Generation z the most redpilled generation since ww2?
I thought genz was like 2000+?
Where does 1994 get me?
I'm gen Y
Gen z is 1995 to 2010 so your a borderline Millennial.
tfw '97
We got hosed bro. Our generation doesn't exist. If you were born before 80 you might get to pass yourself off as Gen X but after that we're lumped in with millennials now.
92' master race
they are redpilled about wh*te monkeys for sure
Fuck off millennial
Does this generation whatever thing mean anything to a non-American?
How do you feel about young, impressionable people browsing this board and having it shape their worldview for years to come?
t. not even 20 years old yet
>master race
give me a break
It's all bullshit people use to feel superior over someone else. The only generation that had any statistical significance were the Boomers, because there were a fuckton more of them compared to previous generations.
Anyone born after the Cold War is a millenial, FACT
This gen z crap has to come to an end. I'm '99 so whether i'm considered gen z or not, Ive had experience with them. So many of them are just stupid and basically put their whole lives bocial media...
>I'm '99
gtfo underage scum
This is a meme forced by 13 year olds of Sup Forums. Gen Z is not fucking redpilled. It will be to most blacked feminine penis loving generation yet
How's life treating you my 97 brother?
Race mixing from birth.
Why do you faggots always forget that it's also the least white generation ever?
turning 20 this year and I've now been on this awful site for 1/4th (6 years) of my life; please just put me out of my misery
maybe more socially conservative but that is almost entirely down to it being a more disproportionately non-white section of the population
they will still vote for leftist parties and it was the young that voted the least for brexit in this country
stop pushing this ridiculous meme
i am 18 already silly
Hang in there bongpal. It'll probably get worse before it gets better, but it'll get better.
you're still underage inside
>the most redpilled generation
>the most muslim
It already has, and it will again, and again, and again. The dialectic never ends. At least I have fond memories of watching the Trayvon trials on here.
Gen z here ask me anything
>born a year before the cutoff for the future camps
I know that feel user, maybe we'll be put in the same work camp.
Sounds off to me, Gen Z has always started at 2000 in every other context I've seen it used.
For two reasons I would suggest anybody 18 or older should have to come here before posting on social media platforms:
1. Anonymity is the key to expression. You can't form your own opinions online in forums like Twitter or Tumblr or Facebook without being lambasted by everyone you know for having THE WRONG OPINION. This doesn't create an atmosphere for growth, just conflict. Personal growth is gained through conflict, but only when you can actually learn something from it. All you learn anywhere else online is to keep your mouth shut.
2. This place is the furthest thing from an echo chamber. It's quite literally a war zone here now. You can either keep your head down or jump in the fray. Lurk, shitpost, contribute. Eventually you'll come upon information you wouldn't have in the outside internet world. And you always get to survive here. And I think that's important for defending your beliefs and opinions whenever you get into discussions outside of here.
Sup Forums is a steel trap and it either toughens you up for the real world or keeps you here. I would suggest taking what you learn here and applying it to debate in the real world. Don't be surprised when normies can't take it though.
Also if you ARE counting mid nineties as Gen Z then the older ones atleast are blue pilled as fuck because those are the super liberals currently in uni
reporting in
Dont worry fellow 97's when the millennial purge happens maybe we can sell out those dastardly 98's and earn favors.
>accidentally let it slip that i think women are a drain on society and the cause of most modern degeneracy
>female coworkers agree
I love living in a red state.
I was born in 95 so I guess I'm at the front end of gen z, can confirm most of us and those born a few years after us are much more conservative/traditionalist than millennial (or gen y) faggots
Nigga hes 18 2017 - 1999 = 18
Im born in 92 but i identify as a Gen Z and if you dont respect that you are a genofobe and should check your generational privilege.
Can confirm. Little cousin, Nick he's like 12, half Jewish (on his mother's side, who divorced my uncle and am sure he will grow up to hate), and he constantly shows me his memes off like ifunny, half of which are essentially "Hitler did nothing wrong" punchlines that trivialize the Lolocaust. The other half are "black people are animals." He's redpilling himself.
2 examples:
1. I walked in on him playing minecraft with his little sister. Naturally he built a little diamond house and shitty tower. I'll be damned if he didn't write TRUMP on his tower. He was so proud he wanted his dad to come see it.
2. Same visit (it was thanksgiving I think) after dinner we're watching family feud in the living room. Naturally it's a black vs white family. Well the black family gets to final round and the question comes up "name a soft fabric." Of course the nigger says cotton. I give a sensible chuckle. Nick, in the presence of our aunt and one of our cousins, let's out the most audible KEK and shoots me a shit eating grin.
Excuse my shitty storytelling. He'll be ready soon. Just a little more and I will take him under my wing.
Feels good man
>t.born in 2000
Geez... '99 is 18. Fuck I'm old.
i need to fuck a girl born in 99 so i can say i fucked the star wars prequels
I don't work with chicks, but my buddy's in design and printing for P&G and this is his life everyday, except the useless cunts he works with are oblivious. I feel for ya bro, but at least they know they're wasting the part of their lives where they should want to be treated like pampered women.
Well, if he born from February to December 1999 he's still underage
The little part of my heart where hope lives just started a trashcan fire to warm up. Keep that alive in him bro!
