POL: "Trump will prevent WW3, Hillary is warmongerer"

>POL: "Trump will prevent WW3, Hillary is warmongerer"
>come 2017
>WW3 is more likely than ever

Oh look, Sup Forums is wrong again. You guys get played by the big guys and you don't even notice it.

Other urls found in this thread:


I see no evidence.

aw look babby's first thread

>Insinuating that you make a lot of threads, and have been on Sup Forums for a long time
Gee, I wonder which one is more sad, me occasionally looking on Sup Forums, or you, who browses Sup Forums everyday because you need to hide the daily misery of your life and constantly belittle others.

tl dr

My bad, forgot your tiny attention span.

>WW3 more likely than ever
>Brought to you by the same people who had Clinton leading Trump by 10 pts nationally

more like you got played by Sup Forums, WW3 was on our agenda, how do you think we are going to make america white again? It will start with a civil war where we will purge all non whites, china will step in when we are weak, triggering ww3, where russia, uk and australia will aid us in pressing our foots on the necks of the gooks

I can't wait for the day US gets BTFO by Russia and China. I will watch all the liveleak videos of americans being executed with great joy, just as you did with Syrians. I might probably import some american skulls to decorate the inside of my toilet on that day. Enjoy your life while it lasts, tick-tock, dumb fat american.

War with who your fucking cuck? There's no signs of war at Trump government.

You'r probably high, you can save this quote fro the next 4 years that there won't be any wars involving the USA.

With who?

We didn't organize all of this and make the first strikes with an intent to lose funnyman, after the great war the Netherlands will be even less of a factor than you are now. (You aren't a factor).


Stop following right media a.k.a Sup Forums only and you might get some information in that thick skull


>big guys

nice try CTR
cnbc are you even trying?

He prevented WW3 with Russia and guaranteed it with the EU.

Best timeline.


>some chinese people think x
wow what a fascinating article.

Nice attempt to evade cold truths, you can literally find this article on multiple other news organisation websites.

China. Won't. Fuck. With. Us.

We. Have. 6,000. Nukes.

They. Have. A. Fucking. RAMP.

>hillary will start war with russia

>trump may start war with china which only has 250
>250 means mostly liberals will die in places cali/newyork


buzzfeed and CNN yeah?

He will not divide us

weren't you that faggot posting those gay marriage anti trump things during the cycle?

You try to hide your low intelligence by attempting to be funny, cause "you didn't mean it anways", right? You're a disgrace to yourself man.

You have me reconsidering Netherlands second.

Stil gewoon mogool

Leer spellen, kutmarokkaan

Weak b8. 2/10 I replied.

>WW3 is more likely than ever
No It's not, retard. China makes angry comunist noises and germany and france are getting throughly BTFO in anticipation to their elections.
Peace and prosperity are here, except for liberals trying to ruin everything.

>WW3 is more likely than ever

What is the cold war.

The muslims started this war ever since 9/11. Its rightfully so to ban every middle eastern refugees because they are prone to be mixed with TERRORISTS

Cold wars were never really tried.

with whom?

>China firing first

That's the only way a war will happen.

And they won't do such.


you're the misinformed one, retard.
you're acting like this hasn't started with Obama, and that Trump is not just stepping up things, just likes his (((bosses))) expect.

it's called objective you retard. if you're going to start a war then don't start it with the person who will destroy you also.

there's no reason for us to go insane and fight russia but china is the up coming new superpower. throughout history all superpowers have fought the challenger.

i'm not sure if trump will actually fight with china, but if he does it means lots of liberals will die instead of most of the world.

War with China isn't WW3.
There have to be European countries involved for it to be a world war.

No, it isn't. It is just (((leftists))) and (((academics))) saying that it is more likely. You gotta be retarded to even compare current WW3 risk with Cuban missile crisis or Able Archer mess of 1983. Yet, doomsday clock is actually worse than it was in fucking 1984 in immediate aftermath of Able Archer.

>A whole religion started a war

War with literally who?

trump will be the casus belli

Based Estonia gets it, all these other US fags are so dumb and blind with hatred for shitty liberals, they stopped seeing the truth beyond.

>wont bother explaining how ww3 is going to work, if even plausible, (hint: non-nuclear powers will lose the most blood first.)

Leave your country user if you're that scared.

