Suggest ways in which the world can isolate disgusting destabilising hypocrite USA.
Other than what their retard president does of course.
Suggest ways in which the world can isolate disgusting destabilising hypocrite USA
Step one: create loo
Step two: poo in loo
Step three: ???????
Step four: profit!!!!!
Fuck off shit stain
it makes me so happy to have a president who cares more about me than he cares about you. gtfo poos. stay in yer shit hole country like the shit you are.
BLM, Antifa and Fat feminists are on the job
>tfw poos are going to be used as cannon fodder against the chinks
you can start by shitting on every street you see
The subsequent comments seem OP pic related. Nice colour scheme!
Nice bantz
>Even their fighter jets are poo-coloured
What a loser. Seeks attention of Americans by going neg on them.
That too on Sup Forums. Like it will work. Go fuck yourself and don't make the rest of us looks like fools.
that looks literally like flying shit
Whats with all themes pajeets lately?
Plz tell me its not just you
That's /poo/ for you
If Trump hadn't been critical of the H1Bs and just included Pakistan in the Muslim ban, he would've been celebrated as a national hero in India tbfh. So get off your high horse you street pooping piece of shit.
We are gonna nuke you white scum.
Well done lads
With an ICBM powered by shit?
We don't use poo as a propellant like you
I think he misspelled "dook."
I'm reading your post in Apu voice sor some reason..
You can't isolate them Indiabro. You have to destabilize them. Give buttloads of money to Richard Spencer. It will rip the Union to shreds.
We are absolutely terrified of your shit colored Vietnam era fighters....
>tfw the entire planet will be nuked with shit
Quite simple really. Do what the Juice did to Germany before the second world war and organise a boycott of US goods and services.
Please isolate us, it's exactly what we want.
Europe can suspend NATO operations. Promise America they will not come to her aid if conflict breaks out.
throw them your shit, we are going to help you
>fuel tank full of extra spicy Vindaloo
>direct connection to mouth of poo-in-loo
>combustion chamber connected to anus
>violent, unpredictable, and explosive launch
Digits confirm poo in loo only answer for designated shitters
>india has fighter yets with an irish emblem
Jesus Christ, that makes me wonder about their cluster bombs