What should be done about the NEET problem? Should NEETs be rounded up and executed or forced to go into work camps?
I think we can all agree that they are worse than niggers because at least some niggers work.
What should be done about the NEET problem? Should NEETs be rounded up and executed or forced to go into work camps?
I think we can all agree that they are worse than niggers because at least some niggers work.
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Mate I'm a NEET who is trying to change. We don't all enjoy the situation.
>not realising that being a NEET is the ultimate redpill
Fucking nu/pol/
They are work shy, NatSoc Germany forced them to work for a bit, then released them after the behavior was corrected, a little tough love can reform them.
Pick one.
universal income
legal prostitution, free succ tokens
make bennigan's great again
i think forced work camps is something that might work, we had work camps here for children back in the gommunis days, honestly im too weak to change by myself, ive tried, so i think a mandatory work camp where they make you do shit for some time to get used to the real world would be great, i mean we have mandatory 9 month military service but i dont think its quite the same.
Work camps please. Thats easier than finding a job
There's nothing redpilled with NEETdom you poo. Give me back my money that you stole from me CIA welfare.
>What should be done about the NEET problem? Should NEETs be rounded up and executed or forced to go into work camps?
Please just execute me. I didn't choose to live like a NEET, and I'm not happy with life at all. This wasn't what I wanted. Fucking kill me.
But until I die, I will fight for what is right for my countrymen that have able bodies, can work, & care about their country.
I'm NEET and I'm trying to change
I've been taking a ton of vitamins and supplements to try and cure my depression and anxiety lately
recently with this I've started to come out of my haze and felt motivated to do things
Life is ridiculously easier if you don't have depression. and if you do being NEET is usually just the result of it
Typical Slavic people
>What should be done about the NEET problem?
Abolish alimony and single mothers welfare. Female NEETs are most numerous so they should be tackled first.
You job is to pick apples.Every apple that you pick has a market value of 10$.
Your employer gives you half the profit. Now you have 5$. Apply personal income tax to it odf 30% - now you have 3.5$. Every dollar that you spend is taxed - from VAT , property tax, customs etc .... Now you have 2$. due to inflation, your money loses value,now you have 1.5$. For every 1.5$ that you earn , you owe 2$ to you goverment.
For every 10$ apple that you pick, you earn -0.5$. Now go work goyim! (and don't forget to tip the waiter)
what have you been taking?
Im not really into the pharmajew pills that are specifically made for depression, so vitamins n shit is the only best thing for me.
b vitamins
vitamin c
high doses niacin
Dude, just study Kierkegaard and ignore the religious stuff.
oh yeah and magnesium and fish oil
Yes good goys, remember no matter how much you earn just keep working 35-50 hours a week. Please do not think about the fact early humans worked at most 2 hours a day.
Remember never save, this hurts the jew..vertment
you see neets all the time on Sup Forums because this is where autists are drawn to, but have you ever looked around and noticed how many women are NEET around you in real life?
It's fucking ridiculous, why do men even have to pay women alimony in the first place, it honestly makes no sense to me that the man is automatically made to be the breadwinner EVEN WHEN HE HAS BEEN FORCED OUT OF THE HOUSE.
Women are a fucking disease, artificial wombs when?
fuck off aussie bro, leave us neets alone
How did studying Kierkegaard help you? I'm not really into philosophy but I want to start getting into it.
>I am entitled to the full profit because I picked the apple
>I didnt grow it, pay for the land, pay for the care, or pay for the shipping
>this is what NEET think
I genuinely hate you people more that Muslims.
>What should be done about the NEET problem?
Free housing, food and internet.
Also free qt 2D GF.
If I had all that, just maybe I'd be motivated to go work.
Yes goy keep using money HAHAHAHAHA
I know this feel.
>living alone in house that family bought to rent
>times were good for us for awhile, but now they're pretty shit
>been a shut in for nearly a decade
>too old to be on parent's insurance plan now, can't get medication/treatment for mental illness anymore
>no one checks in on me regularly
>things started to break down a few years ago, and I couldn't get them fixed as they happened because the house was a mess (parents would bring shit to me, ask me to store it, and it quickly got out of hand)
>toilet, bathroom sink have leaked all over and ruined the flooring
>water heater exploded, melting a bunch of dry wall and making way for black mold all over the back of the house
>haven't taken a shower in a year because of this
>can't sleep inside because of the amount of aggressive mice
>they got in because the back door's weather stripping wore down
>half of the lights in the house are burnt out or the wiring doesn't function anymore
>subsist on a stream of delivery pizza, whatever else will deliver to me and leave my order on the porch, and delivered groceries paid for with mturkbux ($150/month)
>store food on back porch in a cooler because of mice and the fact that none of the fridges work anymore
>no local agencies give a shit about an unattached fairly young white male, called multiple times over the years
>any sort of housing project has an 18 month or longer wait list
>been denied twice for NEETbux, no will to apply again yet and properly wait for a hearing (12 month wait list)
>have slept with face down on my computer desk for the past few days because it's too cold to sleep in my car
>can feel legs struggle due to circulation issues from sitting like this all the time
>just want a graveyard shift job to work with a housing allowance for 3-4 months to start me off
>even this is out of my reach
>in the absence of hope, I pray for death everyday
Webm very related, it's where I shitpost from (trash is years old in some cases).
it's winter and I'm only qualified for labor jobs, and I live in the middle of suburbia with no car, and it's winter. I'm going to speak to a military recruiter as soon as possible. that's basically my only option right?
