>TFW Canada, Germany and the Nordic countries are the best countries in the world
You can meme all you want about immigrants. We are still the best places in the world to live in.
>TFW Canada, Germany and the Nordic countries are the best countries in the world
You can meme all you want about immigrants. We are still the best places in the world to live in.
Other urls found in this thread:
"You can meme all you want about immigrants."
Looks like you already know why you're wrong. No need.
I'm guessing Jealousy is your wife's name, and Success the refugee you took in?
>pay Ontario taxes
>kill thyself
Go fuck yourself. Your pathetic country is affecting ours. We are so insignificant in the global scheme, so we have to resort to being the nicest countries in the world. And it started with you
Get rid of the shitskins and make Nordic Countries Great Again
Sweden to become a Third World Country by 2030, according to UN
Oops, you forgot America. That's alright, though I forgive you, since you're irrelevant.
Sweden is only so high because of their redefinition of rape. Saying "hi" to a woman is rape.
>Swedes and their low-key nationalism
Go suck off ahmed or he'll behead your mother
So, men are thrown in jail for saying hi. Ok, it's much better now that you described how it is.
Shitaly already is third world.
Mamma mia!
t. mr. 48%
This is enough to mock you, just looking at the map.
People complain about "no go zones" in Sweden as if it's some wild concept. America has muuuuuuch worse places, and infinitely many more ghettos in their country. Does that spell the end of America? Nay.
Our cops are just a bit cucked. When they can't walk into a shopping center without getting assaulted they call it a no go zone and call in the special forces.
Don't go to the ghettos of Sweden, anywhere else you are fine.
>Stockholm is rape capital of Europe
Is shitposting your way of escaping the reality?
Never compare us to you, you filthy disgusting bbc loving faggot Homo Peter
Pierre you already lost your country.
>We are still the best places in the world to live in.
Every time you masturbate about your superiority, a thousand shitskins plan to move to your countries. I suppose you like it, the fact that refugees want to move in is the only thing that give validation to your otherwise irrelevant nations.
Where the FUCK is my home country you svartur typpið elskandi Svíi
>arbitrary bullshit number
shut the fuck up eurocuck, talk shit when you've actually been to this country.
>Lived in Stockholm for 30 years now
>Haven't heard of anyone outside of the papers having gotten raped
The raping only happens in the suburbs, by people who know each other, and the definitions are so damn broad here in Sweden that if you grab a girl's ass, she can go to her school counsellor or principal, and they'll file it in as sexual assault which ends up as rape.
If you would be fair and define it the same way for the USA you would not be able to deny "college rape culture".
It is a liberal thing and they like to increase the rape stats for further agenda pushing.
Can't say I'd prefer any of those countries. I'm fine right here.
>proceeds with talking shit about nordic countries
lol, hombre
>We are still the best places in the world to live in.
exactly. by 2020 every city in the peninsula will look like malmö. the standard of living will plummet to sub-greece levels. when that happens i'm moving either somewhere way south of way north.
>And thus the pot called the kettle black.
Some of the worst countries in the world, fuck off.
Oh hi gypsy, how's your apartment building holding up, about to crumble soon?
>Small populatio nation in Europe
>Has No Go zones
>You see if you avoid them it's fine
Can you deny reality some more?
I live in a large house in a mountain village.
But thanks for getting triggered.
canada is shit
people on this board are delusional than germany, sweden are worse than canada. there is nothing worse than canada
Why do people save empty bottles?
Wow such immigrants, they're everywhere, really guise!
your entire country was a no go zone a few decades ago
The fact that Sup Forums believes in what is more or less just Russian desinformatsya is astonishing. get a grip
the reason Sweden (and the rest of the Nordics, I assume) are failing is because of the degeneracy of social democracy. it's a hybrid system where the contradictions and disadvantages of having a middle path between socialism and capitalism now outnumber the benefits.
Guys it's a warzone over here, heard about the no-go zones? AhHhhh helpppppppp ---
Trust me mate, it aint a meme, save your country.
>No captcha
Get your shit together Sup Forums.
