why are black people from cuba, UK, netherlands, heck, even the few there are here in spain, so well-behaved & fairly intelligent? why don't they chimp out like in the US?
Why are black people from cuba, UK, netherlands, heck, even the few there are here in spain...
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So you don't remember the mass chimpout in London a few years back?
few in numbers
because niggers are pack animals OP
>999 8 777
We used to get ours from chilled out nations like Jamaica, they just wanted to get high and wear lots of colours.
They're getting angrier now though, because TV says they were all slaves.
>black from U.K.
Wrong. They are from Africa
Don't you remember the mass chimpout of London in 2011?
if you'd ever visited Britain, you'd know we have the same problems as the US, just less severe.
They are not well behaved here. Just numbed because of all the chemicals they put in the legal weed here. Monkey anesthetics
Because they don't mingle in ghettos.
German Turks would have been okay had they not been told to all live in the same areas, causing them to stay among themselves and hate Germany.
At least we don't allow homeschooling, so some of the worst possibilities could be avoided.
They fucking do.
Because in Europe we don't allow them access to guns
They do less damage this way
Because they haven't been treated like 3rd class citizens for a century.
Sup Forums never shuts up about "race realism" as the reason why black Americans are more poor and violent, but the truth is it's because of racism and discrimination from jobs/housing/education/living standards.
When you get generation after generation of discriminated people, you are bound to find poverty and violence.
Get out kike. Niggers have no place in Europe
Because you don't see them and for EU countries because there's not that many of them in one place, so they stay under the radar.
>chilled out nations like Jamaica
Go look at some crime stats and say that again.
No we don't. Stop lying about my you cunt
Maybe, just maybe, it's because American culture is trash.
And you're from England
A prisoner to be specific. Go fuck a kangaroo
>Ivan about to get BTFO
I know a lot of blacks in the UK do alright and it's because they are the upper crust from their home countries. The smartest, wealthiest, most productive blacks are the blacks that can get in legally.
Doesn't make them good though.
I'm from Scotland
Fuck off Carswell
jamaicans are some of the most murderous niggers on earth.
>black people from cuba,
this is true, always wondered that. Maybe the Spaniards knew how to deal with the niggers. Castro knew how to deal with them too.
we were really good a assimilaing he jamaicans until africans showed up. also i was whites as well as blacks and asians
Fun fact, Jamaicans hate Africans, because Africans do all that we wiz kangs stuff.
Just watch Desmond's an you'll see.
The Jamaicans and West Indins were content to open small businesses and crack on with life. Even the criminals just wanted to sell drugs, they were no more violent than whites.
Now we've let in a bunch of fucking Africans and what with the shit going on in the US, what used to be a well integrated black community is becoming just another chimp out waiting to happen.
Hello Douglas
To Be fair, blacks were treated like shit in america for many years up to the 1950s most black families would have experienced some segregation or racism in their lives. Obviously they have equal rights to white people now but I can understand why'd they be frightened of the same thing coming back. (which obviously it won't)
The UK has never been a racist country and has treated black (And other races) at an equal level for most of history, Britain has never had a slave culture, we never enforced mass segregation, no separate water fountains. And we were the first country to abolish slavery.
We actually stole Jamaica from the Spanish empire and freed all the slaves, then set up a sugar industry for them. American niggers never felt the civilised touch of the British Empire and instead have had their African savagery honed by years of abuse.
>so well-behaved
Define well behaved. They behave much worse than the native population but they behave somewhat well because they have a really easy life.
>fairly intelligent
They cant even properly speak the language of the country they were BORN in. Intelligent my ass.
If i lived 10 years in Germany i would speak better German than a black man who was born there.
Bullshit. The carribbeans are more of a problem minority than the Africans. Lower attainment, levels highest crime levels etc.
nigs in europe have a better behaviour, but it's mainly because we have the toxic black american culture for comparison.
Very bad>bad. The disadvantages of the blacks are: Less self control, sightly less IQ, and body odor, but in few numbers they can live in our societies pretty well.
>slightly less Iq
Maybe comparing to the Iberian moors
You're fucking WRONG.
Africans have higher educational attainment, lower crime, higher IQs etc than caribbeans. The main problem with Africans is that they invariably adopt the African American/Caribbean culture, so they still are not a good minority overall, but I guarantee if you go to any half decent university in London all the blacks will be of Nigerian or Ghanaian descent.
Caribbeans are leading the way in unemployment, prison population, crime, drugs, single motherhood etc, if that's your idea of integration than you need to kys
Also caribbeans have been community for the majority of violent crime in London since the 70s.
>in few numbers they can live in our societies pretty well.
I wonder why. Same could be said for retards. A few million people can easily provide for a couple thousand retards.
IQ tests in sub-Saharan countries with chronic malnutrition is not a valid form of sampling.
>but I guarantee if you go to any half decent university in London all the blacks will be of Nigerian or Ghanaian descent
You mean the rare few gifted blacks who are far above average for their race.
>so well-behaved & fairly intelligent?
they aren't
t. african
>The main problem with Africans is that they invariably adopt the African American/Caribbean culture
Do you think their culture has something to do with their genes? Like you know how eating your dead parents was never a part of European culture but in Africa it was?
Or how a group of people living on a rich land failed to accomplish much?
Kike please. Niggers are inferior human garbage
I'll also add that the crime Africans tend to be involved in is either "big crime" like organised mafia shit or "small crime" like shoplifting. Most of the drug dealing and random violence street gang shit and burglary is carried out by Caribbeans. Except Somalis who tend to do this shit too. West African youths born in the U.K. get involved in this kind of stuff but it's less common.
