Thoughts on Richard Spencer?
Thoughts on Richard Spencer?
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I have nothing against him but he fucked it up for himself by pulling Nazi salute at a critical time of trumps campaign, even if he was taken out of context, he should've been smarter. He's permanently dismissed.
You can tell the artist has a crush on spencer.
I like the cute Pepe armband :3
I like him, I like Milo too.
Never heard anything hes said
He's an idiot. Thought he could pull of a Milo or that trans lady that makes video games. Shit's too disjointed to pull of that heist this time, everyone's already gotten what they can that isn't Hillary Clinton-tier.
of all the tranny comics this one has the worst artstyle
>trying to be a right wing special snowflake
cant even argue with it, he was probably a super SJW, got rejected over some shit, then flipped 180 for attention
he should have been born a fat woman
>I have nothing against him but he fucked it up for himself by pulling Nazi salute at a critical time of trumps campaign,
He raised a glass of booze you 'tard.
Who the fuck is he
>Nazi salute
He never did the salute, watch the fucking video
>Critical time in Trumps campaign
Trump had won the nomination
He actually isn't a Nazi though. He was in the middle of explaining how he isn't a Neo-Nazi when he was viciously assaulted by the literal shit-eating sub man.
Anyone who associates with the "Alt-right" are dumb attention whores
Where the FUCK can I get a Pepe armband?
Does (((Richard Spencer))) sell those?
Fag enabler. Gas him with milo and the kikes.
>self-proclaimed leader of the alt-right
Faggot. I hope he gets raped by negroe dick.
I have absolutely no proof because I have no interest in him, but he look like controled opposition/a shill to me. Also I don't like him because he plays the punchable "nazi" that doesn't defend himself and he said no when asked if he's a "neonazi" etc. Plus he's fat.
He's a straw man the establishment raised up to bash us with.
Not only was the hailgate thing a mistake, but being a visible person espousing his views is crazy. I think alright/pol/etc people should just be underground and infiltrate society. Showing your face and saying these opinions is gonna get your address leaked, get you assaulted, make sure you never work again, etc.
you'd think leftists would be able to appreciate the virtue of "not punching people in the face for having dissenting views"
I don't particularly care for him but he's been handling himself pretty well since he suddenly became the centre of media attention. Didn't cuck out and back down from his stances, but presents them in a reasonably respectable way without attention-whoring like Milo or Cernovich. He's no Jared Taylor but for someone suddenly tossed into the MSM spotlight he's doing a decent job.
This comic is bullshit
>1st panel
He did a video explaining what happened, and suggested that famous White Nationalists should be more cautious at public events.
>2nd Panel
He never did a Roman salute, Red ice was filming it from another angle, he raised his glass. Also can people have a bit of nuance? Calling Spencer a Nazi is like calling Gary Johnson an Ancap
>3rd Panel
He has never advocated safe spaces. He just advised White Nationalists to be cautious of there safety in public in order to prevent attacks.
This comic seems all over the place as well. Why are Shitlibs so bad at humor. Especially shitlib women.
Did he? I thought that was literally the Jews.
Hebes get exposed^
The young turds^
>Didn't cuck out and back down from his stances
But he'll cuck out and back down from a noodle armed bitch who punches him
Not a Nazi, just a guy with some odd thoghts about purist "white culture" and how America was supposedly built upon it. He also make this weirdo case against any imigration and birth rights for imigrants kids. Just watch his interview for Al Jazeera.
He's been playing it safe, trying to keep up the “decent, respectable fascist” image. He knows punching back would be seized upon and twisted beyond recognition by all the media, and thus, whether it's because he doesn't want to threaten this image, or he just doesn't want to deal with even more bullshit, he avoids that.
I understand why many would want him to project more strength and masculinity, but I can't blame him for not taking all those risks just to appeal to some shitposters.
He's a fucking faggot for thinking the rise of the right-wing sentiments on the internet has anything to do with his faggy term he coined at an irrelevant time
Controlled opposition
The alt-right doesn't exist. It's a false movement. Anyone who identifies with it is an idiot.
It's a catch all term to categorise people who are anti-immigration and pro-nationalism. It's a way of applying a label to those who do not conform with liberal views as an attempt to demonise them to the public.
Do not affiliate with groups, it will lead to your downfall.
why are nazis so responsive to literally who webcomics like they're being oppressed?
My first instinct when I get randomly punched like that is to beat the shit out of the bitch who did it.
I can understand and respect that Spencer didn't do anything like that for fear of bad pr, but it sure shows to me that he hasn't really been in battle before because when crap like that happens to me I don't even think. You just react as a survival instinct.
It's sure suck how it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't moment. The last time that I was on (((faceberg))), I saw plenty of posts reposting about how Spencer got punched in the face and everyone was gloating about it. A bunch of fucking normies actually identify with Antifa. It's fucking sickening.