KEK WILLS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is true though. Jews are the biggest NEETs of all. All these rich Jews who make billions basically trading stock and currencies and making money via rent and interest need to be hanged. Reform finance and economics and maybe we'll solve the NEET problem but finance Jews should be priority number one not some poor white guy suffering from depression because all the jobs got oursourced by NAFTA and he is forced to deal with the economy anxiety that has ensued.
this praise kek!
go earn your -0.5$ goyim. Go and live the american dream.
If they're not a drag on teh economy, why do they have to work?
>early humans worked for 2 hours a day
This is blatantly false, I would consider them to be working any time they weren't sleeping because survival is a constant battle in the wild.
But I know you're just a pathetic NEET who doesn't know how to function in society. Trump is coming for you, day of the job application when?
Kek where are the feminists to deal with this real injustice.. oh wait.
also I had a job working as a janitor with a team of like 8 kenyan immigrants and had to do the work of 3 people, only to get yelled at by my shitty boss for coming in early and leaving late. all this so I can still leech off my parents and have a few extra bucks to buy booze and video games.
Spot the Jew lads.
Stop perpetuating a system designed to fuck us for trying and reward us for doing nothing.
I will not bust my ass to pay jonquisha and jamal to squeeze out another generation of social problems, and fuck you for thinking I should.
Philosophy helps you think with something else besides emotions and help you become inquisitive about live again by thinking about ideas and not having them told to you in a crappy story or through shit games.
Here, get you started with this
Just give me 4 walls, no windows, a computer with gigabit internet, food, drinks, and a place to piss and i'm all good. Hell if the prison system in the US was like the prison system in other country's i'd go to prison on purpose.
just fucking clean up, what the fuck are you doing
I would give my right arm and leg to own a house
Honestly the fact that you had to make the apple cost 10$ just so you could understand the (incorrect) math you were doing is all I need
You are too stupid to live, natural selection will take you out when you're on the streets after trump takes away your niggerbux, welfare queen.
>the problem of the world are the NEETS
Enjoy your work wagecuck ;)
I can just about smell that through the screen. For God's sake mate, sort yourself out.
>take away all incentive to work and I will work
Hey bud, wanna buy my early access open world survival game?
fuck right wing NEETS are literally hitler
Wtf this is really messed up man. You've basically hit rock bottom if you decide to improve your life any step you take will be a positive one. Isn't that assurance enough? You've basically already failed as possible as a human can (besides dying) and you can only go up from here.
Cut off their autismbux and let them starve to death.
WTF dude
just get $50, order 1 skip, i dunno what you call it in the US, you know those big yellow things that builders usually bring to throw rubbish away
and just fling all that crap out the window into the skip,and job done, like dont have a bath or whatever, but living like that dafuq bro
And like other user said, most of us would get their left foot to be able to have our own home to ourselves.
Makes sense. What books by Kierkegaard would you recommend I start with?
Also thanks for the link.
get a cat to murder the mice and go for a dang run once in a while. both essentially free
>This is not true
>Let me just redefine what work is
lol user plz stop. Tribes that live of the land spend on average 2 hours per day to collect enough to eat and prepare hunting equipment.
The very idea humans are supposed to do the same thing everyday is laughable.
>Billions of galaxies
>Unimaginable stars and planets
>On one chemicals randomly combine
>Life begins and takes billions of years to evolve
>You answer phones and fill out spread sheets
Why did nature even bother?
The last thing this pig needs is a cat crapping all over the place
>sob story
>has a fuckhuge flat screen, laptop, electricity, and internet
Apply at walmart or some other mcjob you dumb self-hating cunt.
Well you should get a base of philosophy first and then study where you want to from there
If you like listening to shit
is the best podcast to date on getting caught up on most ideas
valid point, but cat turds don't bite your lips while you're sleeping
Shieeet. Thanks for the link. I'm gonna check it out now.
>ounded up and executed or forced to go into work camps
I smell commie, are you a commie, son?
It depends on where you sleep owo
Your house is a golden opportunity to get started
remember an arm and a leg with the left ball for a small mancave self.
Because when I'm not filling out paper work and bossing around truckers at work, I'm spending my disposable income on things you will never own.
But hey, you get to eat hot pockets, masturbate to anime, and cry yourself to sleep every night. Living the dream right?
That has nothing to do with family dumping stuff you lazy cunt. half of that shit is pizza boxes.
