This is the cuck from the big bang theory and his wife at the SAG awards the other night. What are the chances writing "let them in" in black market on his wife's chest was his idea?
This is the cuck from the big bang theory and his wife at the SAG awards the other night...
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is this real?
She seems to already enjoy the idea of cucking her husband with poor Ahmed.
all these rich hollywood fucks should sponsor a handful of refugees. let the refugees live with them in their homes.
what an asshole. hes lying to people. refugees are not welcome.
There's no way he's Jewish though, just look at that strong Aryan face and manly physique!
How many Syrian orphans are the putting up at their place, 4, 16, 0?
It's 0 right? I thought so.
Daily reminder that all of the modern degernacy comes from the US. If that country wouldn't exist jews wouldn't have a puppet mainly becasue Nazis would've won since US was the never ending source of materials man power.
Thank you USA for giving us this bright future, let me suck your dick!
She wants to be culturally enriched
That is one plain looking broad though.
>weird pinched face
>no tits whatsoever
>strangely sunken chest
>can't be more than 5' tall, her husband is 5'2 including his hair
What a shit show of a couple. Nobody even knows his actual name, he's just HOWID.
a free way to get social media attention, increasing your earnings potential. its a low risk trade off considering they are not going to be the targets of the ISIS remnants that are now fleeing
Why is this surprising? Isn't he a turbo Jew
And then they go home and snort coke to put up with their false life, it's all an act, no wonder they all die early.
Name one actor with right wing ideals.
pick one
A snivelling Jew manlet that is famous for playing a stereotypical snivelling Jew manlet complete with domineering mother in one of the most unfunny shows in the history of television.
And his wife is fucking ugly
Trump must be cowering in the corner of the Oval Office as we speak
That guy has stereotypical jewish features. That's why he got his job. Oh, and the fact that he sold out his own political conscience to get work.
>ISIS remnants
Nice fake news. 4 months on and 112,000 Iraqi and Kurd forces still haven't taken Mosul from 8000 fighters(circa early December 2016). ISIS made gains in Syria,Libya,Somalia,Yemen and Egypt aswell as their African allied army cutting their way through the Sahel of Africa. Raqqa is still untouched.
They are still raking in $600mn a month.
What will happen is the military element of them will eventually be destroyed but their ideology will remain as it has for the last 1400 years. The veterans will slip into the west as "refugees" and then pop up in the heavily muslim areas of Europe(there are many to choose from) and start it in the heart of Europe instead.
James Woods
Kelsey Grammar
Clint Eastwood
isnt mel gibson right wing
>Clint Eastwood
>Not self-established enterprise
Come on.
>James Woods
>Kelsey Grammar
Ok, extra hard mode. Actors who are employed.
>let them in
oh she surely would and he would let that happen
Yeah, but you'd hardly call him an employed actor. The man is rich as shit, makes his own movies, the way we wants them. He is not a cucked actor wageslave.
Our man Mel
yeah i agree with your hardmode post
James Woods still gets work.
I think Gary Sinese(?) might be conservative
The eternal two-faced jew.
Ok fair enough, extra extra hard mode. Actors who work in the mainstream media, who didn't make their success in the 1980's.
He played a literal jew as well.
This can't be real!
Jon Voight
Clint Eastwood
Sylvester Stallone maybe?
I'm not sure if I can confirm but I think the Rock and VInce Vaugh could fit that description
>steps out of gated community
>steps back in, lock the gate, put an armed guard next to it
Hollywood is hilarious
don't forget Mel Gibson
>Jon Voight
Self-made enterprise
>Clint Eastwood
Self-made enterprise
>Sylvester Stallone
Come on dude, his first movie made him his own man.
>the Rock
The literal definition of a left-wing sellout
>VInce Vaugh
Nice, I do agree, somewhat.
The Rock is a registered Republican at least according to wikipedia. I can image he tows the line though.
voicing conservative opinions as an employed actor in hollywood is basically a death sentence for their career. some of them may agree with Trump but will never reveal it.
The rock voted obama.
Yeah, very true. He's not very outspoken about his own beliefs.
I bet it has double meaning and he wants to watch. Thing is when Islam finishes humiliating him they will kill him.
Can a human be this stupid?
Chris Pratt
his wife looks like she is 55 years of old.
Yeah, ok, fair. However, he only made his beliefs known after he made it and is now worth too much to be thrown away.
Wtf he looks like a typical kike.
Yeah, exactly.
>tows the line
>for all intensive purposes
They have instructions to go slowly to avoid killing children.
Good thing I am in in control. It would be over today.
>Oval Office
Brit bong education everyone.
Just drop this fucker in a no-go zone, right next to a gang rape and a mugging, no money in his pockets and no cell phone.
>Go fucking welcome them.
xD gated community maymay
kill the nigger jews
Helberg was born on December 9, 1980, in Los Angeles.[3] He is the son of actor Sandy Helberg and casting director[4] Harriet Helberg.[3] He was raised in Judaism, "Conservative to Reform but more Reform as time went on."[5]
Another fucking berger-burger.
>What are the chances writing "let them in" in black market on his wife's chest was his idea?
He 100% got the idea from a cuck porn site
thats why you dont marry women from your age but 10-15 years younger
men peek at 35 while women peek at 20 for a reason
What annoys me about millionaire gated community dwelling leftists is, they like to virtue signal about importing hoards of third world rapists, safe in the knowledge that at the end of the day, they themselves won't have to live amongst them.
Oddly enough, I just found out that Adam Sandler is a registered Republican... Take from that, what you will
Pol-bro get's it.
a location or area, especially one regarded as secluded or remote.
How many refugees do you think they could fit into their home?
>Kelsey Grammar
which is funny, because I was thinking about Fraiser the other day and who he would have voted for-- definitely that character would lean left along with Niles. Only the cantankerous father would be a trumpian.
But the actor himself. Wow!
SEND IN!.....
THE ((("ACTORS!")))
BBT is hilarious.
Well, of course, he owns his own production company. He's hardly an employed actor.
Who could be behind this post?
This is a good thing. This is how the hard left infiltrated hollywood.
I agree. Well, I dare say they didn't inflitrate. Rather, they started their own empire.
Angie Harmon
Paris Hilton
Chuck Norris
Jean-Claude Van Damme
James Caan
Dean Cain
Extra hard mode.
Currently employed actors.
>Angie Harmon
>Paris Hilton
Haha, come on man. HILTON. HILTON!!
>Chuck Norris
Self-made enterprise
>Jean-Claude Van Damme
Self-made enterprise
>James Caan
Self-made enterprise
>Dean Cain
Employed actors please.
This. These faggots don't have to deal with all the bullshit these "refugees" bring to communities. Maybe they should get a healthy dose of cultural enrichment.
Let them cum in
wtf I hate jews now
Can we get a #refugeeswelcum going
It needs an arrow pointing down that front window on her dress.
Is Adam Baldwin still employed?
Someone needs to shop it "I LET THEM COME INSIDE" on her chest
If I had to guess, Frasier would have voted McMullin, Niles would have voted Hillary, and Gramps would have voted Trump.
Self-made enterprise
Animal mother is still in Vietnam killin gooks and communists.
So yes, in a sense he is still employed because the jobs not done.
top tier
>look how progressive and cool we are