Mosque killer suspect's name released as 'Mehmet Hassan-Ali'!
Shit, it's happening!
Mosque killer suspect's name released as 'Mehmet Hassan-Ali'!
Shit, it's happening!
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I thought they were white? Wtf. This will only help Cheeto Hitler.
he's pobably Shia dickhead.
Don't ban Muslims from your country. They'll just go out and kill Muslims if you do.
That'll show those right wing pigs who the real savages are.
I'm more concerned about WHY Muslims were shooting up a mosque rather than the fact they did it.
Is ISIS playing interdimensional chess?
you know, the various Christian churches/confessions who despise each other?
Same thing, but with more kalachnikovs.
I'm not aware of much rivalry in the Christian world. At all.
The funny thing is that the media is trying to make this related to Trump.
Muslims are the #1 target of dickhead Muslims.
whew, it's almost like they share some similarity with pic related
Oh, it's Turkification of Muhammed. Must be a Turkish guy
Mmm, it's Persian spelling this time. Weird.
Probably a shia
I wonder what he is. Looks to me like a Turkish Persian mutt. Any info on him yet?
It's why Ireland was the Syria of Europe from like ww2 to the 90s
Well then read a book nigger, because it was rather bloody.
Thank's for the
Thought they said Moroccan?
Where's the source
Totally just felt like a black person does when they hear the shooter is white kek. Great way to start the day.
Your mom
Mehmet, Hasan...
You are warrior now. You must choose building and have jihad
Source you fool
Photo is from some other dumbass, no hits on the name... this is a total shitpost...
thats got more to do with the fact that they are potato niggers
burgers like this makes me think Sup Forums is a joke
I am going to take a guess that the mosque was shiite and the shooters were sunni.
Post source or kill yourself
The IRA were Christian extremists?
Somehow I doubt that.
sounds like something irrelevant that would only matter to a shitskin
Trump btfo, Muslims are removing themselves in Canada.
There was and still is a big Catholic Protestant split in Ireland
You were talking in the present tense, smartass. And you're still talking shit.
Was going to post this when OP first made the thread but felt it was a waste of time seeing as people can do a reverse image search in a few clicks to verify it.
When did pol become so gullible?
Hasan was son of Ali, although they important figures in all sects of Islam, both of them being very prominent Shia figures that are on par with prophet himself points out that he is def. a Shia.
Mehmet is only used by Turks and other Oghuz Turkic people such as Azeris (Azerbaijan and Iran), Turkmens (Irak, Syria, Eastern Turkey, Iran) and Balkan muslims (Turks in Makedonia-Bulgaria and etc), Albanians as ''mutations'' of Muhammed's name are either seen as sin or looked down on among other muslims.
Northern Africa has a lot of people with Turkish descends, from Ottoman settlers to Ottoman navy/army members who married and settled there later. He could be one of those kuloglus (slave's son, coming from Khan's slaves, meaning Jannissaries or other Ottoman soldiers).
That might be true, but wanting the British out of your country doesn't make you a "christian warrior".
no the mosque is a sunni mosque, Moroccans are not generally shia, that means the perpetrators were either non-muslim, or they were muslim but wanted to go on a rampage school-shooting style but targeted a mosque instead
Ali was the rightful heir to Muhammed according to Shia Islam, and the mosque was most likely Sunni so we may have a motive there.
>what is ireland
That was (((fake news))) from a Reuters parody account.
I love it when Muslims kill each other though.
True but the IRA did also carry out terror attacks on churches
Who honestly cares about a place that had a "potato famine" lol.
>roach wars
Everybody wins.
Muslims are like niggers: they die by the hand of other muslims and its not considered a problem by liberals
How many times did they chant "hallelujah" after each bombing?
I'm not saying it was the majority of attacks or their main aim
I wouldn't classify them as Christian terrorists, they were/are repiblicans
The mosques here hide the biggest drug and gun traficking in the country and because the police never dares to go in, it always ends up with ppl sprayed by AKs...
