>Shareblue talking points for the next 8 years
Shareblue is the new CTR.
Reminder not to respond to any threads with these talking points in the OP.
>Shareblue talking points for the next 8 years
Shareblue is the new CTR.
Reminder not to respond to any threads with these talking points in the OP.
Other urls found in this thread:
>whoa nice digits
This should be stickied to the front
The last point is very telling:
>Fighting outrage fatigue
At least they're self-aware.
Once you've played the "Trump is literally Hitler" card during the campaign and the first week of his presidency, good luck going beyond that (Lucifer, maybe?)
Well this sounds like a great idea with no possibility of things going wrong at all.
they're also here every day making the same threads trying to get Sup Forumsacks to be violent.
We need to jump on those and say no violence everytime they do it.
bump this needs to get some eyes
Where did this shit come from? So fucking insidious
>Fight outrage fatigue
Hah! What an admission.
"Don't let the goys stop being outraged!"
Bump thus shit needs to be seen.
These people are smart and they have a lot of experience and resources. Don't underestimate your enemies.
bump, this is important.
No to violence, yes to self defense
. If a group of peaceful protesters harms me or my family, it'll be Trayvon X1000
bump can't let this slide
Trump is a weak, thin-skinned "loser", why defend Trump? this board is shit
That's what really caught my eye. They know they're pushing bullshit and that it gets tiresome.
Bumping for newfags i guess. Bait threads have been much to popular lately
going to dump pages in a while
better idea is to dox them and make them pay in a way they won't know who did it.
For instance, if you can get them arrested, or if you can find out who they are.
Violence now is stupid.
Lmao at the redundant superlatives. This was definiately written by a numale. But I think the most frightening thing here is that many of them are written like they actually believe in this stuff themselves. Some of them read more like obvious self-aware gaslight projects.
They've been bitchfitting their asses off, so the only way I can see them overcoming outrage fatigue from all this shit is if they are drugged way the hell up with amphetamines all day every day for the next 8 years.
Is this tied to Brock and his new group?
>ADL dedicated against Trump
Really makes me think-skinned
Page 5
Young enterprising media outlets historically thrive when in the opposition (t hink Talking Points
Memo and Daily Kos in the George W. Bush years) . Now is the time to build Shareblue's audience
and influence.
In the next four years, Shareblue is focused on achieving the following outcomes:
Shareblue becomes the go-to news outlet for grassroots Trump opponents.
Shareblue becomes the de facto news outlet for opposition leaders.
Trump allies are forced to step down or change course due to news we push.
Under pressure from Shareblue, Democrats take more aggressive positions against Trump .
Achieve financial sustainability while diversifying content offerings and platforms.
Top editorial and writing talent leave competitors to join Shareblue.
>Share the lube.
>"partisan" combat against Authoritarianism, kleptocracy, Russian narrative and White Supremacy
>kikebook community
>Emotionally resonant: Messaging based solely on facts doesn't resonate with a broad audience
>Shareblue creates "fact-based" content that connects with out audience on a visceral, emotional level
These tactics didn't work during the elections. What makes them think they'll reach anyone but California dangerhairs with their new "antidote to Breitbart" facebook outreach?
>Presidentcy just started
>Outrage fatigue
>we'll take share from corporate media
>we have to become a profitable media company to compete with Breitbart and the [right-wing] media
>our team created some trending hashtags
Kek those larpers think they are going to be relevant
Maybe they are hoping that the same sources that was full of shit is not perceived as being full of shit anymore?
Or that the sleeping giant of shitposters has forgotten and are tired.
It is a culture war that's for sure.
hahahahaha, fuck me dead
they're going to lose the next election so hard if this is their strategy
Democrats are so far up their own arses they'll never extract themselves in time for 2020.
>our team created some trending hashtags
top keks these fellas are on top of everything, very modern
Good its exactly what we need
It looks like one of thier actions will be to harass journalist who doesn't share their view
>We are bold, full throated, and we are not backing down.
Oh no, please don't do that Democrats! You'll get them all on your side if you just be as shrill as possible!
This is seriously fucking GOLD
How could they be so naive?
