This isn't breaking news

This isn't breaking news

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It was already shot down by the UK government anyways

Yes it is, the movement against Trump is GROWING by the day. Orange Hitler will be impeached (or worse) by the end of the year.

>online petition

Some guy on sky news destroyed them over this

"It's a temporary thing for 4 months and hes not coming here until June"

yet they are still reporting it an hour later, even though there is no proof as to who is signing it

It's literally fake news and guess what? "up next on sky" a bit about fake news

that is a cute panda girl

>One million

Do people realize how small a fucking number that is, nowadays?

It reminds me of the fucking bit in Austin Powers where Dr. Evil holds the world to ransom for $1 million and the leaders just fucking laugh at him.

This desu

They are just astroturfing the fuck out of it here. Sky news included.
They don't want attention on the attack in Canada.

What does the USA have against democracy?

The government already rejected it LOL.


can't wait for trump speech where he shame Britain and all of Europe for becoming a 3rd world shit-hole

Source pls

Nothing. That's why Trump succeeded.

Downing Street told them to fuck off. It's brilliant watching all my old classmates from uni freaking the fuck out about how DAS RACIS but today Canada showed us it's common fucking sense. BBC is trying to make the Canadian shooting look like a Roofing despite it being a sandperson doing it

>despite it being a sandperson doing it
what do you mean?

This is the story where that thread got the picture from right now


>"Just got off the phone with Merkel. Terrible leader! She should resign. SAD!

>online petitions

who gives a flying fuck

1,000,000 muslims going against their lawful queen. Sad!

You can see the JSON data, most of the signatures are from outside the UK.


>HA we got 1 million votes
>Okay, now we'll discuss it in parliament
>wait no, muh 1 million votes, he's banned!
>That's not how it works.
>All in favour of banning the president of the united states from visiting our country when we're supposed to be strengthening relations and forming trade deals?
>Right, that's that out of the way. Now about the NHS...

65 million voted for Hillary. Why is 1 million signing a petition of any surprise?

>Trump is wrong to ban people from his country
>Let's ban Trump from entering our country
Great logic there, bongs.

This'll be the like the last one that got shut down.

1488ss our day has arrived, stupid shit skins getting BTFO.

>Great logic there, bongs.
{"name":"Denmark","code":"DK","signature_count":324},{"name":"Dominica","code":"DM","signature_count":5},{"name":"Dominican Republic","code":"DO","signature_count":3},{"name":"East Timor","code":"TL","signature_count":3},{"name":"Ecuador","code":"EC","signature_count":9},{"name":"Egypt","code":"EG","signature_count":44},{"name":"El Salvador","code":"SV","signature_count":3},{"name":"Estonia","code":"EE","signature_count":10},{"name":"Ethiopia","code":"ET","signature_count":3},{"name":"Falkland Islands","code":"FK","signature_count":9},{"name":"Fiji","code":"FJ","signature_count":8},{"name":"Finland","code":"FI","signature_count":171},{"name":"France","code":"FR","signature_count":4072},{"name":"French Guiana","code":"GF","signature_count":4},{"name":"Gabon","code":"GA","signature_count":1},{"name":"Georgia","code":"GE","signature_count":8},{"name":"Germany","code":"DE","signature_count":1825},{"name":"Ghana","code":"GH","signature_count":11},{"name":"Gibraltar","code":"GI","signature_count":122},{"name":"Greece","code":"GR","signature_count":184},{"name":"Grenada","code":"GD","signature_count":4},{"name":"Guadeloupe","code":"GP","signature_count":1},{"name":"Guatemala","code":"GT","signature_count":2},{"name":"Guernsey","code":"GG","signature_count":223},{"name":"Guinea-Bissau","code":"GW","signature_count":1},{"name":"Guyana","code":"GY","signature_count":1},{"name":"Haiti","code":"HT","signature_count":1},{"name":"Hong Kong","code":"HK","signature_count":471},{"name":"Hungary","code":"HU","signature_count":59},{"name":"Iceland","code":"IS","signature_count":19},{"name":"India","code":"IN","signature_count":85},{"name":"Indonesia","code":"ID","signature_count":55},{"name":"Iran","code":"IR","signature_count":26},{"name":"Iraq","code":"IQ","signature_count":9},{"name":"Ireland","code":"IE","signature_count":1189},{"name":"Isle of Man","code":"IM","signature_count":275},

I'm not talking about that.

There was a different image and a source that it was a Morrocan.

Also Surrey is fucking full of arab/middle easterners



What percentage from where?

My Trump tshirt arrives this week. I wonder what reaction (if any) people will have when I wear it around London.

