Why does Japan hate (every kind of) foreigners?

Why does Japan hate (every kind of) foreigners?

Case in point:
"A majority of 83.8% of Japanese people are concerned that the administration of U.S. President Donald Trump could create global instability, according to a Kyodo News survey conducted Saturday and Sunday. (...)"


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This is the opinion in LITERALLY every country which isn't shit.

They're barbarians.

That often happens with islanders.
Especially when they spent most of their history being at war with every nation close to them.
The brits used to hate everyone before they had to not-hate a couple european nations to get rid of the most hated.

Probably because they know you keep pictures of 12 year old jap girls on you computer. fucking sicko.

Because they're redpilled as fuck

>why do japanese hate foreigners
Because their society is like a mechanism, everyone know their place, everyone is part of a machine
Most japanese don't even study abroad because that would make them fall out of the japanese system
A vast majority of other countries doesn't have that mentality, foreigners can't fit in no matter how hard they try, japanese social norms seem too oppresive for them, so japs would rather not deal with foreigners

Because they're not retarded

Stay out filthy gaijin

I need more pictures of that korean idol to further convince myself of her actual age.

I was under the impression nips were on the trump train, this is kinda sad.
I won't fap to asanagi tonight.

Bumping for science

Literally same country that closed itself off for hundreds of years.

Not really, no.
Japan is still on life-support and depends immensely on import. It cannot sustain itself without axing 80% of its population.
So if Trump causes some crap with China, it could have absolutely disastrous consequences for Japan.
We're not talking about "muh GDP slightly dropped its teh end of teh worl!", if China starts to take a more openly military stance in defense or attack due to american ingerence then it could result in a lock of pretty much all the waters and airspace surrounding Japan, we're talking nation-wide food rationing, incapacity to export.

Oh hi there new year's eve r9k robot

Because hating foreigners is redpilled.

still hate you dw


Which one is the Korean? I'm assuming it's the 12 year old.

jews aren't allowed to fap to anime.

you werent going to make friends anyway champ

Whatever you have to tell yourself to get by desu.

They are Anglos of Asian race.

kimchi bastards
US base niggers
waito piggu go home

>Meanwhile at Abe
>Don't care, we actual ARMY now

16.2% probably agree with Trump and are direct descendants of samurai.


>being a faggot

>not playing the part of Johnny America while abroad

長澤 茉 里奈 寫真
I don't even know what it means

Source on 12 year old?

>implying hating the french isn't a pillar of british identity
>implying hating the anglos isn't a pillar of french identity
Some things are not meant to change.

we need sauce, anons please.

JapaaaToood=Why do you instigate it

You're our brother.

You absolute bastard.

You're always welcome round for Sunday dinner.

akamura tina
actually japanese

thanks - so are you, britbro!

So are you, but don't expect the conversation to stay entirely civil and polite.
What fun is it to stay civil and polite, and what need is there for that when it stays in the family anyway?

What the fuck? I thought Britain wanted to leave the EU, now you're sucking off the French?

Theyre saying cuk you to the EU, not French in itself. Europe as a environment needs to stay true to its roots, The roots and ties of blood on the field. Not the BS cultural wars that are fought cause they dont want to sharpen their blade.

the real question is
why don't you?

lots of makeup and shop user

There is a big difference between the EU, the states and the people.
The EU particularly is completely disattached from the people it (pretends to not) rule over.

Talked to a guy living in Japan on here the other day. He was from northern europe. He said the biggest shock was how nice and polite they acted compared to his country. When walking down the road every person he passed greeted him with a small bow. In convenient stores about 3 employees would rush over to help.

i lived a year in tokyo and never had any problems and even got in some "japanese only" establishments once they found out i am german


The thing is, they mostly dislike the chinese and the koreans.
Not that you could blame them. Fuck the chinks, they've ruined themselves.

>9gag watermark

Tbf we still hate everyone besides like the US and Spain (and that's only because cheap holidays)

>hates everyone except holidays resorts
Isn't that how the entire world works?
Why do you think we are keeping Corsica under our thumb?