>we made some trending hashtags
>for the candidate that lost
probably should have left that off your resume, shareblue
Lots of ressources - yes. Smart - this election season showed otherwise.
>the Right was subversive first
>weaponize the memes
>we are really desperate to damage Trump's reputation
Dems will complain about some dystopian one party authoritative bullshit if this happens. Honestly I hope the Democratic Party completely collapsed and libertarianism steps in. New republicans and libertarian party as the major parties would be nice
>(Shareblue) is a necessary voice in a world teeming with Conservative radio, television and INTERNET outlets - Nick Merrill, NY Times
>we posted "Hillary Clinton is one of the most ethical (and most lied about) political leaders in America" and it got shared 800k times
>brought down progressive organizations and damaged democrats
>implying talking about their Demi gendered political, critical theory Marxist bullshit didn't make them the party of lunacy
Whoever dug this shit up is a living legend.
>Young enterprising media outlets historically thrive when in the opposition (t hink Talking Points
>Memo and Daily Kos in the George W. Bush years) . Now is the time to build Shareblue's audience
>and influence.
They're going to pull a John Kerry in 2020.
>Shareblue is a digital attacker
Oh my god, this is like my mum trying to be cool.
>If the mainstream media fails to hold Trump to account, increasingly frustrated Americans will turn elsewhere for news and opinion
Are you for fucking real, democrats? They certainly aren't going to turn to clearinghouses of democratic spin. I can't believe how impossibly out of touch this is.
>Fighting outrage fatigue
Will we ever stop winning?
What conservative media are they talking about? There's a handful of conservative media personalities out there, liberals have control over everything else, FUCK these people piss me off
The left is too far gone at this point. Being shady and violent as hell is apparently all they have.
They're a party of just... pure cutthroat malice.
It won't matter in 5 months, the left is going to full on rioting by summer.
They're just waiting out the cold season, so they can repeat the OWS style shit in NYC and LA, but with more support from local government and taking over actual private property.
May Day is probably going to be the first rtrial run someplace.
Why is it so bad to be a nationalist? Leftists use it as an insult, just like they use right wing as an insult. Their echo chamber has really fucked up their minds. Maybe we should start using leftist as an insult, go full Nazi, and be everything they claim we are. I'm ready for rigth wing death squads.
>resistance efforts
Oh boy since we're role playing can I be an Elven fighter?
You're all going to be hearing a lot from shrill democrats on Facebook in the next four years.
People are going to absolutely bristle at this shit. How could they be so stupid as to think they could beat the republicans at their own game?
People aren't going to trust democrats more if they try and imitate republicans. People will trust them less.
>editorial priorities:
>Call out all signs of authoritarianism and kleptocracy
>non-stop coverage of the influence of Putin on Russia, and on Trump's and his administration
>Exposing Trump as a weak, think-skinned "loser" vulnerable to goading
>repeat: "he has no mandate", "3 MIL POPULAR VOTE" and "least popular president-elect in modern American history"
>expose Mike Pence
>demystify Trump's "conflicts of interest" and call them: subversions of the nation's interests
Same kind of people who have spent over 2 years doubling down on the official lies about Gamergate.
One day they might learn, not today.
It should be tidied up and made a sticky. Could cut out 80% of the threads over the next 4 years which would enhance the quality of my /pol experience no-end.
oh fuck gamergate
>highlight Trump's administration's ties to White Nationalists and how they explicitly empower White Supremacy
>fight back against GOP legislation in Congress
>following SCOTUS
>display good boy democrats, cannibalize bad boy democrats
>display good boy "journalists", attack bad boy "journalists"
>fight your inner feelings of fighting a losing battle away
I don't really give a shit either, I just brought it up as a point to show how fucking retarded these people are.
You understandestimate them still
We didn't win by some massive margin, some of them are fucking stupid, but some are smart as well. Hillary herself was stupid, but our next opponent might not be.
By the way, what is up with CTR's webpage?
>we want your guns
>find anything that is same-sex parents > straight parents to de-legitimize Mark Regnerus's 2012 study (markregnerus.com
>she (Clinton) lost because she was a Female
I can't get over what breathless technocrats they are
They really think the path to success is in dropping enough shit on people's heads that they will be unable to disagree.