I bet most signing it are nu-krauts or Hillary Supporters since you don't need to be British to sign it

Look at the fucking JSON data, there's too many to name but all the countries added up (with sigs) outnumber the UK number of votes. They really need to clamp down on this shit and stop people from overseas signing this crap.

Breaking : UK government goes ahead with trump visit.

{"name":"United Kingdom","code":"GB","signature_count":1071661},{"name":"United States","code":"US","signature_count":5477}

Just over 100k people from the UK actually signed it.


meanwhile a petition open to the entire planet isn't signed by 6 and a half billion people

Here we go mate. Found it

Opening paragraph states 2 aggressors of morrocan origin


I signed it 20 times a few days ago. I used several proxies.

This. The bbc needs to be shaken up. They have fallen so far they are a fucking disgrace to journalism. Reporting bullshit like this only confirms they are hopelessly biased.

Inb4 they have Mayor khan in the studio for half the day explaining why white Brits are racist hatemongers who should be ashamed of themselves.

>I can stop Trump! I can change the world!
fucking brainwashed retards


so everyone can vote?

>online petition
oi limey cunt im a british from old darwin and I say trump is a right fellow eh?

Japan's really growing on me here.


>Just over 100k people from the UK actually signed it.
that's 1 million


Am I missing something?

>lefties try to ban something because muh feelings
>government tells them to fuck off instead of caving in straight away
Are we living in an alternate universe without realising

Are you all ready to mike "thunder" pence ?

Why does the country that invented Ebonics continually try to mock our accents?

the fact that the left wing media lies?
or that the petitions are corruptable?
take your pick

The petitions are corruptable however in Edinburgh alone there's nearly 100,000 votes.
Making the statement of 100,000 votes from the UK bs.

Wasn't there a Brexit petition where 70% of the signatures were from bloody foreigners, and godknows howmany more from bots?

I used to have some respect for the BBC, it's getting harder and harder to remember how long ago that was.

These people are retarded to think possibly jeopardising our relationship with possibly our greatest ally after we leave the EU is a good idea. "But mu fee fee" fucking idiots.

Just wait until the petition reach SIX MILLIONS

It's like these absolute idiots don't want us to have a good relationship with Trump and for him to set us up with a good trade deal.

Why they put his personality first is beyond me. Some of the stuff he does is extreme but that's just because the libtards aren't used to a president that isn't fucking about.

What does it matter?
You can do multiple votes, vote from another country and we have a brainwashed liberal lefty bunch too.
Who cares, how successful was the last time they tried this?
It's already been laughed at and tossed aside because its retarded.
Lefties will back anything if it gets them brownie points on facebook.
Stop letting non-events trigger you, even if 1 million britbongistani lefties did sign it that means 63 million didn't.

I thought liberals didn't judge people on the color of their skin

this just tries to get more signatures. thats all


Huh, looking around 0.03% of my constituencies electorate and that's assuming the signatures are voting age. Wow, it's fucking nothing.

> impeached
> im·peach·ed
> to become the color or shade of peaches

he's already orange, retard.

No it isn't you plonker.

1 071 661

100k = 100,000
1m or 1000k = 1,000,000

100,000 signed from the UK
900,000 signed from elsewhere

Exactly. These fags act like they're crusading against an unbeatable enemy when in reality they're sitting at a computer typing angry tweets and signing completely useless petitions.

Social media was a mistake. We have fallen back so far because of garbage like twitter and facebook.

> social media was a mistake
This. So. Much. This.

Also hahahaha Canada. They were muzzie shooters!


Well fuck me!

Although this guy deserves credit for talking so much sense I had to agree with him.

Can I suggest we find out when this visit is and all turn up to show our support for the God Emperor? They will not block the visit, May knows how important the relationship with America is, so the best the left cry babies will be able to do is protest. So I suggest a counter protest

how did the UK get so cucked that they wish for the destruction of their country by opening their door to rapist muslims? fucking jews.

Wow. Kekd and checked.

> that is a cute panda girl

Only when it is in their best interests.

What, you mean the Muslim that shot up a Mosque? Why wouldn't they want that on the news?

blown the fuck out

How come British Liberals tolerate that the City of London which goes against their ideals, is the most capitalistic city in the UK considering it is a tax haven and all those banks are headquartered in there yet never protest there?

Because when upper-middle-class liberals virtue-singal against antiterrorism it costs them nothing, whereas when they vitrue-signal against city bankers might piss off daddy (the rich city banker), who would then cut the allowance on their bohemian Kensington apartment.

>(or worse)

Enjoy your ASIO visit ya dawg.

This is our land and you fucking dawg cunt can't be doin that kinda shitposting here.

fuck off weeb


>just because I sign something it means that it will actually happen
>look I did a thing to stop the bad man. Now to go back to my social media circle jerk
Liberals are just useless idiots