>nazis will defend this
Nazis will defend this
Lost the battle, not the war.
>nazis didn't lose the war
No because it's retarded. No one thinks whites are "superior", that's a meme.
You have a meme tier understanding.
I mean i still disagree with fascism because it's totalitarian but, basically. you're fucking stupid.
nice argument
>you being superior
It's a preservation of race and culture, and not intermixing.
"Pride in one's own race – and that does not imply contempt for other races – is also a normal and healthy sentiment. I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves. They belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own. They have the right to be proud of their past, just as we have the right to be proud of the civilization to which we belong. Indeed, I believe the more steadfast the Chinese and the Japanese remain in their pride of race, the easier I shall find it to get on with them." - (literally) Hitler
Time to leave, take your weak bait with you.
Is that so, Muhammad?
>Humanity has made shit that goes into space.
>Ants are able to kill humans if humans don't do shit.
>Clearly this means we are less than ants
>This guy.
>what is lend lease
They lost to slavs kek a other European race.
Hitler hated slavs just because poland got some of germany in ww1
>pay taxes
>only want them deported because of their skin colour
I bet you're a chink
>inferior races
They were beaten by other white countries, tard
Or perhapse I should say (((white)))
I thought cuck meant people who didn't mind if their race and people are getting fucked. some even enjoy it
Did you have a happy Australian day
t. cuck
Yeah like OP
Please, stop feeding the animal. Let this shitty thread die.
They lost to other whites.
At least, if we count slavs, anglos and celts.
kys anytime dong dong
>submitting to authority
Yes, yes these are the exact same thing
>tfw Sup Forums is so divided, no one is white now
t. expert on cuckoldry
>Entire world attacks you
>Outnumbered over 10 to 1
>Still put up a good fight
>The world carries on under the victor's system for another 60 years
>It's a disaster
>Good families don't exist, music and arts are degenerate filth instead of beauty and structure
>People more addicted to hard drugs than ever before, even though harder forms of those drugs existed in the past
>Economy is a wreck, lower to middle class is returning to serfdom/3rd world slavery
>You were right
>People begin to realize you were right
>The world enters a war of ideology, a war of meanings, a Meme War.
>A Trumpet sounds as a champion appears
>Your side is heavily outnumbered in this Meme War, 10 to 1 again, but only in media and avenues for suggesting meanings and memes, not in people.
>Against all odds, your side wins the Meme War through strength of will and belief in their ideologies.
>In the battle of ideas, the Darwinistic evolution of ideologies, your enemies has entered it's final form and the world has failed around it, yet yours has been reborn from death once more, risen like the phoenix
>The era begins as the year of the Fire Rooster, the Phoenix Rising, the Lion awakening
>Panic in the enemy has set in as they are behind in the game for the first time in many moons and unused to this position
>Your ideology has built itself back to strength from total defeat, it has proven it can be strong and will continue to be fought for, your loss was not in vain, but rather a death that would bring a stronger rebirth than possibly imaginable.
These are incredible. You're doing God's work, New Zealand. Stay based.
>all of this angst filled low quality bait
10/10 mental gymnastics. Nazis lost because of their ideology. They picked a fight with the entire world and thought they'd win because "muh ubermensch". They fucking lost. Trump's victory was a fluke, and he's already getting stonewalled by civil rights groups, the courts, Koch Brothers, and dissident Republicans who are realizing he's really as unstable as everyone said he was.
>sticking out this sorely
>Being this butthurt
I don't think you're aware of Germany's dominance over EU for example
A gorilla could beat you in a boxing max and 100 yard dash, but do you really think you are inferior to one?
>met with the king of england
>made many attempts at peace with england before war was declare on him
>england is the one who declares war first
>Jews make royals throw out Edward because he wants peace with Hitler instead of sending many british to die fighting
>Jews proceed to run world into the ground
>trying so hard to copy our memes
Omg, you're right, Hitler was totally a nice guy, and conquering all those previous countries and later committing the fucking Holocaust was what peaceful leaders do, holy shit, I'm redpilled now.
Tbh this whole ''race'' thing is bullshit.
There is only one race the human race
we may have different ethnicities but in the end we are the same race
nazis were deluded fucks who should have never been able to get power in germany
>muh charts
>No one thinks whites are "superior",
Oh yeah
>Higher IQ
>Most technological achievements and inventions
Yeah, I guess whites are inferior then, or equal.
Definitely 100% not superior or anything....
if you willingly let the "ants" kill you, yes you are less than ants dumbass
they can't google translate the image, Tyoma
>allow themselves to be killed in the name of diversity
How superior
>Shills can't read cause they're low IQ niggers with poor reading comprehension KEK
>Gonna be a fun 8 years watching you and your pizza buddies chimp out
England declared war after Hitler refused to honor the independence of Poland, who England were guaranteeing, he has no one to blame but himself.
You can't start a war and then complain about how unfair it is that all of a sudden everyone is calling you a warmonger.
>Being this wrong
newzealand >>>>>>sheep
Not everyone who supports Trump is a bigot. Some of us are liberals, REAL liberals, and see Trump as necessary pushback against what liberalism has become today.
> Tbh this whole ''race'' thing is bullshit.
You've been pozzed. This is patently false.
The Jews have subverted the Western nations into swindling themselves, it isn't really that hard. Nobody denies their genius. The Jews are a race, btw.
They are not white, they shit on "whiteness" themselves with all their loxism. Can't be white if you endlessly kvetch about gentiles.
It isn't a boogeyman, Rothstein's empire alone should raise questions of the hegemony he displays.
>being real
What's the difference between a border and an economic border?
A: Nothing
Nazi's lost to other whites, UK and USA. OP is a faggot.
The thought that the holocaust might not have happened makes me sad. It's one of the few just things that happened in history.
>Yell on facebook
> hardworking immigrants
> taxes
kek, that's some quality shitpost
>Kid gets beat up every day in school
>Has enough and shoots up school
t. your retarded brain
he betrayed his own people. that's the distintion
hitler was a more complicated person than that
if you read his table talks he's very critical of the german race; he was more of an antisemite than an aryan supremacist, and he did pretty well at killing the jews
try "traded 1 german for every 2 russians and still lost"
>shot himself
Liberals literally are deluded.
They think being a wageslave and being told what do by people richer and more successful than you is cuckoldry.
nazi's have literally no merit anymore
Germany in name only
They are killing aryans and Anglos :^)
Not only were they annihilated by Slavs, they were annihilated by Slavs under terrible communist leadership.
Was there ever a bigger JUST in history?
race is a replacement word for subspecies. So no, you are wrong.
Tbh socialism sucks
Gee, I was a full-on Nazi, but after some faggot posted some stolen memes while he listens to the sound of his SO being pleasure by several other men in the same room, I changed my mind.
I'm loving all the kike shilling on Sup Forums.
If it's not whining about >muh Nazis >muh Richard Spencer and promoting (((civic nationalism))), it's pro-Israel threads, D&C threads, and other such nonsense.
Do you really think no one sees through this shit?
>your little cult isn't a threat anymore
>he thinks the current migrant situation isn't going to lead to a full scale race war, after which only whites will be left
>whites lose to other whites
>this proves whites are inferior
What is keeping us from trying again
>Inferior races
You mean white people against white people, because that was what ww2 was except for the jap battles
I don't even think hitler did hate slavs.
His rhetoric against them was solely to get people on board with the war.