CRT tv lol
so many memory's playing n64
nah friend I mostly watch anime on my 55 inch tv or playing games on my high end pc between getting up /sleeping when i want.
But enjoy your 3d vision, I am sure it will not be a meme with it's android store tier demos.
depends on age and competency score
if they are able to be put to work then yes, if they are too old execute them, if they are still young enough to save, then do that
if you think some neetbux will take away incentive to work you are pretty fucking stupid desu
employ them
create a massive group of stoic, stalwart, venerable, Patriot Internet Defense Force
He's american
>I think we can all agree that they are worse than niggers because at least some niggers work.
If a "nigger" works, then he's probably not a nigger.
At least NEETs don't mug and kill you on your way home.
Do these delusions help you get through the day?
Nah a life of luxury and relaxation does that because my parents are not abject failures who did not plan on supporting the life they created.
But i can see why that would confuse you wagie, better get ready don't wana be late.
Round 'em up and kill 'em. Couldn't give a fuck less, they aren't useful members of society
DAILY REMINDER that NEETS are the most effective worldwide resistance against the globalist agenda.
The kikes and their minions hate nothing more than a white NEET.
Post a pic of your battlestation with time stamp then lad.
Stop supporting them and let them starve. They will go to find a job real quick.
praise kek, long live the neets
Says the bred slave. Are we Ants now?
>why do men even have to pay women alimony in the first place, it honestly makes no sense to me that the man is automatically made to be the breadwinner EVEN WHEN HE HAS BEEN FORCED OUT OF THE HOUSE.
because men love to be betas by pleasing women
>can't even spell bread
Average NEET folks.
It's not their fault, the average NEET has a sub-nigger IQ.
>Please do not think about the fact early humans worked at most 2 hours a day.
yeah when we lived in the mud huts and most of the job was making sure the wolves aren't going to steal the chickens and pigs
>works 40+ hours a week to finance shlomo´s golden temple, mass immigration and sjw campaigns
>thinks hes smarter than a redpilled NEET
Nope you dumb snail.
It's basic biology, the woman has the means of reproduction. She is the most valuable asset for society.She is the one whos gonna take care of the kid. This is why they are given support/money etc.
Biology, but you dumbass wagies never have time to think.
>look mom, I can troll and be racist at the same time!
>works 60 hours to finance refugee mansions
>thinks his opinion matters
>look mom i came out of the basement!
>Stop watching anime
Honest to God. This waifu shit is poisonous to the mind. inb4 >go back to plebbit.
It's okay to like anime but let's face it you're watching anime for an entirely different reason besides entertainment.
>Start Exercising
At this point it's less about health and more on just getting your act together. The more you exercise the more you'll feel you'll want to improve yourself. Trust me. Read the sticky on /fit/ to get started.
>Stop video games
Or at least don't let it stop you from doing something productive
These are simple but hard pills to swallow but I promise if you truly want out of your NEET life this is how you get started.
Bro I almost cried. That's fucked up. I'm sorry for whatever happened in your life. I've lived in squalor but that is pretty bad.What state?
Obligatory military service at age 18.
>forced to go into work camps?
This would be good because maybe I might meet a friend
>works 60 hours to finance refugee mansions
I don´t though. Part of the Resistance.
I tried to slowly clean it up a few years ago, but apparently when you're too far behind on payments to the city they refuse to pick up your trash. Now I have a huge trash can full of garbage and a $600+ bill to the city just for waste removal. A dumpster would be better, but that's a pretty significant investment here ($300+ to get it here, keep it for a bit, and then have it removed; more if it needs to be emptied multiple times). If it were for yard waste or construction waste there would be no problem on the price, but this sort of waste costs more for some reason.
I've basically given up.
No way I could adopt a cat with the vetting process/wait lists here, much less take care of one/provide for it long term.
>computer and monitors are from the good times
>internet/basic utlities are paid for automatically by parents ($120/month total)
>get a job when I can't even bathe myself or clothe myself or properly rest
Good post.
>drawing conclusions from a single webm of a single room
Good post.
Picture is from the thread in the webm.
>is part of the "resistance"
>the only thing he resists is working
more pictures please
>cheese nips
Oh my god i'm so sorry user.
>mfw i will have to get a shitty job filled with normies in less than 5 months
>mfw i will forever work 7-4 every day for the rest of my life
>mfw i have to pay 85% taxes so abdulla can sit home and smoke crack
Why even live.
>I've basically given up.
Because you're just a self-pitying, lazy cunt. Either stop shitposting here looking for sympathy and do something about it for your parent's sake or just end it.
Stop the crap Sven, you´re Swedish, you don´t have to work a single day in your life.
>get a job when I can't even bathe myself or clothe myself or properly rest
Literally 90% of the people who work at walmart are unwashed retards with mental illness, i worked at one for 3 years.
I felt sorry for you, but now i realize you're a self-pitying piece of human trash who needs to hurry up and die of sepsis. I want to express my deepest condolences to your parents, i would lose my mind if i let the least valuable thing in my life do something like this to a house i own.