>Town called Serbian Nigger
Just racist my shit up!
>Town called Serbian Nigger
Just racist my shit up!
>Mountain Nigger
Little Saturday 70% Magyar nao!
you got me there...
What are the original names? I know most of them, but not all.
Little Saturday>Mala Subotica
Serbian Defender> Srbobran
Serbian Nigger > Srpska Crnja
Bachka Small Town > Backa Palanka
New Now > Novi Sad
Share the Mud > Deliblato
Hey, Wolf! > Kurjace
Black Pond> Crna Bara
White City > Beograd
Roll's > Valjevo
And so on....
You can find most places on maps.google.com
I always knew Serbs love black angels as much as we do
Not quite... But would be nice.
>Guilty Whirlpool
This isnt a map of Sweden, right?
Well, Serbian as in belongs to us
Literally nigger enslavement town
>Share the Mud
U serious?
Actually it's because part of the name (deli) is turkish, in turkish it means big but a similar word exist, deliti, which means to share
Real translation would be Big Mud
And Novi Sad is New Plantation not New Now
As a Croatian even I can admire the name Beograd.
We always liked black angels
Srpsko srce voli crnce
fuck off reddit
giv back Vojvodina you fucking slavs
hahaha thats so funny hahaha
nigger your entire country is flat land you don't need any more of it
this, tons of other names does't make sense either
whoever made this clearly doesn't speak serbian
>Split, Croatia
Street literally named Nigger's Street.
That map is inaccurate because it shows Kosovo as a part of Serbia.
>Upper Frog's
Shadilay, praise Srpska!
Pine Tree niggas where we at
>Serbian Nigger > Srpska Crnja
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