'93 here, don't hurt me lads
Not for long we will get rid of you spic brazilians soon enough.
'95 reporting
Another '99er reporting in.
Stop falling for it. It's fucked. This meme is designed to make you lower your guard.
90% of the 99-02 people i've had experiences with were the worst normalfags. The women are all solipsistic social media addicted cunts just like the college aged Starbucks chicks, and the men only care about video games.
96 here. Am I millenial? Too retarded to understand these gen things
Kek, I've been molded by this place. Browsed Sup Forums in the beginning (2013) then moved over to Sup Forums (late 2014). Been here ever since then. I've always been right wing, but this place pushed me even further.
tfw when '96
Hope there are lower numbers to be found. We need people in positions of power to be red pilled.
Doesn't matter, you underage shit.
>I feel for ya bro, but at least they know they're wasting the part of their lives where they should want to be treated like pampered women.
They're all different ages, they're like between 20 and 75.
What were you even trying to say?
'90 here, this makes more sense than anything, we have no memory of anything cold war related, grew up spoiled in the 90's, yet remember what it was like before the big change...The internet and smart phones etc etc as they are today. We are a weird generation.
>tfw lurked since I was 14
>didn't post until last month
I'm a good boy :^)
Kek you may survive the millennial purge yet.
In western Europe they'll have to be, they're not gona be able to live the peaceful sheltered easy lives that the other post WW2 generations got to.
Same 2000 best year desu
That doesn't make you 18.
I started going to Sup Forums in 2011, I've been here since I was 12, yet never did I mention that I'm underage for 6 years straight. One day I'd be 19, then I'd be 22, then 20 etc. No one cares if you've been molded by this place.
Eh, whatever. I don't care if I'm b&. I just thought it'd be interesting to share that this new generation is being shaped by places like Sup Forums and Sup Forums
The old lady should be there, but the 20-somethings and 30-somethings are probably childless losers, right? Women should be having children by their 30s, not working full time and taking jobs from potential husbands.
Yes, but fuck off with that iFunny shit. One of the worse things to even happen to memes and the Internet.
Women should be having children by their late teens.
My daughter was born 2012. What's the generation after Z?
Lol, no one's banning you for being under 18. Have you even been to Sup Forums yet or did you come straight here?
one of them is a (((single mother))) with 2 kids who is currently cucking one of my other coworkers, most of them are table nuclear homes though.
We do have one lesbian weeaboo but she doesn't cause much trouble.
however, they're easily molded and it you sound remotely smart they'll believe you word for word.
Those of us born in 2000 have one thing better than all those twats born after us.
We're from the 20th century.
Feels good....still a millennial though
>All these 90s kiddies
Are there even any 80s bros here anymore?
96 best year
Maybe in brushybrushyland Croatbro, if it happens here it's just one more welfare recipient.
Are you fucking retarded?
>Are there even any 80s bros here anymore?
Yes mangz, but we ashamed
98' here, been browsing since I was 12. AMA
>(((single mother))) with 2 kids
Worse than terrorists!
>I just thought it'd be interesting to share that this new generation is being shaped by places like Sup Forums and Sup Forums
>new generation
>shaped by Sup Forums
Are you retarded? Sup Forums has maybe a couple thousand regulars at a maximum and most likely
i need a quick rundown on the tooth brushing meme. i saved this image and have no idea what stereotype is refers to.
Sup Forums in 2013, but left after I actually explored the other boards and found Sup Forums in late 2014.
I know we are. I don't know why so many lump those born in 2000 as gen z
2001 reporting in
Most of my friends are conservative and anti immigration.
Relax, being a millennial doesn't matter if you don't act like a cuck
We're too old to be here. Sometimes I pretend I'm a teenage demigender pansexual black double amputee.
Whats 96 mean?? Am I millenial?
Her generation hasn't been created yet some think its going to be called the alpha generation.
Its weird, I remember when there would be threads like this and I would feel like I was the youngest person here. But now everyone here is born within 1 year of me and I'm even older than a decent bit of people now.
>Yes, good goy, everyone who has children before their 30s is trailer trash.
Gen Z is a bigger generation than the Boomers.
According to Forbes (2015), the generation after Millennials, Generation Z, made up 25%[34][35] of the U.S. population, making them a larger cohort than the Baby Boomers or Millennials.[36] Frank N. Magid Associates estimates that in the United States, 55% of Generation Z are non-Hispanic Caucasians, 24% are Hispanic, 14% are African-American, 4% are Asian, and 4% are multiracial or other.[37]
i think gen z is born after 2000 bro.
Me neither, Estonia got one meme five years ago and they've just been sharing it.
Sorry for calling you a Croat Estoniabro.
Are you?
tfw when 1995 and told gen z was 2000+, why is this mid 90's BS starting to get spread around
I'm sure you're the only degenerate here.
Your life is probably shit and you're too far gone to redeem yourself so you hate on us. kys
You make me feel so old
t. 1992
84 but redpilled
Once upon a time there was an attention whore who wanted attention. She or he came up with a master plan - this twat would use a gif of Vivian brushing her teeth in an irritating way every time he posted.
This attention whore also happened to be from Estonia.
That's it, there's no other explanation.