
How ya holdin' up lads?

narrowly escaped a week of depression and self pity yesterday. comfy now tho. hbu?

Im feeling good India. Im watching the news and laughing at the anti Trump shit they are spewing.

Pretty good to be h9onest. Did NoFap & NoBooze for whole January so I decided to reward myself by buying some vodka and fapping.

Still recovering from low level depression & anxiety from post acute withdrawal syndrome after quitting weed in November, but overall I'm looking forward to the day my hobbies start to seem interesting again.

Hmm tomorrow I go to get some amphetamines which will be nice, gotta sign up for uni after 2 years of full-time neetism, I'm too anxious to look at the website pls help

If you all claim to have 130+ IQ, there is literally no reason for you not to pursue a degree in a non degenerate field or starting a business.

Fuck all NEET's they are literally parasites on society. They are not as bad as Nigs or spics since they don't commit crime but they are still an embarassment to whites everywhere and especially to your parents.


Not a neet and am literally incapable of being one. Without work I just drink and wish I was back to work. If you are an unemployed faggot give staffing agencies a shot. Just go to google, type in staffing agencies and go in person to apply.

Does Funland have a lot of NEETs?Ive seen a few here.

I saw you talking shit about America in another thread

Its ok Pajeet, we still love you

Its been a great week overall. My country just cant seem to stop winning, feels breddy gud

Went to the dollar store yesterday and bought my normal months worth of SPAM.

It's the NEET superfood

Prolly not me.

depressed, gonna wait til wall building starts and sign up

It's four dollars with some change grandpa.

>pursue a degree
>don't know what I want to pursue a degree in
>no profit

Intelligence and drive to achieve have very little correlation. Being paralyzed by chronic existential crisises certainly doesn't help in becoming successful.

Our ancestors worked hard to make our current society possible, it would be foolish not to enjoy its fruits. Working just for the sake of it isn't particularly alluring.

wage slaves blown out... not that bigly though or anything I guess...

>first basic income experiment in the netherlands about to take off
>blocked by SOCIALISTS

It's a bad feel.


Hey my drunk Denmark friend

Wouldnt not working only ensure that those fruits end with you? We have to leave something for the future friend

I have no idea about exact numbers or percentages, but NEET life is by no means discouraged. The government pays your rent + 485 € free money every month (~1100 € per month in my case). I end up with ~200 € surplus in the end of every month. I would need a salary of like 2500 € to make wageslaving more attractive than being a neet.

That shit expensive anymore, a mouths supply assuming you ate one can a day would be like $65.

Canned tuna is true NEET food, it's 80 of what I eat and i can pretend I'm a catboy

SPAM is much more nutritious than tuna. It also only has six simple ingredients.

My life is abysmal yet I endure.

quads confirm
Kek approves of the NEET lifestyle

Sure, but on the other hand not many jobs even contribute to the wellbeing of the society. If you work for a bank and fill excel sheets for a living, what is the exact value you're providing for your society?

I'm still paying taxes from my unemployment benefits, so technically it can be argued that even by just existing I'm contributing towards maintaining the society.

You Neets need to put on a proper suit, do up your tie and sing the national anthem!

There’s a naked bug at Cold Mountain
With a white body and a black head.
His hands hold two book-scrolls,
One the Way and one its Power(Daodejing).
His shack’s got no pots or oven,
He goes for a walk with his shirt and pants askew.
But he always carries the sword of wisdom:
He means to cut down senseless craving.

Been up for 56 hours now, not good

Who disability bucks here?

Autism doesn't count

Doing okay, OP. Managed to suppress paranoia and bad memories for the last couple of days.

I don't see how you can eat a can a day though. I eat like half a can at a time and have to mix it up with something to stomach it down. I've yet to find a good recipe. I almost made an ok green bean casserole with one though.

NEETs need a large supply of Omega 3 and protein and tuna is GOAT for that

Plus it tastes amazing and goes with everything

Time to brew some coffee friend.

Get jobs or something guys. Make use of yourself and your intelligence if you have it. Whenever I miss school, I dont think "cool day off". Instead I think "holy shit, I shouldn't be missing school". You guys should do the same with job/education whatever. Even if you just volunteer for a charity shop, it'll look good on your CV/Resumé in future. Just make something of yourself.

very bad, I have terible flu

they give me gibs for anxiety and depression :D

Hmm have a nap lad

It does here.
>mfw buying guns with tismbux

Shove aside the autism, do some of those amphetamines you're picking up, and pump through those college apps.

Went through it 2 years ago, not that bad once you get started


You are bretty good people, pajeet. Have a Nice Day!

Me 2, it never made much sense to me, I spent my NEET time studying things like phycology and paying people for anxiety disorders, so we can run away from our fears is unbelievably ironic.

But better going to me rather than some drunk Maori or white trash crackhead I guess

I've been neet for 5 years minus a couple months in 2016 where I worked then lost it for failing drug test

You heard me white boi.

>not good
that's great in Alt Right terms, most are miserable dweebs fantasizing about suicide

Why don't socialists like basic income? Are they our guys?

Which disability?

Recently began a keto diet, now I'm even more sleepy than before.

I really don't like it ether, if it had a shelf life of 5 years instead of 2 it would make good prepper food.

How does that work, paying taxes on benefits?

Like, the logistics of it. If I, the government, give you $5000 and then take $500 back, is it taxes? Or just giving you less money?

Im with you though, most work is meaningless. And while single with no kids theres no shame in NEETing it up, especially in a country such as yours. There is pride in hard work though, theres a certain quiet dignity that comes from honest labor.

This shit has gone too far.


Honestly, the anti-trump propaganda is so Hard and good that I fell for it for a moment when I opened finnish news after a long time.

How did you get the tismbux?