A black man thinks that he is incredibly intelligent as soon as he is on the level of the slighly below average white guy.
I don't know how much you've been brainwashed by Sup Forums but Africans are not retarded in the medical sense. Raised in a healthy environment they behave like you and I.
Because they come directly from Africa and life there made them humble. But once they're born here they turn full ghetto.
>IQ tests in sub-Saharan countries with chronic malnutrition
What about the average American blacks who score 85 on the IQ test?
Would you say that 15 points is slightly below average? Not to mention that Africa-Americans are already mixed with Caucasians or Asians
What the FUCK are you talking about, you lying fuck. Blacks are every bit as criminal here as they are in the USA.
Yet North Africans are much worse? Are they low IQ too?
>well behaved immigrants
Is Spain really this much of a shit hole?
This. Once they're surrounded by their kind again they remember their savage jungle roots
because everything is dumber in the US
Dude i have seen enough blacks to know better. Stop shilling for your race nigger.
Blacks are the only people who speak in slang when they are native born
15 is pretty huge. It's half way from being normal to retarded
It's very clear to me that it's all cultural.
Sup Forums prefers to do correlation wizardry with bogus IQ tests and genetic groups because sitting on their genetically pure asses is easier than going out there and getting real things done.
They are most definitely not the only ones. Also, someone else could say that their experiences with black people are totally opposite to yours.
>They are most definitely not the only ones
Name one other group in USA that has lived there for 150 years+ and STILL talks in slang.
>Also, someone else could say that their experiences with black people are totally opposite to yours
No one would say it. Anyone who dealt with blacks has mostly negative opinion. Even if they make it to good colleges they end up being dead last or get involved in some petty crime.
If you get to know 10 blacks in your life at least half of them will leave behind a bad impression
Be honest with me. We both know that you are shilling lies on here.
So are you a Liberal White Male aka Antifa or are you a nigger/mulatto?
>the niggers from cuba are well behaved
top kek
Because we actually have provinces/islands that are almost full black and semi fall under Dutch jurisdiction and law. All the blacks that we had were from those islands, and they were integrated into our society pretty well. The new influx of Somalians and Eritreans though. That sucks balls.
Have you ever looked at our crime rates?
Blacks and arabs dominate the crime charts.
>they were integrated into our society pretty well.
No they werent. I have been to your country and i know better. Also your niggers think they are above the law even the educated exchange students.
They are cocky little shit who drive while under the influence of drugs, they fuck passed out women and brag about it and they get in fights.
We had to throw a dutch half-nigger in the river because he kept bothering people and talking about his dick. Mind you he was a well educated one
In Spain, it's niggers everywhere harassing tourists with cheap jewellery and sunglasses. Don't lie to yourself, Juan.
Dude its the blacks shilling for their own kind. Sup Forums has been invaded by nonwhites who shill for their kind.
Behind every post defending a nigger there is never a native nationalist. We all know that niggers being good is a rare commodity
>We used to get ours from chilled out nations like Jamaica
lol you stupid, stupid cunt.
this is true but if the compare our niggers to the arabs the arabs do way more crime
>why are black people from UK so well-behaved & fairly intelligent? why don't they chimp out like in the US?
Why are you posting this shit meme? It's not true at all.
There are parts of London you avoid, it's that simple.
The american negro is unique because of slavery.
American slave owners would selectively breed their negros. They selected for strength and against intelligence. We're still seeing the effects of that today: big, strong, dumb negros.
We are talking about Europe. Morrocans are very well known for their slang here.
>No one would say it. Anyone who dealt with blacks has mostly negative opinion. Even if they make it to good colleges they end up being dead last or get involved in some petty crime.
Ah, so you're delusional.
>If you get to know 10 blacks in your life at least half of them will leave behind a bad impression
I know tons more than 10, all of them are well behaved and pretty smart.
How much free shit do we have to give them before it is enough?
his got a point though my abbo brother
I mean I know alot of well behaved nigger too but it really depends where you live if u live in better neighboorhoods chance is high you will never get a bad experience from a nigger but if u live in a shithole chances are high you will get alot of bad experiences with them
>know tons more than 10, all of them are well behaved and pretty smart.
t. Jamal Larsen the real Belgian man
they tend to be immigrants from former colonies
american blacks tend to come from ghettos
i mean we have ghetto blacks here too but whatever
This meme needs to die. Niggers are despicable wherever they are and wherever they come from.
Wow, you've really got me now! I give up. Your impeccable detective skills and superior IQ are simply insurmountable.
This. Non-white = subhuman
You've literally created your own monsters through 400 yrs of selective breeding. That's why white guys can't get a game in the NBA or NFL.
wtf are you talking about nigger
They commit shit loads of crime in those countries
Because that's not true. Wow, if you tell blatant lies things look good, amazing.
You have to remember that US niggers are like pitbulls. They were literally bred to be brainless, aggressive tanks. This isn't to say any nigger straight off the boat from Africa has a quarter of the intelligence that a pure would have, but it certainly puts them a step above US niggers.
red of his eyes, the pics looks legit
Because they have Algerians and Pakis to take their place in Europe. I don't know who told you Cubans are such great people, fucking hated my time in Florida.
nice technicolor job
>any place in the west
The eternal negro chimps out hard there. In cuba they subscribe to the latin culture there and do not have any of their ooga booga shit.
We must exterminate every single one of them. And every single person that carries nigger gene
>he thinks UK and Dutch niggers are cultured
First step to being cucked and bluepilled is denying biological fact.
The only semi-cultured blacks I've met are half-white. They always retain a little from the black parent though. But I could live alongside some of them.
This is stupid
Your post is stupid