Not even during the communist take over did we have people commit grenade attacks. And Romania's rape and murder statistics have always been quite low all over the board.
The worst place you can be in Romania will just get your shit stolen.
What the fuck are you trying to say snow nigger?
No really what the fuck are you talking about?
Russians are blamed again
Forgot picture because my gramps is talking.
>best country
>anything but australia
I get wanting to go with the immigration is destroying the country meme to give SD more power but lets be real, it's pretty fucking great here.
Du gamla du fria du fjällhöga nord.
Fight for Nordic supremacy, huh? Sounds like Nazism to me. No, we have built modern countries, and we do not wish to regress. If you dislike it, then I suggest you go to a psychologist.
>look I got no arguments but here are pictures of hot girls
>Canada, Germany and Sweden
Just look at yourself Svensker:
Your crime rates are second only the that shithole warzone Ukraine.
your average restaurant in stockholm.
sure we're becoming a third world country rapidly tho
majority of americans have never sat in a place like this ever in their lives and would consider this luxury.
I consider it lunch.
You're a gypsy, you should be honored I even answered you.
Maybe if your hackers would stop implanting Muslim rapists into Sweden you'd be left alone
>Not even during the communist take over did we have people commit grenade attacks.
We're not talking the same language senpai.
While you're talking about grenade attacks in Sweden we talk about accidentally bumping into a tit constituting rape
facts remain the same. your entire country was a no go zone only a few decades ago.
its failing because you dont have and will never have any power over your government. they can take away all your shit any time they choose, and import as many refugees as they want, you liberal meme of a country.
>obvious festival or flea market aimed at immigrants
Fuck off.
Literally seen the same place in Turkey when on holiday years back. Get fucked sven.
As you return to your car after a delicious lunch, you notice that a gang of arabs have burnt your car.
Should have spend extra 500 kronor on secured parking! Oh Sven!
>Look I got no arguments but I see your flag is the Romanian flag so I will call you a gypsy
>Swedes think this is fancy
>Obvious festival.
Suuuuuuuure. If (at best) its a festival its to celebrate the new swedes.
Wait, isnt your country the one with that one chick singing the national anthem while literally fucking a black guy and promoting race mixing?
Also, are you really telling us you ARENT being flooded?
What would you call 'being flooded'? Do you think it means you are being blacked in a single day? A week?
No friendo, this program takes years but just because it takes time that doesnt mean its not happening. It has also been happening for quite a while now.
>would consider this luxury.
>Not talking the same language
>Somehow Swedens feminist rape clasification changes what a grenade attack is
Nigger there have been multiple Grenade attacks in Malmo between gangs.
And define no go zone m8. Neither the r8 nor the murders went up a significant ammount after the revolution.
great, now gypsies/refugees can solicit 'donations' as customers eat.
Then why are there news every week about gang rapes? Especially this year and Its only januart.
hmm where should i eat today
>autistic screeching from commie gypsys in romania while they sit outside our grocery stores and beg for 1/250 people to give them a nickle
Can't wait until we outlaw public begging. Would tank Romania's economy.
Not even close.
Yet, you are importing people that will turn your country into 3rd world shithole in insane numbers.
It's Sergels torg in Stockholm. Also look at the dresses they are wearing, it's obvious that it's some kind of holiday or special event.
>Wait, isnt your country the one with that one chick singing the national anthem while literally fucking a black guy and promoting race mixing?
Look up Grotesco, who made it, they are a comedy group making parodies all the time.
>Also, are you really telling us you ARENT being flooded?
Yes. We do get immigrants but it's no way near as bad as Sup Forums makes you believe
Did you know there are Dragons in Sweden?
Kind of funny how much better Denmark is compared to Sweden in every conceivable way despite the size differences. Really shows how Sweden has always been nothing more than the unimpressive backwater of the Nordic countries. Norway colonized unknown and faraway places, Denmark conquered European lands with millions of inhabitants, and Sweden subjected a few primitive Slavs and Finns. Your past and modern history is a fucking joke, you are and have always been an embarrassment. What little you won from Denmark, Skåne, you've turned into a total shit hole. You can't even properly govern a small piece of land properly, you're pathetic.
