All your Sup Forums posting history has been made public.
Just how fucked are you?
All your Sup Forums posting history has been made public
Not much.
not so much
Not fucked at all, just right.
>never used a name
>all done by anonymous
I'm good
not much.
Im going to uni in Mississippi...
Congrats, they found out that I have socialist ideals
Not much at all. Who in the hills of West Virginia is going to be upset at a neighbor who shitposts on here and also supplies the town with moonshine??
Jail and would loose many """friends""".
wow thats not the point
Fired from job, disowned from family, have to fight a hate crime lawsuit.
Such is life in a socialist hellhole
People just think I'm weird.
I deliberately spend time making good posts and refuse to post anything I don't personally believe. I've never posted anything overtly racist or bigoted, but the fact that I post so passionately is... Weird.
Basically, people start wondering if they should be concerned for me.
I'd probably lose my job (teaching) and need to relocate from the big cities to the suburbs to start up again.
Most of my (((friends))) would be gone.
My family knows though, so that's cool.
>implying anyone within 20kms of me can read english
>implying i'm some sort of coward who shies away from his values because society doesn't approve of them
All my post are satirical though
I'm guessing the premise is that all the posts will be attributed back to me? If this is the case then I'm totally fucked.
Loss of employment, jail, racism, sexism etc etc etc
I wouldn't lose any friends. If anything my friends are worse than me lol
considering i live in this piece of shit intolerant country, they would probably kill me for supporting hillary, even though i only did it for the money. it wouldn't make any difference whatsoever.
how so? they'd only have IP addresses logged to posts.
i just checked the location for my IP address and it said i lived 6 suburbs away.
baseless fear mongering.
>People just think I'm weird.
Not surprised. Your post is weird.
Arrested for hate crimes and doxxed by Swedish MSM.
That's why I have always used VPN.
All my friends browse Sup Forums anyway. They know all the shit I post about anyway
I have made enough troll posts to explain everything as jokes
Nah bruss nobody will give a fuck just like now
>implying it isn't smarter to virtue signal, play the game and fuck over the Cultural Marxists anonymously
You don't know what it's like to be here in a major city of Australia. We're talking heavy heavy heavy indoctrination and a fuck tone of niggers, spics, pakis .... Anything really, it's fucking putrid down here.
No worse than if Sup Forums found out my penchant for ebony porn.
Absolutely nothing. Living in the Deep South. All my coworkers (even the nigger and spic) have MAGA hats. My sisters are all libcunts, but my parents are redpilled and ashamed of them. I would lose a few "friends" on kikebook.
Mossad is at my door .
I don't give a fuck, I am no different irl
I literally stopped giving a fuck. I'm weird. So what. You're a boring cuck, I'd rather be me than be you.
No one appreciates it, considering how you act like you know me then you should know no one likes me and it has everything to do with how I progressively stoped caring what other people think
Not fucked at all because Sup Forums is satire and
>I was just memeing my dudeS
I started out as a liberal. Every post I made represents part of a giant story, from that state of mind to what it is now. If anything I think that it would redpill a lot of people.
and there is nothing that I've said here that I haven't said publicly or that isn't already know about me by my constituents
I'll be fine, I don't live in the EUSSR.
I'm dead. Literally dead.
don't you have a wife to beat? go back to culture kings faggot cokehead
Literally a court order would be needed to pass to the ISP for it to go further than that. However, the Patriot Act that snowden uncovered has undoubtedly increased its abilities since Obama ruling. This is still an issue to be concerned with.
>I literally stopped giving a fuck. I'm weird. So what.
Let it be hereby known that all my posts on Sup Forums are merely jokes.
Digits checked got a Billy to wreck
I'd be legally alright, but I'd probably lose all of my friends and most of my family.
>All these Australian posters living to their shitposting name and not understanding that the premise is totally hypothetical
This is why nobody takes us seriously on here. If you took school seriously instead of dropping out to get that wicked trade your articulation levels would be much higher and we could have a nice discussion.
There is not an Australian 'Nation'. Yet.
There is the State known as the Commonwealth of Australia.
There will be One Nation soon though.
other than some trolly shitposting, fine.
now in the hands of the MSM, they would have me murdered in my sleep by riotous ninjas.
but as long as I wasnt subjected to the asylum, I'd be fine
AntiFa bro here.
All you Sup Forumstards are fucked.