He was sucker punched and the guy ran away literally within seconds of hitting him. Taking a flying elbow to the side of the head means youre gonna be unbalanced and dazed for at LEAST a second, which was enough for the scumbag to disappear into the crowd.
Spencer couldnt have fought the guy even if he wanted to.
He actually got a minor concussion from the blow. A blow he didnt see coming. A blow that basically knocked him off his feet.
And the guy didnt stick around. Watch the video.
Yet Gavin fought back when the same thing happened to him outside the Deploraball (what a stupid fucking name). Dickless Dickie Spencer is just that.
Except the same thing didnt happen to Gavin at all. Do you even watch the videos you comment on?
Gavin turned towards that guy and slapped a phone out of his hand. Then the guy advanced on him while Gavins friends tried to pull him back and Gavin through a few glancing punches that didnt really connect.
These are completely different situations.
All in all I have no real problem with him.
But saying that the US should be ruled by whites or that it should be 90% white is a bit weird, considering the current state in terms of demographics.
He should be promoting peaceful segregation.
The "nazi" stuff is mostly just memes. I don't expect the normies to get it or the mainstreem meteor to not spin it in their favor.
Now they're trying to meme
>hurr hurr let's all punch Nazis lolololol
Faggot should have just punched back twice as hard and shut them down. The image of a Neo Nazi thumping an antifag into a coma is superior to the antifag looking strong.
This is why I respect Milo, he knows exactly how deep he's getting into liberal shit and comes out looking great most of the time. Not weak and fragile.
spencer actually ran away from the guy that hit him
seconds after getting hit you can clearly see him 20 feet away from the interviewer
>stop rebutting arguments against your point of view.
He does promote peaceful segregation. If you watch his interviews, he says that he doesnt even advocate for a plan of action because he views his ideal society as a far away thing.
He specifically points out that he doesnt see his vision coming to pass any time soon, and denounces any violent means of seeing it come to pass.
Controlled opposition. He is a comic book character given physical form and comes off as trying entirely too hard. Complete undermensch.
I wouldnt call that running away. He never even saw the guy. He doesnt notice the blow coming in until it actually hits the side of his head. Itd be like if youre standing somewhere and you suddenly see white accompanied by a force that rocks your head and body to the side. He probably CAREENED from the blow, which is normal, and would have likely been dazed and walking it off seconds afterwards. He was, after all, given a minor concussion.
At best, controled oposition
At worst, russian plant (wife and budapest)
Gas him
As someone who disagrees entirely with Spencers entire point of view, it sounds like you havent even listened to a word he has to say.
He says just enough to sound intelligent, but with all the guile of a sideshow barker.
>Posts comic to convey an argument
>Attempts to refute argument conveyed in comic
>"LOL u triguurred!!!?!"
Why do leftists do this? They try to use memes that originated on the right wing against us? Do you lack the creativity to create your own memes?
>This is why I respect Milo, he knows exactly how deep he's getting into liberal shit and comes out looking great most of the time. Not weak and fragile.
It might be different if someone punches him, which many want to do.
It was actually two kikes and tila tequila.
Spencer and everything around him is a badly forced meme.
He is the most watered down white nationalist type I have ever seen in my life. He basically is, and freely admits to being, a white response to identity politics on the left. He talks about how he respects the core sentiment behind the Black Lives Matter movement because it reflects his desire to see the various races banding together in identity groups.
He is kinda like a white Louis Farrakhan.
Liberals always seem to think White Supremacy is a synonym for White Nationalism. They're two different things. Richard Spencer is. A bit of a looney and should've done more to condemn the more Neo-Nazi members of the Alt-Right.
You see, this is pathetic.
Bikers for Trump is strong and gives the impression of hard, working-class men who could smack down a liberal in a fight and leave the liberal crying about intellectual superiority like a little bitch.
Spencer is a pseudo-intellectual pseudo-NatSoc faggot who doesn't carry himself like a Neo-Nazi needs to survive. Why did nationalists form thug skin head groups for decades? Because communists attacked them.
I'm kind of sad that all the big beefy Trump supporters have melted away and left these weak shits as the people in the front.
No he needs to be a martyr. The best thing to do is provide him emotional support and hope he keeps getting punched in the face. Every time he gets hit we look more sympathetic and the left looks more like crazy nutjobs
The Heil Trump + Nazi salute fucked his shit up good.
>b-b-b-but it wasn't actually a nazi salute!
Stop this. No one is buying it.
Uh, okay.
Well my point is that Spencer isnt a Neo Nazi or a NatSoc at all, so yea.
Spencer being a Nazi is a leftist meme.
yup see.
I think he's a wimp, but I don't think he deserves to be punched. Or maybe he does, but I don't agree with the punch and the punch enablers. I'm for freedom of speech all the way and I despise people who think they're somehow morally justified to assault people over words.
I don't understand how people can justify his punching. Do their rhetoric go both way? Can I go around punching commies, pinkos, feminists, and other marxism enablers? You know, for "security"? I don't think so.
