Why do Jewish-Americans do hardcore fake virtue-signalling on the refugee thing, but the second someone mentions Gaza, they go into full "genocide the Arabs" mode?
Why do Jewish-Americans do hardcore fake virtue-signalling on the refugee thing, but the second someone mentions Gaza...
Seth Rogen is a satanist. It's why he participated in that Sausage Party shitfest.
Okay what the fuck, the past 4 out of my last 5 posts have been gets, each one being important information. Thanks kek
They supremacists who don't view themselves as white, and they view non-white immigration as harmful to whites
He's a leaf
i already mentioned he's jewish in the OP post, why did you need to repeat it?
Seth rogen is a little fat bitch
I guarantee 95 percent of the posters he could knock him out
if I ever saw him IRL I'd punch him right in the throat
I can't stand to even look at that satanic kike anymore.
Pretty simple. Theyre fine with shitskins in the west because they want the west to fall. Im not even mad at the jews anymore, we're the ones dumb enough to fall for their jewery.
>Why do Jew
It's a mystery.
It's almost as if they were more loyal to their own group than to the country they live in.
noone cares go back to edditray
They do it because they are psychopathic.
Naive whites think everyone is honest and fall for the trick every time. There's evolutionary reasons for this naivety. It builds advanced communities but is open to subversion.
Fuck you nigger, I'm not from plebbit . And I just got another dub post. You're just jealous that I'm blessed faggot.
jews gonna jew
So can we troll Hollywood by telling them to welcome Palestinians?
I'm sure Seth Rogen is Canadian.
That explains a lot.
"thats different"
Wait... what happens when you eat avocados everyday?
Avocados btfo
you turn into a hypocritical hollywood jew
Western Jews are incredibly shortsighted. Non-white immigration to the West will be AWFUL for them in the long run.
no it wont, if the west becomes a third world shithole it will just be easier for them to dominate and exploit it for even longer.
That's what Western Jews believe. Turns out, they are wrong. Jews in countries such as France already realized this.
They'll just migrate to Israel when shit hits the fan. It was always apart of the plan. Ruin all western nations via unsustainable immigration and population displacement(low white births, high shitskin white births spurned by feminism and multiculturalism) and then when the west falls, Israel will be the only western nation standing. They'll then have unlimited leverage over the west.
apparently, this is some anti-mexican propaganda to justify NAFTA renegotiation
It is the 'liberal but israel' political view, in which they are left wing in general but right wing when it comes to Israel.
Plenty of leftist jews have this, Bill Maher is the most known example of this phenomenon
Didn't Seth Rogen literally get cucked by his wife?
>Jews in countries such as France already realized this.
The non-rich Jews have realized this. The rich ones are having the time of their lives.
There's no victory condition here, that's the problem
>abolish Israel as illegal because it is, Jews spread everywhere and we see even more kike trickery
>eliminate Palestine by doing nothing and letting Israel continue with the genocide of Ethiopian Jews and the Palestinians, pushing both out into our territories
We can only hope Iran is further along with those nukes than we think, and is willing to use them.
> supporting Israel means wanting to genocide the Arabs
jewish-americans and other liberals support the idea of Israel but they hate everything about it, they also protest Israeli attempts at stopping Islamic terrorists.
they protest because it's fashionable in their circles and because their brain is wired to always out-progressive the progressives.
Why is it bad for America to build a wall but okay for Israel to have one?
she tried to use sarcasm on the internet
like THATS gonna work out well
wait what the fuck i eat avocados everyday what happens
But they haven't changed their stance with Trump as he has better ties with Bibi and is basically against Palestine?
You become iJeb!
merge the rallies with a multiculturalism for israel statement and watch hollywood dissapear
Because the Jews are trying to destroy everything that isn't Jewish?
They are illoyal animals.
Because Jews are a human virus
I guess they can hate on trump considering that literally every politician is pro israel. Except obongo apparently
The oil clogs your liver and you have a stroke
Wait, so what the fuck will happen to me if I eat avocados everyday? That picture has me worried.
"Blessed" we've got free health care no refugees and a conservative government ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
holy shit what the fuck i love avocados am i gonna die?
pick one you fat sack of shit
a pinecone sized kidney stone
because their precious red herring will never come
what about avocados?
Because #Jewlivesmatter and #allwhitesareracist
Israel will turn into a pile of ash without western support.
>You promised us $40 billion you anti-semitic criminal, where is the 50 billion dollars you owe us, you need to give us the 80 billion dollars
jews dont virtue signal, they wage ethnic war
how can avocados even compete?