'Leftist protesters sucker punch Trump supporter'
If you are in a group of Trump supporters and you see one of these protesters, beat the shit out of them.. It is open season, show no mercy.
'Leftist protesters sucker punch Trump supporter'
If you are in a group of Trump supporters and you see one of these protesters, beat the shit out of them.. It is open season, show no mercy.
needs minimalist helicopter
Pretty fucking triggered right now
Agreed, it could be done a lot better. I just did this in paint lol.
ANTICOM needs to be a thing. Just mercilessly beat up ANTIFA and shit post with stickers etc.
This will help fuel us. And we will beat them so hard we will wonder whether we should be merciful.
It's like a mouse flicking a cat on the nose.
This is good. I mean it's bad for the guy getting sucker punched, but it allows the general public to see the leftists for the violent thugs they are. As they continue to actually this way, they will become more and more isolated and marginalized.
FUCK YEAH... And there we have a movement lads.
>we are going to have to start savagely beating up leftists
I can get behind this
The problem is that after that Nazi was sucker punched last week, this sort of violence against right wing activists will become normalized. With the majority of Trump supporter labelled falsely as 'Nazis', these attacks will be allowed by the majority of leftist SJWs. It's a shame. Also even though that Nazi guy is a fucking idiot he shouldn't be sucker punched, no one should be attacked for holding any view. Attack someone you don't agree with, even if it is absolute bollocks in the case of real Nazis, and you become just as bad as they are
That dude was unconscious for a long time he probably has brain damage
Americans need to exterminate these fucking terrorists
Sure, it'll be normalized until a concealed weapon carrying Trump supporter blows away someone that assaults him.
>you become just as bad as they are
I'm so sick of hearing this inane sentiment from people.
It's called war, you fucking bitch.
The only alternative to fighting back against a threat is to lay down and die.
We need to kill every single on of our enemies, before they can kill us.
Welcome to life on Earth, which is basically a constant deathmatch for every living thing.
This just made my fucking day
Hello FBI. Nice proxy there. Your klan puppets just aren't cutting it eh?
Time to recruit some skinnyfat internet dweebs to start some shit.
My favourite part is when they start chanting "Peaceful protest!" at the end.
The guy they beat down was literally just a random white guy who was then labeled as a nazi after they kicked his ass. Being White, is enough to have you labeled as a Nazi these days.
They're doing what they think White cops do to niggers. Shoot a random nigger and sprinkle crack on him.
would love to get my hands on one or more of those little faggots.
Look at this shit, Antifa are applauding this
Americans please stop stroking your guns and USE them!
That's quite a thud as his head hit the floor.
>chants peaceful protest, proceeds to hide face
>yells "nazi" at a white guy for being punched
what the fuck
literally algrian tiers
Planning to kill entire populations = punching an idiot in the face
Sup Forums doublethink, everyone.
Who the fuck cares. Let the leftists btfo of themselves. We have the executive branch, and can afford to bide our time.
If someone from the right wing attacks a leftist the media will swarm them. This is how you will slowly lose, small things like what happened here. Im not saying lie down like a bitch, but all out war/attack will not work out for you
Just watch this and hopefully you will be somewhat happier knowing that the police is on our side.
> I'm too weak to defend myself so I'll just shoot the guy trying to punch me! That's a totally apropriate response!
""""left of peace""""
Someone really should do a compilation and put on twitter trending, but I honestly don't know how people have patience for twitter
Don't fuvking engage these fuvk bois Thas what soros wants.
He wants war
>OK GOYS we are going to have to start savagely beating up leftists
>If you are in a group of Trump supporters and you see one of these protesters, beat the shit out of them.. It is open season, show no mercy.
Says the Jew in Brunei
>Look at this shit, Antifa are applauding this
>Americans please stop stroking your guns and USE them!
Says the Jew in Jersey
oy vey
Pussi bwoi got what was cumin.
See a Fasc. Kick his Ass.
I read that they hit him in the back of the head with a padlock. Not sure if it's true but they're also saying he grabbed someone by the throat before being KO'd. Could be kike disinfo.
This. So much this.
The best cause of action as I see it now would be for people to just let leftists rage and whine.
They should have taken heed at what the Chinese communists did when the nationalists where in charge.
Mao disbanded them and went into hiding, then the war started and the nationalists had to fight them on their own. When the war was over, the communist forces had not engaged in any fighting only training and could easily defeat the nationalists that had been pushed to the limit from the war and was not ready for another conflict.
Im beginning to realize why Hitler rounded these fuckers up in the 30's. Another night of the long knives wouldnt be a bad thing.
OP must lead by example
Sup Forums needs to mature by a lot and realize that reality isn't the board. Don't get complacent by thinking everything is a joke. The left wants you dead.
Yeah who cares if Trump supporters are beaten in the streets and given brain damage? Cuck coward.
They weren't permanently injured like the guy in the OP
The left in America generally avoids icky firearms and spits on the cops they need to protect them, all while they pick fights with people who actually own guns.
We should be hanging them from their own dripping guts in the streets like deer, but a bullet is more convenient.
Would sure send a message to the next retard who thinks about sucker punching someone.
>If someone from the right wing attacks a leftist the media will swarm them.
Haven't you been reading the comments on leftist media? People are starting to see through the bullshit fairly well.
It doesn't matter what they say anymore, they lost all of their integrity over the course of 2016.
the political battlefront is one of attrition-- you make the other side look as bad as possible while simultaneously trying to make yourself out to be the good guy
>black bars on top and sides
I like it
THe media is completely owned by the left, victimisation of Trump supporters will not reach the public, and if it does no one in power will feel any sympathy or guilt.
You said you had guns, America.
Why are people just letting themselves get punched?
Listen guys. Normies see this and they see violent leftists.