Oprotten Pechtold, niemand vind je aardig

fag alert fellas. i repeat FAF FAF! DO YOU COPY???

you are an absolute joke and probably some sandnigger scum

You can't support WW3 and the white race at the same time. If WW3 happens, much of Europe and North America would be destroyed and there will be hardly any whites left if anyone survives.

shouldnt you be out picking tulips in wooden shoes?

>using cnbc
>muh billion chink manlets
Nice try shilling faggot.
Nigga if US stopped sending food to china, it would starve itself. Civil war would be more likely

That's because the Jews who run it now consider Global Warming when making their assessment.

Not as dumb as europeans importing Refugees with terrorists mixed in them, i bet. You should support this too, Majority of the people in your country are not Natives, and soon, you'll get fucked by Sharia Law bro.

oh, the irony

Well... you have stupid hair.

>"WW3 is more likely than ever"

t. Jewish "Intellectuals" at Doomsday Clock who all voted for Hillary


Lol no they wont, its gonna be YOUR country thats going to be BTFO by terrorists, like in Germany, its only a matter of time.

Fuck this doomsday clock narrative, if we're destroying the earth we gonna do it without the elites telling us how to do it. Our planet not thiers.

I hope they go to war with chyna

You guys are going to be crying for Trump when you find out who's next lol I can't wait. Trump is genuine but there's someone right around the corner who's about to make your lives hell and trust me there won't be any protests or media publication. It's going to straight up affliction. It's funny you all can't see it. Trump doesn't realize this neither the Republican party but this diminutive Christian Crusade Collective they have right now is setting the stage for some unbelievable shit. Truly fantasy will become a reality and there'll be no escape. Brace yourselves.

>Other people can't see the things that I see, not even Trump

WW3 started before Trump you idiot. Modern era wars aren't declared and aren't direct confrontations, they happen through proxies. If by WW3 starting you mean a clash between 1st world armed forces, then it has been made inevitable by Obama and Clinton. Fuck you bluepilled toothpaste.

Go ahead and larp yourself to nonexistence CTR.

>cold truths

how many wars between nuclear powers in history, retard dutch person?

Don't you have more "refugees" to suck off, kaaskop?


>extrapolate history to future
The future is uncertain, but wars between nuclear powers is imminent.

Usa vs russia would have fucked up europe

Usa vs china is fine by me.

>btfo chinks is WWIII
>not just an Anglo pastime
>and a Japanese pastime
>and a Russian pastime
>and a vietnamese pastime
>and a...

>non-interventionist candidate made ww3 more likely than one who literally wanted to shoot down the jets of another nuclear power
What did they mean by this?

ww3 with who?

>complaining about what he's doing, right in the OP
just gtfo, this is not the place for you. we use reason here.



Dit is waarom we geen leuke dingen kunnen hebben

why would we fight China lmao

The liberals are the real enemies

In Hillarys timeline you would be already dead

>>POL: "Trump will prevent WW3, Hillary is warmongerer"
>>come 2017
>>WW3 is more likely than ever
>Oh look, Sup Forums is wrong again. You guys get played by the big guys and you don't even notice it.

ctr, ctr,
Does whatever a cuntbag can.
Spins a lie, any size,
Catches truth just like knives.
Look out! Here comes the ctr.
Is he strong? Listen bud—
He's got soros blood.
Can he swing from a rope?
Take a look overhead.
Hey there! There goes the ctr.
In the chill of the night,
At the scene of the crime,
Like a streak of light,
It leaves just in time!
ctr, ctr,
unwanted neighborhood ctr.
Wealth and fame, he's ignored—
lying is his reward.
To him,
Life is a great big bang-up—
Wherever there's a hang-up,
You'll find the ctr!

literally triggered.

Well don't be, germanbro, we are still friends aren't we?

Post more.


What's so bad about WW3?

I'm suicidal and don't have anything to lose - I support WW3!




how else shall the day of the rope arrive

>implying we don't want war with china


>German fag in another country

>hates big meanie trump

>color it cucked

We bout to MAGA, with or without your dumb miniscule country.

Strap your boyfriends dildo in, it's gonna get bumpy!



>>come 2017
>>WW3 is more likely than ever
Because the leftist senators are doing their best to cause it? Are you retarded?


>>WW3 is more likely than ever
Who's fighting who? Do we get to participate?


>Journalists write article about China saber-rattling
>other outlets repost same material
Sure, the hacker known as Sup Forums probably caused this.

With Hillary WW3 would already start.