I am so glad there are no starbucks in my country.
I am so glad there are no starbucks in my country.
Remember how leftists didn't give a shit about Starbucks reporting zero profits so they didn't have to pay taxes?
Remember how they did care about Trump doing the same thing?
Starbuck, the young chief mate of the Pequod, is a thoughtful and intellectual Quaker from Nantucket. He is married with a son. Such is his desire to return to them, that when nearly reaching the last leg of their quest for Moby Dick, he considers arresting or even killing Ahab with a loaded musket, and turning the ship back, straight for home. Starbuck is alone among the crew in objecting to Ahab's quest, declaring it madness to want revenge on an animal, which lacks reason; such a desire is blasphemous to his Quaker religion. Starbuck advocates continuing the more mundane pursuit of whales for their oil. But he lacks the support of the crew in his opposition to Ahab, and is unable to persuade them to turn back. Despite his misgivings, he feels himself bound by his obligations to obey the captain. Starbuck was an important Quaker family name on Nantucket, and there were several actual whalemen of this period named Starbuck, as evidenced by the name of Starbuck Island in the South Pacific whaling grounds. The multinational coffee chain Starbucks was named after Starbuck, not due to any affinity for coffee, but because the name "Pequod" was first rejected by one of the co-founders.[5]
I distinctly remember leftists crying about this. Ofc portugal only has like 2 starbucks, so there's that.
and their coffee is shit
No. No I don't. You're talking shit again.
espresso trips
Venti nonfat source please
Yeah fuck hiring the best person for the job. #refugeesweclome
Their stock is going down. Serves them right
I hate foreigners making my food, contracting aids from their shitty unwashed hands is always in the back of my mind.
Starbucks is scared after Antifa smashed up all their trashcans in DC
Of course its going down, dude just claimed he wants unprepared people offering his services , customers won't like that . many won't even speak english
pls post a JPG meme of it so i can spread it
Who are they even pandering to? The only protesters with a job are the ones working part time at Starbucks. They're at risk of losing their jobs now.
This seems just seems like a way to cut costs by cutting off the social science degree lefties in favor of uneducated refugees while trying to keep the progressive image lefties like.
this is just a stupid publicity stunt
>wanting HIV+ cum in your coffee
So that's 10,000 jobs that won't be going to Americans?
Or more importantly, American sjw leftists. Haha, they're fucking themselves out of jobs by shilling for these guys.
Besides refugees with PTSD, limited English skills and fuck all knowledge about western hygiene standards. That will work so well for starbucks won't it.
and you know, the existing staff who protest to get refugees will lose hours to those refugees, so they're going to learn a valuable lesson about the consequences of virtue signalling.
I hope this ends up fucking them in the ass so hard
And not in a way theyd enjoy.
Boycott these assholes.
Good point
Do what must be done. Burn them down and pin it on a rapefugee
Vote with your money, boycott starcucks
Such a pity I can't though, they all closed down in my country years ago.
even Jews are getting red pilled about this shit
>attorney generals
Why can't (((journalists))) at least be literate?
I'll never voluntarily step inside one of their stores again.
No memeing, it really is the worst coffee I've ever had.
Implying I will ever drink a coffee with a ton of sugar in it. Their product is shit, just like their CEO and their corporate culture.
thats not a surprise, jews are more likely to get fucked by mudslimes than your average white guy
Affirmative action. How does it feel knowing your rich are fucking you and your children in the ass to virtue signal?
Why is it so terrible? How do they fuck coffee up so much?
>(((Howard Schulz)))
I've noticed the Starbucks around here tend to hire hot af white women and arab males. They are already starting it.
Also need I remind you that they started the whole fucking Race Together shit where they encouraged customers to randomly talk about racism over their morning coffee? That really set all of this shit in motion pushing the race war crap mainstream.
>Trump bans refugees
There aren't going to be any in America for them to hire.
If they do somehow hire put them to work, that is better than them loitering around and getting into gang shit. Also, I hope that the lefties will learn to hate them when they take a sip of their frappe and there is a big old gob of cum in it because dressed like that Ahmed thought she was hitting on him.
Starbucks is a ruthless company. it's all marketing and pr. sad that lefties don't realize that they are being lied to.
They are international though. I don't care if they hire them in Canada, but they are still massive faggots and I will never forgive them.
>Hey look how progressive we are! We are going to higher tons of low educated immigrants, just like we planned to do for several years. Globalism, wohoo!
But who will hire the liberals, then?