Dude you better start smoking again, blaze it faggot. Weed is the only cure for depression and in my case anger problems. Drinking alcohol is retarded, so russian!

They treated me like one at first even going as far as forcing me to take tests of various kinds. Everyone I meet say I'm a nice break from addicts, violent types and immigrants.

They prefer inefficient 'participation laws' where the unemployed have to virtue signal by applying for jobs they won't get and partaking in expensive programs and courses (created by lefty government employees of course) that are inefficient in helping make people employable.

They want to keep wasting money on their pet projects rather than just straight up giving out money which is cheaper.

Never thought about it that way. thought it was more about them wanting tons of government employees.

Currently being a NEET due to having to take some extra exams and shit, but honestly, how the fuck are you all able to be happy with the neet lifestyle?
It's empty, filled with little social interaction and in the long run all you do is wake up in the morning and sit in front of your PC.

You'll never have kids, never feel proud to go to work each morning, and having enough money to enjoy yourself together with friends and family. Isn't that what it's all about? Ensuring the white birth rate keeps going and all that? Being a neet is the definition of degeneracy, how can you all be so happy about it?

Thank you norbro, my autistic love of them digits keeps the darkness at bay. Keep spreading the Lord's work.

SSI. I had over a decade of psychologist/therapist paperwork on me which probably helped.

Yeah I guess it depends on your point of view, but basically it happens the way you described. Let's say for example that you work for government, is it then any different when you pay some of your salary back to the government in the form of taxes? In both cases you're paid by government and you give a certain amount back.

I agree with you that there's pride in hard work, but still it's good to remember that being employed isn't a requirement for doing hard work. For example, as a moderately succesful musician who publishes all his work free on the internet I could theoretically provide much more value to the world than doing "real" work in some local factory.

This is actually how it's done in LA if you are on welfare and I don't see anything wrong with it. They even make you show up at a government office and punch holes in paper once a month. Then again, I'm white and I suspect blacks are literally just doled out money.

This thread was so depressing it made me get back to work. Learn to code guys, you don't even have to get up from your disgusting desk or interact with humans.


Pulling bits of poo out of my ball hairs it really hurts

The disability of being dutch

I just needed a note from my GP and they never bother me again, being cute, young and white is based tbqh

I got myself a psychiatric test done and got diagnosed with social phobia and ADHD ;_;

Weed sure is fun... until it isn't. These days it seems to act as an X-ray for my life, forcing me to become simultaneously aware of every single negative aspect of my existence. I don't regret the years I spent smoking, but I simply have grown out of it. For the most part, sober life is much more fulfilling and comes with a greater sense of freedom, as I'm not burdened by random urges to get fucked up any more.

I was never happy, i am not happy, i will not ever be happy.

Life still goes on and sometimes you can only make it yourself as comfortable as possible.

How does a non-European even survive as NEET? Are your parents paying everything for you?

I can, but I'd have to interact with someone to get a job..

Im saving up my neetbux to trade commodities

But honestly, how do you see it working out in the long run, isn't it extremely depressing thinking that you're just being paid for doing nothing. After all we're trying to fight degeneracy, not be a part of it.

Not really unemployed and stuck in college, but still a NEET at heart.


But life is a struggle, that's what it's always been, we've just become too comfortable and expect to live in a bubble of luxury due to the welfare state. Isn't fighting through it and eventually reaching that point of happiness what life is about?

6 months into being NEET and doing great. Quit my job to be a full time memester to get Trump elected + I was pretty sure Killary would win and didn't want to spend my last months on Earth working before nukes flew everywhere.

>After all we're trying to fight degeneracy
exactly what im doing


>Currently being a NEET due to having to take some extra exams and shit, but honestly, how the fuck are you all able to be happy with the neet lifestyle?
>It's empty, filled with little social interaction and in the long run all you do is wake up in the morning and sit in front of your PC.
NEET life is only empty if you have a dull inner life and/or require a lot of external stimuli. If you have intellectual interests you can enjoy yourself forever. I don't require much social interaction, my nuclear family and a few close friends are enough for me.

>You'll never have kids, never feel proud to go to work each morning, and having enough money to enjoy yourself together with friends and family. Isn't that what it's all about? Ensuring the white birth rate keeps going and all that? Being a neet is the definition of degeneracy, how can you all be so happy about it?
This depends completely on your evaluation of the situation. If you believe there is hope for a better future starting a family and working might be a good idea. If you don't believe there is hope for a better future it would be an act of futile cruelty to have children.

It's important not to convince yourself that you're going to be NEET forever. If it happens, then it happens. Currently it seems like a better choice than wageslaving. You're never too old to go back to school, so nothing is final in that regard.

I personally won't be having kids because I'm pretty predisposed to depression and couldn't live with the burden of having forcefully created a being whose life is mostly suffering. Or what if your kid is born as retarded? It is a huge gamble and seems very unethical.


going to get job today

suck it fegs


Good luck bro, you got this!

Trying to get my first neetbux 200 euros a month wish me luck

It thrills me to read all these posts by you disgusting fascists that show just how pathetic and miserable your lives are. You're all absolutely tragic little worms.

Good luck senpai

>22 virgin
>living with parents
>share room with 14 year old bro

You on speed? My mate stays awake for a week at a time, im not lying either

Why do you get more amount?

To be honest NEETs exist all around the political spectrum. Success isn't determined by political leaning either.

Could you word that question differently? I don't understand what you're asking.

Thanks for the pathetically obvious platitude, unsurprising coming from someone with no life to speak of. Bad things happen to everyone, it's funny when they happen to fascists.

>14 year old bro

You too buddy

neets should kill themselves
they are literally mussy/nig tier parasites

>getting on a Malaysian bread baking forum at 7am and thinking it represents the whole of anything