>Of the 27 Muslim ‘refugees’ taken in by Japan in 2015, two Turkish nationals have already gang-raped a woman
Why is Japan even getting away with this? Why is everyone complaining about evil Trump when he wants to ban those people but Japan is totally fine with having them banned for a long time already. Where are the leftists on that topic?
Is it.. is it that Japan is just the real leading nation this century?
Of the 27 Muslim ‘refugees’ taken in by Japan in 2015, two Turkish nationals have already gang-raped a woman
No Japanese Jews.
it is not rape if woman is not on hijab. a woman without is a filthy whore who asks for sex.
Don't think logically, these people think emotionally.
They have absolutely no moral credibility at all in the eyes of anybody with a fucking brain, so.....don't implicitly give them any.
*without hijab
Nips are Aryan enough to be industrious and innovative, why yellow enough to get away with being based
If he goes to Japanese prison, he is SO fucked. Yakuza takes great honor in completely fucking over gaijins who rape Japanese women.
this guys is literally the average turk, I was in istanbul last week i saw those faces everywhere.
No jews in Japan
Even if Libtards cry about it, Japan is just going to ignore them because they don't give a shit about what non-Japs think. It's a pragmatic outlook, only care about your own. Too bad Leftys are so charitable with everyone elses money and resources.
didn't they take in like 7 extremely vetted ones in 2016 and 3 of them were arrested on various charges within a few months?
The left are leeches. Like any baby they just cry out for free stuff. They can't take care of themselves. They are lazy bums.
feminists know better than to fuck with the east.
there's a reason why they don't bitch about hijabs.
That's literally what OP is about.
I thought "wherever I am I must also rape" was just a may-may.
old news. they gang raped her awhile ago.
pick one
Is that true? They only allow Japanese men to rape Japanese women?
Another one
By fucking over, i hope you mean kill.
Torture change no one, only death remove the problem element.
Good, I hope they do. I would torture anyone who dared harm a beautiful Nippon goddess too. It makes my fucking blood boil when I see shitskins and fucking leftist scum trying to desecrate the last holdout of racial purity in the world. At this point literally everyone else besides the Japanese are a mistake and need to be genocided of the face of the earth.
t. Rich Evans
The left only hates white people. Everyone else can do no wrong.
Japan has always been strict on immigration.
The jews fear the samurai.
The accepted refugees has more than doubled!!
it says 2015 in OP waffle...
Can't wait till the Russians foretold by Paisios' Prophecy comes down and removes you.
our country is not cuck
I sincerely hope that the SJW movement is contained in their countries. This is why I hate globalism, because I don't want SJWs ruling the world. It is better for nations to go through their own troubles on their own and leave the other countries out of it. It may seem difficult in these times, but a country should pull themselves out of whatever shit they are in without the help of others.
Since when is Turkey at war?
The left wanted this, though they may deny it.
They will continue to defend immigrating these people.
Liberalism has achieved levels of mental disorder.
>tfw lazy bum but far-right
Turkey, will be removed
No more rapefugees, there all your fucking problem now
I hope you're at least keeping your body in good health.
We'll need lot of meat to man the death squads ladm8
the Jews fear the Samurai
the Left know deep down that the Japanese are too strong for any emotional appeal
every single "refugee" happening only strengthens them
they learn't very, very early from those Okinawan beasts
It's simple, Jews fear the samurai
But really it's because Asian woman usually aren't dumb cunts.
>27 Muslim ‘refugees’ taken in by Japan in 2015
>two Turkish nationals have already gang-raped a woman
1 muslim on 13.5 is a rapist
Persecuting people for their crimes is so racist.
Because they're not white, duh.Only white countries need diversity, 99% nigger and 99% asian countries are totally ok as they are.
This is why that million flip nurses scare me so much.
Look at this pic.
The half-breed are going to be retards, and they'll each have a vote.
Let us hope the west fall soon, and with it that hateful bringer of oblivion, democracy.
there are international laws with sanctions if not applied
k*rds have found a way to move in japan, saying they have no security of life with their tribal vandettas
when applying for asylum japan has to take them because of those laws and k*rds can confirm that they indeed have vandettas (even if they don't) to be able to live in japan
it's ok tho since k*rds are better than turks and they'll use this tactic to spread around the world you people can deal with them instead of us
>this video
Mate Facts and statistics are racist.
>tfw east asian+nordic mastermix
Kys wap
Dont care hope more women get brutilized.
they don't need any promotion, the video is just decleration
if you live in france you know k*rds already
they'll tell eachother how easy it's in somewhere else compared to turkey and they'll do anything to get there and shit it up
soon you'll see k*rds bitching about work conditions and their human rights, if their wishes not met they'll protest day in and out
or they could be angry about other k*rds in turkey/iraq/syria/iran
It has nothing to do with that. It's because the kike can't pass itself off as a jap to infiltrate them.
