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hi, im here to be hated.

HEY ARgentine men go MAKE m e jalapENO EYYY dis

I've watched this twice and I still can't see what the guy does he does it so fast with so much misdirection

shut the fuck up white boy

I don't get it, what should I be using besides google? yahoo? jeeves?


Niggers are the reason why abortion should be legal.


i actually keked at this



this is why i bomb so many nicgers

spinning backfist. Nigga couldn't close the distance and strike effectively anyway

Stupid sand nigger.

If that black man got injured from the fall he could've easily sued the store and won.

Just because a person is shoplifting doesn't mean you can trip him over a hard surface with zero concern for his well-being.

Dude could've hit his head or broke a bone.

That stupid sand nigger needs to go back to whatever shithole country he came from. He's not really an American anyway, I wish the black guy HAD stole from him. At least the black dude is a real American.

Its not easy when you have to keep pulling your pants up




that's a pretty good drawing of beetlejuice desu
even got the diaper.

What the fuck


Even Felix hates nigs.


Black man stole your gf?


>black man

das rasis


I mean... He did something for the child, that counts as something, right?




Pajeet is only looking out for his min wage cashier job. Nigger trying to get him fired




>that spongebob one


> affirmative action in the works

>implying baby daddy is not a fag in the first place.

Fucken hell

nigger genocide soon



argentina is white and las malvinas son argentinas



Isn't the yellow peril a greater concern for you right now?





Fucking Indonesian ruining the thread













>Wojak sees a negro and feels compelled to dump his cuck folder

report his posts, they are off-topic

Don't forget the BLMkidnapping either, it's gerat for showing the mentallity of niggers



>Literally using stock photos with paid actors
Sad. Nigs are so pathetic



blacko cant handle it, gotta use vpn's and spam stock photo's
you poor thing, nobody likes blacks




ok fuck niggers. We need to destroy the yellow peril before they destroy us.


That porch monkey should abort her own life


why was this man ignored?







these people lead very vulgar existences
i can imagine how bad it must look from an outsider's perspective when I spent my time binge fapping on h-porn in an unclean room



no abdul, there were too many CTR threads around

Give me some WEBM's lads, I wanna see more of the 'dark side' of humanity.

The difference of course being you don't do any of that in public


I'm just curious

I like how the shop owner observed him the whole time. He knew what was going to happen. He has seen it many times before.

holy shit

fucking trash

