Who's worse? Can we settle this one and for all

Who's worse? Can we settle this one and for all.

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Well I've actually had to deal with Canadians in my day to day life whereas I've never seen a Swede in real life so I guess I'll go with Canada.

Canada has more muslims, so ...

kangarooland is worse than canada and sweden combined

Both are equally cucked


Listen to audio:


We meme around roos while your women literally cuck you with niggers


>We meme around roos while your women literally cuck you with niggers

you sure about that cuck?

The fact that it triggers the aussie so much is proof enough for me.

You can't even bantz about it because it's too painful.

blanda upp boys


with Justin Trudeau at the helm I would argue Canada has overtaken Sweden for cuck capital of the world.


True. They fucking outlawed porn and censor the shit out of the few videogames they allow. They don't need Sharia law because they're busy with their own moral authoritarians.

We'll see. Sweden is fairly cucked but I don't think we have any Trudelutt equivalent.

eh both have lots of muzzies but Swedish women are pretty QT while our women (native canadians) can range anywhere between good and bong

correc t

its no contest

Sweden. I have literally ever met 3 people who are right wing here. Not even far right.

They've apparently got a new show on tv here now that follows around family that has an open relationship and it's called something like "i love letting my wife get fucked". Saw an ad on youtube on my phone.



Genuinely tough to call.

Cuckadeau scrapes it for the leafs though.

roo it up bogan!

white women belong to the original KANGS

You need new friends.

Swedish MSM is going to push for that. What's new?

Just like Canada btw.


I will never get why people on the left think he's cool. He makes a gigantic ass out of himself at every opportunity. Obama was cucked as fuck but at least he didn't sperg out every other week.


Because your Moral authoritarians say its good to have porn but bad to ban immigrants.

IDK Canada and Sweden are both pretty equal..



Worse than I though tbqh.

kek, that's gold

>who is worse
>canada vs sweden
>posted by an australian
>the bait is too strong.
>I cant not


time for bed now





>They fucking outlawed porn




laugh at the bants my friend

what are you going to do about Malmö?

While Trudeau talks alot of marxist shit, our prime ministers can't do a whole lot in terms of changing policy. Our immigrants are vetted extremely well, and most have high economic status before they enter Canada.

Sweden on the other hand is letting in Muslim hordes day by day, with no vetting. They are the rape capital of the Western world.

sweden, even leafs r not that stupid.

sweden no contest

Canada of course.I mean the average Swede is a cuck poster,but his country at least used to be based and has done incredible things compared to their population.Even than the average Canadian post is far worse than Swede's post.
And it has done nothing but brag about British regulars burning the White House.

I do admit that Swede posters would have been just as cancerous as Leafs if there where as many of them.

see!, big roo dick is better than tiny aussie dick

Canada elected someone as cucked as your average Swedish citizen

Sweden, no contest.

Sweden is a cucked feminist controlled leftist hell-bound disaster. Canada? Never been there, but memes says, pretty much same-same. In addition Canada has got a bunch of celebs banging the antivaxx drum. Swedes are at least smarter than that.
So I'm guessing Canada is worse off. But lets hear from someone with first hand experience from both places


you know how humans evolved from apes n shieet? i wonder if abos are what kangas evolved from. developed 100 billion times the intellect

>Canada has more muslims, so ...
By total numbers yes, per capita. Doubt it. And you can not get a honest number out of Sweden. It would be racist and highly criminal to make such statistics in Swedistan

Trudeau the cuck in chief and his shit posting army of leaves are the worst by far.


That Sheila's a national treasure, don't even fuckin start Sven

Import some roos. Promise them grass for every sand nigger.

nah abos are a downgrade evolutionaly from the african nigger

You fool, import the Emus, they beat us twice and we had to nuke them to win

fucking kek holy shit

every aussie man offers their daughters to their emu overlords



sheila love the roo

How can Canadian """"men"""" even compete?

check out this emu pic i found

remember to like and subscribe and hit that bell



Well yeah mate.
It was part of suing for peace.
At least we cucked out for a reason, not just because our women wanted to traverse the dunes.

To be honest Australians aren't anywhere near as shit as the leafs or blackeden. We can all pretty much agree that cananda makes the most shitpost. Sweden actually had better genetics than Australia or Cananda at one point. Not that it means anything today nowvthat they have flushed their entire heritage down the toilet. Cananda is a really shitty place to live, so it's hard to blame them for being so retarded. Australia has the worst genetic background, but has somehow ended up millions of times less cucked than either Cananda or Sweden. Tough call, but I would have to say Cananda is the worst. After they turn into a thirdworld shithole in 3 years after the constant bombings takes out their major infrastructure and the remaining politicians decide to force sharian law, America's hat won't be worth wearing anymore. We will take the white Canadian refugees though, I support that. Sweden will take a bit longer to crumble, at least their country is more than 3 cities, two of which speak English, and a bunch of wasteland.


s-senpai, do you l-love me..??

>tfw you're a happy and safe leaf

We only offer up the ugly ones. Difference is you let human trash rape yours.

Fuck off Bruce my daughter's with my nan.
Go bother Davo his little girl's back from uni.

Average aussie girl after emu invasion...


fuck jap moot

*C U C K S

>Black dick is expensive
Was he raping a total babe because he can't afford black dick, is that what it means?

They're what, french surrender monkey's from the get-go? With no real heritage or culture, right?

Sweden on the other hand, is a country so fucked from christianity it has totally forgotten it's roots. And keep doing so. But at least we have one.

Cuckanada is a disappointment.

I had 3 family members killed in the raid on Dieppe. They didnt die so some high school substitute teacher could turn my country into a fucking joke


>We only offer up the ugly ones.

So that is everyone then?

You're rajul latif, Achmed. Don't go to Mosque tomorrow, eh

Nononono you see women dont even like roo dick its a meme by (((them))) to breed us out and replace our population with weak slaves.


It looks bad for us.

Nah usually only the ones born to foreigners, like the ones that are raping your women.

Sweden by far

Normally I would defend my homeland but at this point I just cant anymore. Sweden is fuckin worse.


Neither. Scotland is the king cuck.

Canada is in second and Sweden in third.

Serves them right for being traitors t b h.

>You see Muhammad, with this new hole, entire family can enjoy Swedish blonde goddess!

USA we need to borrow the CIA here for a bit for a regeim change. Please relay this message to Trump

Well this is a really hard choice but I say Sweden.
Sure leafs are by far the greatest shitposters of the universe but unlike swedish people not every single one of them is cucked like the people of Sweden.


fake news you roo dick worshiping bogan!


Canada is worse

We have about 5-8% immigration population that has come outside of the Eu if I'm not mistaken

Now now sven we all know you offer your women as whores to your brown masters.

Every day I hope Canada suffers a famine or plague.

serious question, as far as swedish women go, how would you rate these girls out of 10? are they a little above average?

6-8 I guess