10,000 immigrants x $7/hr x 40hr x 52 weeks = $146 million dollar expense for the company not counting healthcare and benefits
they are presumably not 10,000 workers short already, and these immigrants will not generate additional revenue
Lefties are fucking plebs. They are the perfect pre-qualified market, already primed to buy anything they already agree with. The entire entertainment industry, for example, has always sought to dumb down their work and market it to the simplest minds. They have perfected their formula in combining leftist politics with entertainment. It's lazy as fuck (efficient) and it sells. Instead of writing a joke, all they have to say is "Fuck Trump, amiright?" Instead of a plot it's "Fucking wypipo amiright?"
Housing market works like this in the US.
>people borrow mortgage from bank
>bank sells mortgage to Fanny Mae
>Fanny mae sells bonds to investors backed by revenue stream from future mortgage payments
>proceeds to buy more mortgages
>banks proceed to give out mortgages more freely
>tfw banks start giving mortgages to people who can never pay them off
>tons of people start foreclosing on homes; Fanny Mae loses revenue stream
>investors freak out, stop buying bonds
>fanny mae can't buy mortgages from bank anymore, banks run out of money
>whole economy about to collapse
>tfw gov. borrows money to bail out banks & fanny mae
We drive 1 million miles on an empty tank
Avoid Starbucks. Go to Starfucks.
They burn their beans when roasting them.
Pretty simple answer, actually.
cheaply sourced coffee beans and shit baristas
This is great news.
Think of all those graduates that cannot get proper work, the only opportunity for a job they had out of college was being a Starbucks barista which is now also taken away from them by an immigrant that can barely speak.
Huge red pill.
And all of the lefties that go there are going to have to interact with brownies on a daily basis and will eventually come to hate them.
Is it cheaper to do this or something? It's bitter.
How long before some cunt gets scolding hot coffee thrown in her face by a refugee?
Scalding even.
fuck Starbucks buy a icoffe maker and donut shop k-cups
Thanks for helping me see the lining in the clouds.
>Boycott strarfucks
I'm way ahead of you senpai.
why italy doenst have starbucks?
how poor you idiots are?
my weekends is drinking starbucks while talking to my anti-drumpf girlfriend
This cartoon is sadly inaccurate. The catch is that it's the taxpayers who pay interests on all this trade, which is the whole interest.
In other words it's all about making dumb goyim pay for pumping money around.
Why don't they just hire 10000 americans?
Dont be so fucking racist
>white girls in the US are known to obsess over Starbucks
>kikes plan to make Starbucks a hook up place
Good luck importing refugees over here hahaha
So is this the beginning of the end for Starbucks then? Recalling back to the that big ol' list of unfortunate mishaps to those who opposed Trump, this seems like one of those in the making.
I really hope so. Lot of nice small coffee shops have been lost because of this shitty business, and it'd be lovely to see some of those come back.
I have a personal boycott on Starbucks. It's a liberal cesspool and they're overpriced coffee is disgusting.
>Starbucks fires thousands of Americans
>Starbucks hires thousands of rapefugees
>brainwashed college kids wake up to the fact that rapefugees cost American jobs
>service turns to utter shit, you have to make you order in Urdu to get what you want, they can't even write your name on the cups
>brainwashed college kids wake up to the fact that rapefugees are utterly shit to deal with
>half of them become secretly happy that Trump is trying to remove them all
Unemployment is pretty bad in America... why the fuck would you want to give away 10,000 jobs to out of country people...
if SB is so noble, why don't they go build some fucking Starbucks stores in Syria, Iran, Pakistan, and Iraq?
>40hrs a week
I buy their whole beans and grind it myself, pretty good to be honest. Way better than folgers and all that trash
Reminder that we're always right
The Trump effect never fails.
Starbucks will shut down hundreds of stores this year.
This implies that they are going to fire and replace 10k workers or they had the ability to hire 10k people last week and chose not to. That's 10k Moms who cant pay their bills. 10k students who cant pay their bills. 10k people who want a job.
The scalding shall be their scolding.
Imagine being a high school kid or freshman in college working at Starbucks for the extra cash and then one day you're manager tells you that you're being let go so a 16 (33) Syrian refugee can have a job
>Be leftist
>Go against big multinational companies blah blah blah
>They hire immigrants
>Now you're forced to support them or you'll be seen as a racist by your peers
All this doublethinking has to come tumbling down at some point right?
Based Italy. Frequent visiter; love your local espresso. Starbucks is the new Subway in the USA.
>Refugees in Starbucks
Never buying another Starbucks again. Mind you I already stopped buying Tim Hortons because of their Temporary Foreign Worker bullshit, so getting a coffee is becoming harder and harder.
you know there are non-muslim refugees, right?
it's not a problem to say you'll hire 10,000 refugees, but I think he'll find getting them to work -- especially the African ones -- may prove more difficult than he imagines
> 10000 americans
The Americans are the refugees.
>drinking the caffeinated jew