Expect a friendly visit tonight.
Not too bad at all really. I shit on boomers, single mums, welfare bludgers and abbos a fair bit. (Or any cunt that lives on taxpayer money) But anyone that knows me well knows that. Fuck the bludging cunts.
I have posted for years with the assumption that all our posts will be analyzed by bots from vast google caches. In year 2025 they will scour and profile every single person who has used the internet and you can be labeled "racist" for saying MAGA unironically. It's only the logical end to current course and I fully support it.
A fucking lot does
And I have a lot of mates I've met on the chins anyway
>antifa bro here
fucking australians
you suck at everything.
It'd just confirm what I imagine everyone already suspects anyways.
honestly truely, the only people i'm racist against are fucking kiwi australians.
uncuck your cunt
I would probably go to jail but in Germany that does not mean much
i'm a bludging autist cunt m8, but i'm full Sup Forums. what are you gonna do about it?
I'll be fired
a message brought to you by David Ean Leyonhjelm of the Liberal Democrats
One would first need a life in order to lose it
I might be put on a list, but it would be cleared up pretty fast
So now everyone knows I'm a nazi who thinks the Holocaust is a clever political scheme and believes in IQ and behavioral difference between races, especially between African ones and white and Asian ones.
So nothing new?
Yes cunt
lmao tough break nigga al my posts are shitposts and satirical
hahahahaahahaha! you gonna sneak out after your mum goes to sleep?
Could my college drop me for this? That's about all I care for right now.
You think you're not on a list? I'm genuinely surprised I didn't get my door crashed in by the secret police tbqh
I'll be the next Trump.
Is it just me or everyone who has ever visited Sup Forums? How broadcast is the message that my specific information is up for looking through?
look at my flag
you all know it
>not genuinely hating niggers, chinks, and muzzies
Is it just me or all of Sup Forums.
Either way not that much. Only cucked Canadian family would care
P-pol i-i-is satire!
Would genuinely more or less be my defence, and it's not entirely untrue. I've said as much shit defending Jews as I have denigrating them. Sometimes I'm baiting, sometimes I genuinely have different views, I think anyone who could somehow read all my posts here would really struggle to figure out what I seriously believe
I have two swastikas hanging from the wall in my room and people know I sympathize with some right-wing leaders, so they'd just be like Meh, it's one of those things he does.
can't wait to smash your fucking head in when you cunts take to the streets. My whole life has led up to the moment that i can start killing faggots like you. this place is not safe for you
I bloody knew Cory Bernardi browsed Sup Forums.
pleasure to meet you sir.
i have a white pride flag, confederate flag, southern cross flag and eureka flag.
Ever heard the term vocal minority?
Lol you would probably be better off in prison given how fucked your caliphate experiment is going
I will probably be nazi azov recruiters XD
Mostly, Aussies are pretty based.
i say what comes to my mind based on ibfo at hand, always, not only on this honeypot - don't ask stupid questions won't get stupid response.
and every single post/email and web visit is saved on personal file by 5 pedo protection alliance and most likely by joogle/kikebook as well.
police states ran by pedos,retards, opportunists and controlled by private interest.
such is life in free world.
Tidy your fucking cupboard
its only the hipsters and university students how are the problem.
their minds are so backward.
>implying the few Muslims that actually get charged for their crimes haven't set up huge Muslim gangs inside prisons
Hans is fucked either side of those prison bars
>no fashist Spain flag
That's a daymn shame.
are you girl
they are fucked m8... My brother is one. It's a shame, he had everything going for him too...
Get a job stop living off my taxes cunt.
cabron q esso? ustes provavelmente es negrito kekekekeke
I would be fired, but not many people who know me well would be surprised.
Thank you.
t. NSA
too autistic, can't function with other people around, sorry. I support Sup Forums and shitpost with the best of 'em during the meme wars, cut me some slack
did you notice a change in him? they are in denial to reality.
"College" In America yes. Pretty much warehouses where sjws are created
My sister would be appalled but she's now a radfem. No one else would be surprised in the least.
don't say anything on here i wouldnt say irl
yes, when he left home to go to university, hooked up with a feminazi hardcore leftist bitch. After that point, he was too cool for me, and everything i said was rubbish to him
>full Sup Forums
>living of autismbux
yeah nah you're not Sup Forums you're a parasite, you should get a job or kys friendo