Reddit millenials BTFO pol
Reddit millenials BTFO pol
Nazism will be the new party to rise
It was the young that protested Humphrey, Nixon, Reagan and Bush Jr. too.
turns out college kids have always been retards.
>outsmarting Trump
>standing around with signs screaming "Hitler" and "fascist" all day
What does reddit mean by this?
Not Nixon. He was popular on college campuses.
>It was the young that protested Humphrey, Nixon, Reagan and Bush Jr. too.
the difference is that during the middle and later half of the 20th century, "the young" could walk into a chrysler plant and land themselves a lifelong career with a pension.
millenials are different. they have very little job security, hop from job to job, rely on side gigs to pay their bills, are drowning in debt, do not own homes, and are not starting families.
they are the beast that you do not want to anger.
Millenials couldn't even get out and vote for Bernie. All talk no action MILLENIALS.
I'm not sure if it's David Brocks CTR in full force or reddit is legitimately full of shitheads that have absolutely no idea what's going on in our government
well destroy fascism by importing the last remaining fascist culture by the millions
fuck my generation, fuck them all (except us Sup Forumsacks)
how are we supposed to take this seriously when they're so childish?
>I'm not sure if it's David Brocks CTR in full force
please go back to rddit and stay there
Meanwhile, Philadelphia rolls it's first steel coil in over 8 years
>Use our brains to enact our pre programmed responses and shit tier understanding of history.
I'm sure that's going to last after they pay shitloads of taxes to fund niggers and immigrants
considering our current surplus of steel this is quite possibly the dumbest thing i have seen today
>they're incompetent
wow, you've really scared me.
you're pretty stupid, huh?
Creating jobs is a bad thing now?
>you're stupid
Sign of a defeated man
millenials really love to jack themselves off in front of as many people as possible dont they?
Millennials are redpilled. We have secured their future.
it's unproductive, makework bullshit
there is a massive global oversupply of steel and demand is shrinking every year.
>it will be us millennials that will stop trump
if only we had ELECTIONS where people VOTE
it was pretty obvious that you weren't running at full capacity when you didn't address a single point i made and instead assumed around 80 million people were just "incompetent" instead
>Dubya was good
>a bunch of numale faggots, women and nonwhite manlets/thugs crying because trump is actually going to stop the second biggest threat to the west (muslims)
just lol desu
>we'll stop trump
see you in 2020
you'll lose again
Were there ever any gooder goys than millennicucks?
every time i see this word used on this site i immediately know whoever said it doesn't know what they're talking about. "Millenial" refers to people in the age range of 17-37, but people think it means "anyone younger than me"
>fucking bigots should be ashamed of their views
Fuck your shit thread
>started working at a jail with no experience at 19
>now a cop at 24 with a company 401(k) and a 70% pension when I hit 20 years of service
It seriously isn't that hard.
i don't care about you at all
millenials were IN this election and had the lowest age bracket turnout
Gen Z will be in the next election for the first time, they are the most conservative young generation since the early 1900's
Fuuuuaaarking RIP Marxism
>they are the beast that you do not want to anger.
What are they going to do, whine even harder on social media? Write even more hateful words on their protest signs? I'm sure the government is scared.
I thought the same at their age and now, even despite being homo, I'm 32 and fullblown Sup Forums
Teenagers and early 20s people have always felt that way.
Edgy aren't we?
>Defending George W Bush
>A fucking bottom Quartile president
Oh this gonna be good if you reply.
there are 82 million millenials friendo. it only takes a few to motivate the rest who have nothing to lose.
trump's demographic is old and dying.
no user, i just don't care about your irrelevant anecdotes about your personal success. stop talking about yourself.
Okay, but I literally just disproved your point.
We STILL need tons of guys to work the jail, with better pay and bennies than when I started. It LITERALLY is because most of my generation is a bunch of lazy fucks that won't get a goddamn job worth a shit.
>no I don't want to be a jail guard, I would rather work part time at Subway while a get a degree in cinematography
>meanwhile I bought a house at 19, paid off my car at 20, and had my agency pay for my degree which made me make even more money
There are decent jobs if people just fucking tried, but effort is hard.
It's okay, I know you have to disregard me because I don't fit your narrative.
It's not a defense, the point is that this is what they do, have done, and always will do.
>Okay, but I literally just disproved your point.
your personal anecdote about one single person out of 80 million did not disprove anything.
it's disappointing that you're leo, because you're pretty fucking stupid.
>This delusion
Gen Z is also the LEAST white generation ever. Nonwhites tend to be more conservative than whites.