Japan doesn't have globalist jewish elements to undermine their nationalism.
Even though you guys hate us, I think you guys are pretty based. Never change and I hope those turks get their dicks cut off
The women voted for it.
Oh an just to shitposting
How do you know she didnt regret it and called rape?
Your father's an anime weeaboo cuck with a small cock? Cuck genes. Cuckie.
Japan needs to become more mutlicultural
A few rapes and an increase in crime and terrorism are acceptable risks
Japs aren't like our women, they don't just go running around screaming rape at everyone and everything
I want to produce hafu abominations tbf
Fuck off yellow fever virgin
wheres the webm of that japanese guy assassinating a communist with a sword.
Shut the fuck up, you miserable faggot. Go pound some Timbits up your pooper.
My mamma is not my pappa xddddddd
Just so you know most east asians hafus here in sweden are anti-immigrant so its win-win
>runs away from his country
>expected to behave properly
That's why USSR allowed so little immigrants
Not if they force feminize him. No raping if you dont have dick or nuts left.
they are kurds from a 5k large kurdish refugee colony in japan from turkey
we have gone through this so many times senpai
Is your father or mother Asian and from what country? Do you feel like a supreme gentlemen sometimes? Do you hate your parents? Did you get bullied?
I'm asking because my girlfriend is Japanese and we plan to get kids in future.
Videos related
>force feminization as a punishment
Really, Sweden?
the first video is somewhat complicated
the aforementioned kurdish colony attacked turkish nationals who were going to the voting booth in the turkish embassy as such the fight in the video started
around %70 of the "turkish nationals" in japan are actually kurdish
second video i do not care for, just some muzzies
it's not a punishment in swedes mind, it's an award
We have a lot of these poor refugees in our shared coutnry and THERE ISN'T a single issue with them.
This is some far-roght Trump propaganda. When I see sources that confirms my opinion then I will believe this.
Mother is Korean.
I dont think I have ever felt like a supreme gentleman but you might have to elaborate on what you mean.
I dont hate my parents, but they fought quite a bit during my upbringing ;_;
I got bullied because for looking Asian here in Sweden, not because of hafu. Back in korea i have never been bullied but society treats me differently because i am hafu.
he is pointing out that you are most likely mentally ill, compared to not race mixed kids
this is like belgians saying its walloons doing the raping they are still turkish citizens
why not both?
do you post on the reddit happa group? you would enjoy it, seems like half of them are from here honestly. Rest of reddit hates them, so you know its good.
We are so foolish that we did not learn from japan. Europeans tried to subvert political control of Japan through christianity, yet we've become blind to jewish and islamic subversion.
They were smart enough to just ban christianity completely for a while. China has the foresight to keep them in check by retaliating against muslims as a group when muslims misbehave.
> this is your brain on hijab
You know what to do, Tojo. Take his head.
Based Nippon. I wish we had our shit together like you do.
>>The girl suffered ... subcutaneous bleeding, due to a kiss to the face.
Something lost in translation?
>elaborate on what you mean
I think this mainly occurs if the father is a beta (which is more likely if he has an Asian wife) and the mother selfhating
Accepted in double digits. Fuck. Jealous.
basically he gave her a hickey?
Actually, Japan used to have a lot of Jewish refugees in the past but they all voluntarily left.
According to Japanese census, only 2000 Jewish people live in Japan now compared to the past.
>soon you'll see k*rds bitching about work conditions and their human rights, if their wishes not met they'll protest day in and out
So basically just muslims.
Since it's coming from a roach it's probably slightly better than that with kurds.
I will gladly take the hijab off your mother and sister and breed them like animals while you jerk your tiny mutilated peepee.
>have almost no jews
>nation is safe and will survive in the future
>Turks ruined Germany
>Turks are ruining Japan
Watch out Italy!
It's hilarious how the left defends this but thinks that rape culture exists. Trump can't win enough.
>No korean-caucasian there
I don beliv it
No, I didnt even know that such a group existed. Gonna check it out now tho.
Hah, I am not a supreme gentleman at all then. Neither of my parents are beta desu my mom is a proud nationalistic korean while my dad is a redpilled swede (votes sd)...
Jean Nigger, les flip s'intègrent très bien partout, tu penses bien aussi que les infirmières ne font même pas partie de cette moyenne statistique. Pour t'illustrer la chose, c'est comme si l'on avait des migrants qualifiés chez nous, un rêve.
Japan may be a nation of inferior non-whites but even I'll admit I'm envious of their nationalism and willingness to not put up with ((((their)))) meddling.
Anyone have an english source?
Ah that makes sense
Christ, they look like kpop/jpop idols after plastic surgery but they're natural.
Still against race mixing, but will admit they're cute.
He was arrested for his CRIME, not for his nationality.
What is the point of this thread?