It's been like this for awhile.
>I thought they were white
Coulter's law in full effect.
If they were white we'd have a full breakdown of their entire lives plastered on the front page of every media website on the planet right now.
The fact that Australian national news is covering the Airport Protests and not mentioning the attack at all confirms it was Muslims.
Sunni's attack Shiite mosques here all the time. Generally just vandalism.
Underrated. Here is a (you).
>police never dares to go in
yet, once you remove your president sissy, I bet they'll come a-knocking
Fuck yeah. Almost all the shootings in Sydney are Muslims killing other Muslims over drugs and/or being a different type of Muslim. Popcorn out every time.
>When did pol become so gullible?
Half of pol thinks Hillary won, the other half thinks Leafs are the new American Dream...
I blame CTR, and Beyonce's super bowl performance...
Have fun
To imagine most on Sup Forums ignores Muslim on Muslim attacks, even though it would just further their agenda.
But the perpetrators spoke perfect French with Quebec accents? They are Canadian nationals.
Islam has nothing to do with Islam
Daily Telecrap's reporting an "Allahu Ackbar"
How can you not be at least a little bit informed on Islamic sectarian violence?
At least one. It's like Pakis speaking English.
Hassan-Ali is 99% Shia.
Wait, they STILL didn't relase full information?
Found the sunni goatfucker
How the fuck did you reply that quickly?
Why destroy their narrative?
Because Canada is now at the same level as a middle eastern shit hole.
Only >.0000001 percent of terror attacks on American soil may have been by Muslims or whatever but like 99.999 precent of daily terror attacks in the middle east are by Muslims.
Sunnis also name they children Ali. Ali is respectec in Sunni Islam as well. He just isn't seen as a second Mohammed like in Shia.
>Mehmet Hassan-Ali
Stop spreading disinfo.
A quick search brings up nothing..??
Include the source or GTFO
The vast majority of islamic terrorism is muslim on muslim
GG no re.
Shamugarasa Vinayagasivampillai
What's the big deal? Muslims always kill eachother over some disputed qu'ran quote
Hard core Muslim secrets attacks moderate John McCain like Muslim sect.
This is beautiful. We have muslims attacking Muslims.
In Chicargo we have nig killing Nogs.
My money is on the Nogs.
>burger education
They attached ahmadyya mosque, it's pro-christian sect of Muslims
Wew lad, so ISIS is now ISISC, and they they are fighting Hezbollah on the streets of Quebec. That's fucking hilarious.
they didnt you fucking pleb.
It's a troll
Well aware (took a few counterterrorism classes in undergrad), just didn't know of many cases of it going down in Western non-shitholes. I guess Quebec doesn't qualify, though
thanks greywolf
What the fuck does this have to do with the shooting last night in nu-Pakistan?
They do it all the time dick head.
Fake and gay
Right. These faggots here don't know cause they never met a turk, but Ali is a stereotypical turkish name.
The image in the thread is someone else, the person I linked in the article.
This guy is not mentioned anywhere with no source relating to the shooting last night in nu-pakistan
Sup Forums so desperate to affirm their hatred of muslims they actively hope muslims attack them
Why are you proud of a roach infestation?
Nobody needs to hope for anything, we got one
They probably tried to get them to shelter ISIS members and attacked them when they refused. That's the only way I could see it making sense for ISIS to attack a Mosque. Making an example to ensure compliance in the future is a staple of shitty organizations.
Fake news faggots
It's been reported in multiple outlets, including cucked ones, that the shooters were both of Arab/general mudslime descent. I don't give a flying fuck about the picture, stupid redcoat, it's irrelevant.
Fake and gay, I guess this is a good time to remind you that the Irish aren't even white
The IRA were political extremists.
They never did anything they did in the name of catholicism or the Bible.
The fact that loyalists were mostly protestant was simply incidental. It was their loyalty to the crowd, not their denomination that the IRA was against.
Wolfe tone and many Irish nationalist figures were protestants. The INLA was co founded by two protestants.