Fuuuuaaarking RIP White race
The Cure to disenfranchised population is fascism. They see it as clearly as we do but for some reason they think they're the anti fascists
Lol if they were fucking right to protest they were right to protest, broken clock is right twice a day.
Why bitch about protesting GW when he was aggressively retarded?
>can't into IDs
Jesus dude.
>muh demographics
Let me tell you hwat boi, I'm 24 and a trump voter, so are most of my friends which are mid-late 20s.
Your narrative is dying. The only mellinials that support Bernie and Hillary are the ones that can't fucking work for a living and have taken out magnitudes more money in student loans than their net worth will ever be because they go to school for fucking basket weaving instead of things America needs.
Do you know how many CNC machinists we need? Do you know how many cops, firefighters, paramedics we need? Do you know how many plumbers, electricians, and HVAC guys we need?
Get a job America needs. That's how you become successful.
>more kids look up Hitler
>learn NSDAP ideologies
>NSDAP returns but in America
>Ensures america's greatness eternally
He described a lucrative career path open to many, yet one that few take. And yet millenials complain about lack of good paying jobs.
Dems winning anything ever again
I have 87 positions I need to fill inside the jail.
I will put an 18 year old kid with no experience in every one of those positions.
I will pay them $16/hr, give them benefits, 10 hours of paid vacation a month, 10 hours paid sick leave a month, and a 401(k) they will be vested in at 5 years.
They don't want to work for me.
Who's fault is that?
Don't tell me I don't know what the job market looks like when I am the one filling the fucking positions you pretentious little shit.
Don't mind me
>outsmarting the guy with the highest political acumen I've ever seen
mate, we need less machinists, not more. the ones retiring are not being replaced as most of the line is being automated or is in the process of automation.
what the fuck are you even talking about?
>Do you know how many cops
less than we have. law enforcement is overfunded and overstaffed around the country.
>firefighters, paramedics we need?
sure. paramedics get paid dogshit wages though.
see above about a "career" in law enforcement. major crime/violent crime is declining on aggregate.
yes, we do need tradesmen, but if the 15% of men aged 25-50 were to take up those careers, obviously there would be a major oversupply.
>he's still replying with anedcotes
holy fuck you are so dumb
>but if the 15% of men aged 25-50 were to take up those career
sorry, 15% of men aged 25-50 who have dropped out of the labor force.
good luck with this demographic--half of them are millenials.
>stop talking about your self
Why talk at all you cynical asshole
>we will win in 2020 by giving Democrats an EVEN BIGGER majority in CA and NY!
>wuts an electoral college lol
what are you upset about user?
did the truth hurt your feelings?
Point is they'll protest anybody with an R next to their name, and let shitty presidents, like Obama, carter, and LBJ get a pass because of the D next to theirs.
These kids used to just go to school and get an education, then go to work. Now they beg their professors to give them extra study days because they're too tired to study after all that social justice they've been spreading! But now they have little to no prospects and the difference between doing the SJW bs and studying is life altering.
>have their bigoted views shut down
And yet they still keep pretending to be for tolerance. The Jew really does cry out as he hits you.
Did your feelings get hurt when he talked about himself?The irony is astounding is here.
>We will totally shame 50% of the population and make them live in fear!
Oh, you silly little nances.
and how exactly did they outsmart Trump? as i see it he cant stop winning. and now from latest thread non profits soros pawn organization cant critize him otherwise they will be taxed to hell.
This says otherwise
>less machinists
What? That's not what the people in the business say.
>less cops
No, stop talking about shit you are obviously ignorant about
>Medic wages are shit
Starting wages are, but you get a retirement, subsidized schooling, benefits, raises, and all of that is better than fucking Taco Bell.
You know nothing about anything.
Most kids bought into the "go to college for your dream job" shit. My ex did the EXACT SAME THING and paid $89k to get a fine arts degree after I told her specifically to not do that because she won't make any money. She lives at home and works as a part-time barista to pay off enormous college loans.
She isn't a snowflake, she's not special. Her story isn't unique. People aren't getting jobs that matter, they are doing things for feelsies, and it is killing the economy.
The only people making money hand over fist are those who are exporting jobs and the education sector which is bankrolled by the US government via student loan programs.
k thanx
can i come work there?
>law enforcement is overfunded and overstaffed around the country
kek what? did you pull this out of your ass? We just had an admin that didn't give a fuck about law enforcement and they were begging for new recruits, it's how I was accepted into the cadet program. They needed people, but the last couple years were such an awful fucking time to be a cop. Quit talking shit you don't understand, lest you look like a fucking retard
>>What? That's not what the people in the business say.
this is not true. the sector is growing as fast as average and no faster. there is no shortage of machinists, and the sector is ripe for automation in the next decade or so.
