God, drumpftards are so fucking retarded

God, drumpftards are so fucking retarded.

I bet most of you already regret supporting him but won't admit it.

Nigger I am so god damn happy i can't even describe it

nah he still cool

>sandburning whore gets btfo
>this somehow makes trump bad

The coal is freezing with Trump

She burned the coal, now she pay the toll

Trump makes bold promises all through the campaign
Starts fulfilling them within the first week

Im ok with this

So many ctr threads whats happening

"Ohhh Nooo I cant get my sandnigger husband home!!! cryyhhyhyhyhyHYH"

shut the fuck up you ugly hag. Trump 2020

She's a retarded then, he said he'd do this fucking months ago

lel bitch thought she was ok

Everyday is like Christmas.

I regret it. Once the muslim ban started affecting people I knew, I realized what a terrible mistake I made.


I regret nothing, in fact I grow prouder by the day.

I bet you regret not supporting him. You are missing out on the winning of the century.

Who? God or Trump? Enjoy our next 8 years faggot. We are doing the Lord's work and you Demonic Satan worshippers don't like it.

Too fucking bad.

Kill yourself, pendejo


Looks like the apostate is going to have to convert or be drone'd.

not on your life, taco boy.

Are you ready for the 2nd Mexican/American War?

due to the current land usage Trump is going to have to annex land if he wants a good wall