WE should never be violent. The normies see us as the good guys right now because we're not violent.
We are just normies to the normies and these whackos need to be in prison.
You don't know what the person willing to attack you is like or whether they're armed so shooting them is justifiable if they don't back off.
>tfw we doxxed the guy who hit Spencer and he turned out to be a literal cuck/scat porn star
What's worse, being a literal cuck, or being punched by one and crying like a little bitch after?
in a free society yes.
If someone had made their mind to put their hands violently on some one they should be prepared for consequenses.
maybe so, but the average reasonable person will realize that antifa's actions are irredeemable and will slowly lean farther to the right with each belligerent act the left commits
Normies see this and they decide it was justified because someone said he's a nazi and they attended 12 years of public schooling in which they were taught that nazis were literal cartoon villains.
The left don't know what they want because retarded. Soros wants to recruit you to bash white leftists and score an ethnic genocide goal for him.
There is also rhetorical power in calling them what they really are deep down. Don't mince words. Call them Communists every chance you get. Their labeling of EVERYTHING and ANYTHING they're against as "fascist", "racist", "homophobe", etc. is one of their strengths.
Don't stoop to their level. They are trying to bait us into being "omg scary violent white oppressors." Don't fall for it.
OP is probably a fucking shill. You really wanna retaliate? Find out who the people assaulting Trump supporters are and turn them into the cops. THEY are the violent aggressors here. Not us.
you're out of touch. normies don't think trump supporters are nazis. trump just won the election. normies ARE trump supporters.
you god damn antifa shill.
we should get mad though. obviously we don't want to be the bad guys but in clear cases of assault like this we're gonna have to (in self defense) seriously step up and start destroying these people. fellow burgers, train. grow strong. defend our country and our people.
Violence invites the same in return.
If an unemployed nobody decided to assault me and I had the option of shooting the fucker, I would.
No. Anyone calling for violence of any kind is a shill. this has been planned. why do you think all these threads start appearing at once now everyday?
We don't need any violence. Sup Forums is a board of peace.
Spread these acts.
Save and compile them and use them in response to leftist arguments.
Most sputter to a halt and want no more dialogue when you point out that al.ost ever violent incident for the last couple years was by leftists and start backing it up with links and real info.
We shut them the fuck down by overwhelming them with the truth.
Every lefty family member of mine want all nazis/alt right to be killed. They aren't rational. They will only learn from being crushed. I ask any of you going to a protest to conceal a gun for your own safety. If you get swarmed and attacked? Unload and retreat. I hate seeing /ourguys/ getting cowardly suckerpunched and beaten by the crowds. If they realize that, HEY! Maybe it's not a great idea to just start assaulting someone! I might get shot!
We need to link all this shit to Soros so we can ban his ass from the U.S. as an international terrorist.
Airports are gun free zones.
We bide our time.
Soon they'll give us the power to strike them down.
This is absolutely correct. In a free and open society you DO NOT have the right to be violent to others. Violence has no place in politics in the west. Violence is a cancer that normalizes as people become desensitized to it, growing like a cancer because it is accepted. Not here. Not ever.
> Spencer
> real Nazi
You are definitely a shill. None of us are stupid enough to want to actually "crush" people as in hurt them physically. you stand out against Sup Forums culture.
You're not winning any converts here. Sup Forums is a board of peace. no violence ever is how we win.
>portland, OR
Those leftest better clear out if they know what's good for them.
The police aren't fucking around with Trump in office and they have the full support of the public.
important thread
Trump protesters look good until they don't sucker punch lefties. When it happens... it's over for them.
>land of the free they say
Just shitty gun laws in general.
Hey burgers don't you have some kind of nazi groups? Like if some lefty or fag nigger shit happens here we got bunch of really big and skilled man's to beat the shit out of fags/leftys.I mean not a random group but organized, somewhat trained groups.
kys brunei fag
except for when we bombed Isis, that a pretty sweet
Soros doesn't know the kind of war he is starting, it will destroy the liberals for good.
> proxy from Brunei
> begging Trump supporters to become violent
> "pls do something bad we could report so leftists don't look like rabid animals"
You lost. Get over it or continue losing.
Who needs porn when you have videos like this?
Conservative americans are all pussies, they won't do shit
fucking cucks,
fight them if they hit you, stab them if you are outnumbered, just dont shoot, but pulling their entrails out is alright.
if it was me I will run amok stab people like a brazilian.
yeah just use your brain and act by posting and communicating don't use fists is basically what we're saying.
these shills are scared of normies thinking they are the violent ones now so they're trying to get us to crack and punch back to show the world we are the violent ones because that's the side the whole worlds media will take no doubt.
ghandi, Sup Forums is like ghandi lol
Trump needs the support now more than ever.
The guy that hit him had a huge wrench down his sleeve tho.
how about you go fuck your women, you are in south korea bro hottest chicks in the world, and all your fellow koreans have small dicks THE WORLD IS YOURS, STOP MASTERBAITING
It would be good But until the media is on our side I would not do it ...YET!
shut the fuck up faggot
I'm not saying to just unload on people. I am saying to defend yourself. Peacefully protest but have a way to get out alive when the tolerant left assault you and leave you brain damaged on the floor. You can also carry a large metal flashlight anywhere. It works like a metal bat. Biker gangs have been doing this for a long time. Keep it in your bag and if you have to use it and police are trying to make it seem like you pre-meditated "defending yourself?" your lawyer will blow that away because everyone should have a flashlight on them at all times.
I mean, or you can all lay down and keep getting beat while the normies on Facebook/Twitter make posts about the only good nazi is a dead nazi. They are animals.
this thread is literally crawling with shills trying to make pol do something stupid and violent.
you don't realize we're computer nerds, we're not violent skinhead white supremecists or whatever your fucked up image of us is.