>No, stop talking about shit you are obviously ignorant about
>Total expenditures for the Sherriff's department in fiscal year 2015 totaled $82,400,000 with $59,000,000 of that going to personnel. With a total of 656 full-time equivalent positions that's a total of $90,000 per full-time employee. Even if we count every single non-drug arrest as being for a real crime, we end up with more than two full-time, year-round employees for every single arrest. That means arrests for real crime cost nearly $200,000 each — just counting personnel costs. And, we don't even know if they're arresting the right people. If we include all costs, and not just personnel, the per-arrest cost is closer to $260,000. As seen above, however, we know that few of these arrests are for the more serious crimes.
LEOs are mostly a financial drain on their jurisdictions.
Just saw this post. The runts at Reddit are really kicking into left wing overdrive recently
Sure. Like I said, I need bodies.
>leos are a drain
So is crime, but hey, I mean, insurance companies will cover the losses when businesses are burnt out by rioters, right?
Notice how all generation z are born redpilled
Ive never been so proud of my generation knowing we are spreading national socialism and triggering sjws that are ruining our country.
It will be us the generation z's led by God prince Barron Trump that will inherit Sup Forums and genocide all the sjws , libtards and non whites of the world kek wills it.
>using as a source
lolbertarians must hang. Guarantee you the kikes that run would shit their pants if they had to be fucking sheriffs for a day
They'll be the spark for the American Workers' Party.
what state are you in?
>holy fuck you are so dumb
is this what you tell every job interviewer? no wonder you can't get a job
yeah i'm sure the $200,000 per arrest for a 16 year old kid smoking weed was a very productive use of taxpayer dollars
>We just had an admin that didn't give a fuck about law enforcement and they were begging for new recruits
yeah, precincts in dirty fucking poor areas (like gary, in) are largely understaffed because they have no tax base to pay law enforcement with, not because there is a lack of qualified persons to fill jobs. the reason leo's are needed in areas like that are because quit rates are high, not because they can't find people to fill those positions.
if i were interviewing someone and i asked them a question about the status of 80 million people of a single demographic and they provided me with a personal anecdote as a response, the interview would be over.
i'm no libertarian, i'm not even a classical liberal (far from it), but once in awhile highlights the right kind of government waste.
>Do you know how many cops, firefighters, paramedics we need?
What and be called a racist? no thanks! Not a chance!
The forgotten Generation X has now mobilized it's forces. They erased us off the map. Now we're back. We fucking run everything. After we make our final move against the dying boomer hippies we shall ally with Generation Z for a full assault on these seditious millennial who have falsely been told only they exist in this world.
Generation X waited 20 years in the shadow for this historical moment. You will feel our power at every intersection of this nation.
>wow I'm losing so I am going to generalize every arrest ever and then I'm going to inflate numbers
You are right. You win. I've never arrested a violent criminal. We are ordered to only arrest jay walkers and pot smokers, then we sell the drugs and collect a $50k bonus per arrest. It's great.
White millenial voted Trump
It's literally the least white generation in American history. Their 'conservative' literally only applies to certain social issues and has absolutely no connection to traditional American values or culture. Have fun spreading National Socialism with people who are nothing but low-IQ pawns of the Left and Jews who are a part of the process to displace you.
>the reason leo's are needed in areas like that are because quit rates are high, not because they can't find people to fill those positions
kek so you're arguing semantics then? positions needing to be filled are positions needing to be filled. If those areas need to be enforced, then are they really being overfuckingfunded? Gary, Indiana, Chicago, Illinois, Detroit, Michigan, St. Louis, Missouri, Baltimore, Maryland, fuck that, those officers deal with some real shit, that I don't mind them marking what they make.
Fuck they probably don't make enough. They got bigger issues to sort, kikes at the local paper that will write mean articles about them hurting the poor little negroes, they just had a govt filled with niggers like Loretta lynch calling them racist, even though most of the precincts were majority black...
fuck off
They make one good point though. Can't let those faggots steal the energy and momentum. Gotta keep up that winning spirit burgers, BTFO those libcucks into eternity
What jail though?
Do they cover human waste, like you?
As a gen z i can say we will glady join you gen x's in the fight against the degenerate millennials
Find the one that sucks the most and is always hiring.
stay mad
I do notice how they're all young/millennials.
>it's unproductive
welcome to 90% of office jobs
Our reign of power is guaranteed for the next 50 years. Glory will be ours at last.
I'm 33 (borderline millennial) and if having pride in my country and wanting to be great again at all costs makes me a fascist then so be it
I can drink to that.
> around 80 million adults don't have a job or a house
what did this stupid poster mean by this
>This fucking sentence structure
I thought millenials were edcusted?