They also forgot to mention putting up a candidate that doesn't suck my nuts off like a dyson
This might actualy win, I hope Trump is still keeping tabs on his focus groups, I would hate to see the God Emperor outmemed by lefties
HOw do we join share blue, I wouldn't mind shit posting and getting paid
Nice digits. Too bad they ultimately fail at everything they do. It's not easy being the bad guys.
>outmemed by lefties
didnt you see the recent memes? the hand photoshop, the fear of stairs, the inauguration crowd shitposting, these are subtle but in the long run will damage him more than screaming HITLER HITLER HITLER!! Reeeeee
That is not how memes work.
It must be grounded in reality to stick.
Bump, thread theme
>we're gonna (re-)use Benchmark Politics on our polls (ritholtz.com
>we're trying to be a legitimate, leading news outlet
>Trump's plan was to awaken the White Nationalists
>>Fighting outrage fatigue
They are going to run out of their 40 million budget on this alone quickly.
Pic related.
They're not funny- they won't spread. As long as they're self righteous pricks who aim for a moral high ground they don't even deserve, they will never be as free and able with their memes as we are
>fighting outrage fatigue
>outmemed by lefties
Right wing memes
>Creative, Subtle, long lasting appeal, funny, Flow like water
Left wing memes
>Knock off Right memes, not subtle, no one remembers them, not funny, Sentience PICTURE ALL CAP SENTINCE (MADE BY LEFT tm), flow like a fat lady through a door
>trump is the gawd emperor
I mean realy, it's just shitposting and seeing what sticks, didn't hillary bashing for shitting her pants, epilepsy medication or fainting did no damage? An army of psychologists are analysing the flaws of hillary campaing and they will not make the same fuck ups again. Remember Trump already pissed a lot of people.
People thought John Kerry was going to smash W in 2004, too.
>Trump's campaign's "digital team" outperformed Democrats at every level
>we're gonna spend manhours on trying to understand Facebook normie behavior
>>(((sponsored content))), (((sponsored verticals))), exclusive subscriber content, an hiroshimoot datamine sell as the sources of revenue
I'm glad to see they show no indication of having learned anything from their frankly embarrassing loss.
I hate this cock gobbling faggot... Why don't he and his faggy boyfriend rape and eat children while leaving the rest of us alone?
>pay for (your) safespace, sell email poll results and shitty products for more money
>bully Trump's allies to step down
>make Democrats angrier
>recognition is easier here
Nah, I think our Aussie friend had it right with just "so far up their own arses."
Isn't Blue like a homosexual magazine?
>dedicated team, each of whom believes progressive values are worth fighting for every day
selected bios:
>Will Lippincott, COO
>successful white male
of course it is
>Raid time?
Raid time
This is the guy who is head of ShareBlue. Check out how much of a prissy homosexual he is.
Fuck I hope Sup Forums gets under his fingernails
"They must not have heard us the first time, better do it *louder*."
>Katie Paris, SEA
>a founder of Faith in Public Life (Catholic)
>Melissa McEwan, Editor in Chief
>250 pound feminist
>Anthony Reed
>founder of the "predictive" Benchmark Politics
>Tommy Christopher
>liberal commentator
This guy knows what's up.
acting as if we should be afraid. we out shit posted literal paid shitposters and we'll do it again if we have to. Paid liberal memers aren't ever going to be able to compete with autistic shitposters in a meme war
Ok so all we do is coopt 'ShareBlue' before they can even get started and ruin it. Literally we start something fucked up and tag it shareblue fuck we could #shareblue and share blueballs stories
If you ever happen to see this guy on Twitter, make sure to ask him about his death squad experience. :^)
They really don't understand that social media is inherently flawed as a content and control platform. The damage has been done and democrats cannot retake control with shortsighted fools like this sucking up all the donor money.
Classic divide and rule. The plan may be to Balkanize the US and rebase financial operations in China, India, and Russia.
The seat of power is shifting. The globalist NWO continues unabated. Trump is its agent, every bit as much as Hillary would be. He is simply the ad-man in chief.
His job is to make you comfortable with what is happening, by distracting you from the truth.