt because Poland is 99% white and Catholic while sweden takes Muslim cock
Its a German tradition.
>I wonder why don't these road workers look like CEO's in tuxedos? Fucking subhuman slavs, the only way to dig a hole is in a tux!!
It's been a long time since I did history so I'm gonna have to paraphrase here like a mofo but Germany lost a chunk of land at the end of WW1 in the treaty of Versailles, then they were hit with massive war reparations that along with the great depression drove them into super inflation where you'd need a wheelbarrow of money to buy a potato, Hitler had been a soldier in WW1 and the loss of territory and the economic suffering of his people never sat well with him and that is what fuelled him to become a political animal, so his action on Poland was to take back what he considered stolen land.... there are some really good history books out there that fill in some of the blanks left in the victors telling of history but for the life of me I can't remember them and they were not all written by the kind of people who get their news from the daily stormer, maybe some other anons can help you out with a reading list.
Where were you when you realized Poland created Israel?
>He thinks I am talking about their cloth.
Are you joking nigger.
Neutral is best not MUH 7 million typical victor propaganda.
I think first step is to stop taking anything on Sup Forums seriously
or just not browsing Sup Forums at all
The victors in WW1 probably set up the Free City of Danzig just because they wanted a disputed area between Poland and Germany. They knew that that would make and alliance impossible. Hitler wanted an alliance with Poland in the beginning, but they just didn't come to an agreement. Largely due to British interference.
I'm pretty sure i saw more retarded faces in many countries parliaments. Nobody expects 200 IQ looking faces from hole diggers. But who am i even talking to--- a fucking swede, all you can do is cry all day and vent your frustration on the internet.
These. Germany was in the right invading.
was a reply to this
german danzig best danzig thats why
when will merkel make danzig great again?
Is there a reason you are posting these?
Poles in WW2 were born in Germany with German passports, poles were born in same state as Hitler.
None of the poles in ww2 were born in Polish state, they all were born in German/russian state.
Poles mass killing germans is a hoax. You idiots should know that nazis said the same thing about Czechoslovakia before annexing it.
You spew nazi propaganda that is 70 years old.
Watch "The greatest story never told"
It tells you everything you need to know
>0 results
Jesus fucking Christ.
Poles were born in Germany at the start of WW2, it was the restoration of the union.
You do realise that poland existed before 1918 right?
Poles in WW2 were born in German State and had German nationality, thus it was restoring rightful clay.