He honestly gains nothing from denouncing people to the right of him.
It would do nothing to change the way people see him.
And he knows that, which is why he prepares and Breitbart foots the bill.
Anyway, the nationalist right needs to learn that respect is based on fear and the threat of violence and that they need to get big and hard in response.
Richard Spencer is a total Chad bro and those who dislike him a beta tier faggots.
People in the audience were doing nazi salutes, not Spencer. Provide a single piece of evidence that he did. You cant. He didnt.
Controlled op that will fall out of fashion in a couple months.
He was chanting the heil shit. Stop this pathetic smokescreen.
He sealed his fate when he decided to nazi LARP in public.
Yeah I guess you're right in that regard.
They really want him dead for saying something that they think will cause another holocaust.
So? The left paints him as one.
On the right you need to know that you can escape the swastikas and Nazi salutes, but the skinhead power mindset is paramount to your ideology. You need to project authority and strength and moreover make the opposition fear you.
Dislike of spencer is based almost exclusively on ignorance.
>Hail Trump, Hail victory, hail our people
However, the crowd was being stupid and didnthenroman salute.
I heard it was (((Mike Peinovich))) from TDS on TRS
isn't this that tranny comic
He has a lesbian haircut and thinks it's socially acceptable to wear Sup Forums-meme merchandises
He can go kill himself
His face is very punchable
lol this comic.
from that author.
Glad to see you backing down on the bullshit claim you made.
By the way, HAIL is spelled with an A.
You must be a liberal with how fucking stupid and gullible you are.
Unfit to lead in Trump's movement
That fucking hover-fist...
I hate how left is overusing nazi these days as an insult. If anything it's just watering down what it really means to be a nazi. When I think about nazism, I think about the night of the long knives, book burnings, suppression of political expression, etc.
Not some cartoon frogs and edgelords throwing around nazi memes.
Also by labeling everything they dislike as "nazi" they are blinding themselves from oppressive ideologies that are not nazi. They will welcome marxism with open hearts because "it's not nazism, therefore it can't be bad".
By labeling everything they dislike as nazi they're not only watering down the true definition of nazism, but they're also making nazism seem much more attractive. If not being racist against whites, not wanting to get raped by rapefugees, not wanting to kiss someone's hairy kebab ass etc. means being a nazi, that surely will make people attracted towards nazism.
I guess calling people bigots, racists, and sexists wasn't enough to manipulate sensible people, so now they're all the way to nazism. What's next? Calling people pedophiles for the heck of it? Being a pedophile is the most disgusting thing a person can be, so maybe that's going to be the next go-to insult.
>i-i-it was hail, not heil!
This is jew tier.
>However, the crowd was being stupid and did the roman salute.
It was 3 people in a room of hundreds.
Daily reminder Sup Forums are literal cucks that buy into mainstream narratives.
controlled opposition just like Milo
I didn't know who he was until he got punched.
I feel like most of the people who hate the guy fall into this category. If that's the case, your view of him can't help but be colored by the media spin.
I'm just pointing out how breathtakingly ignorant you are. You just keep conceding points and backpedaling until you're left with nothing but, 'He said hail! That sounds like what the Nazis said!'
You have made it abundantly clear that you have no idea what you're talking about and are just repeating talking points you heard from the mainstream media.
Oh my god. It's almost like the word 'hail' has a meaning all by itself and that the word was contextually appropriate for the sentence that Spencer was saying!
And stop pretending like you actually think Jew is an insult, shill.
Your contention that Spencer was LARPing as a Nazi is literally backed up by his usage of a the word 'hail' in a sentence where 'hail' made perfect sense to use.
Hail to the chief
liberals are stupid creatures that fully accept nazism when you call it National Socialism or say we should start an American Socialist Workers Party
to them its not the ideals or beliefs that matter its just the name. they dont give a shit about the 20 brazillian that were gassed as fetuses unless it gets them pity points. cultural marxism has bred an entire generation of self-destructive retards who accept blindly, any ideology that presents itself as anti-white anti-heterosexual and progressive
what makes this all hilarious is that the more the left continues to devour itself in a storm of meaningless labels the more centrists and people not extreme left will begin to move toward a party or ideology presenting itself as reasonable and full of common sense
let them fucking call everyone pedophile rapist cis males. eventually theyll be screaming into an empty echo chamber after everyone has abandoned that shit
a white supremacist is literally more likely to be physically assaulted in the street, denied employment, refused service etc than pretty much any minority. richard spencer, fag that he is, legitimately has a harder life than the average gay person, black person, woman, etc due entirely to discrimination. didn't they even try to make his mother homeless?
Garbage. The WN movement tried to co-opt Trump's momentum, and it was allowed until he won, and now they're dumped. They are a distraction from reality, larpers and the mentally ill.
Get randomly punched a lot in your battles do you?