Car burns are a way for people to commit insurance fraud.
>Pol actually believes people go around burning cars in Stockholm
If Ferrari's and Porsche's here were burned en masse you'd hear a louder outcry from the public who's possessions were destroyed
You don't. You only read about car burn statistics without knowing what they mean.
Stay informed though Sup Forums. Sweden will collapse in a decade.
Now this is what we like to call lillebrorskomplex.
>when your countries literally look like 2 dicks on top of one another.
Get out ultra faggots
Except that its a real thing in Stockholm.
My sister has to keep her car parked in secured car parks because poor, misunderstood children of african descent are burning cars.
yes, sweden, its always summertime in your country isnt it. that deck lunch is comfy for about two weeks out of a year.
>Sup Forums makes me believe
Thats where you are wrong friend, I have nothing better to do so I google shit.
Sweden (mainly on the political front) is fucked. Germany is fucked. My country (when it comes to the left) is fucked.
Belgium has always been fucked.
France is fucked and has the same 'no-go zones' as Sweden.
I get it, you're defending Sweden on the internet, you should however be defending Sweden in real life. Or rather by """""""voting""""""" for change.
Except insurance company will not pay you anything when its a fraud. You guys must have expensive car insurance. They are not stupid at the insurance company.
Are you saying we have 52 rapes a year? Oy vey, Sweden is coming to an end
>Wait, isnt your country the one with that one chick singing the national anthem while literally fucking a black guy and promoting race mixing?
It's a joke at your expense, you moron
>The older, more practically minded, and more cultured country is the little brother.
You may want to give sources that agree with you the same amount of scrutiny that you give sources you disagree with. You know, just to look like a little bit less of a retard. In this case, the quoted UN report projects Sweden to have an HDI of 0.906 in 2030.
Third world or "low human development" are countries with an HDI of less than 0.55 ... so yeah.
Just general advice for you or anyone reading this. Pay a little bit more attention and your world view might change (and people will laugh at you a little bit less)
Reminder France has exactly the same problem and thus its a real thing.
>Hurdur there are still cars untouched.
Oh so that can only mean there is no 'car-burning-problem'?
Is it.. though? Is it really? Because the way I look at it, its 'your' video that promotes that shit (regardless of it either being a joke or serious, frankly I don't care, the message is the same).
If it's at anyone's expense, it may very well be you and all of swedenstan friend.
>more cultured
>Sweden is not cucked
>Sweden is not full of nignogs and smelly beheaders
oh no it's winter. how will we ever survive the amazing comfy christmas shopping
A guy being held accountable for rape for grabbing a girls ass shows how cucked you are you oblivious faggot.
oh no winter has come that means outdoor begging is not possible, how will we ever recover
That's the part you attacked? Yeah, Danes are more cultured than Swedes. You don't even have a culture anymore, and what little you had was inferior in the first place.
The bogs are behind this post
is this a meme?
>secured car parks
i don't want to know what neighbourhoods your sister visits, probably for the better.
Well I personally don't care at all about Canada.
I keep seeing swedes act like their country is better than ever and nothing bad is happening while ahmed spreads his seed in their wives.
I have to agree on this. Swedish gun laws are fucked - what we did have to compensate was mandatory military service. Only a generation ago, every male member of society knew how to shoot anyway. there were large emergency stores of weapons, munitions, vehicles and provisions available to any local commander. this was supposed to serve as a large enough threat in case of an illegitimate seizure of power... also to defend against Russia... in force, and not only this bullshit internet fake news, which I sadly have to spend my day doing
the abolishment of mandatory service is a shame to our country. pressure is mounting though to bring it back, though.
Hässelby Strand is apparently garbage.
Oh well, so is the whole city nowadays.
Ahmed's Seed + Wife, this is literally all the subhumans from the U.S. can say. The Jews sure did a trick on your mind buddy.
It's not even the immigrants that are bad in Sweden. It's the fact that they have femminists up the wazoo. The country is so tumblr tier they had a feminist snow clearing policy in the capital.