Aus/pol/ - non-Celto-Germanics Out!
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Bentleighfag reporting in
she won't be right, mate
Australian = pure Celto-Germanic heritage
Are we making memes or what?
yup, yup, Slav master race (based on image)
>Celto-germanics only
What did op mean by this.
no chinks m8
>tfw celtic genes but in reality just a subversive jew
i'm your worst nightmare white bois
Gonna watch Rumble in the Bronx and drink a 6 pack lads.
She's Ukrainian with Germanic features. You are no Slav, Serbian Turk nigger
Croat Diaspora from Melbourne reporting in
>Anglo-Hungarian mutt here
Wew, what a mix.
>Not every Anglo is a yob bogan but the majority of yob bogans are Anglo .
I agree with this. I don't hate all anglos (my gf is anglo). But I do see massive issues in their society/community.
Nice get, but you're making it too obvious that George Dipopoloualous fucked your sister
>anything but an absolute irredeemable shithole
Races of the British Isles, Germans, Nords, Dutch welcome.
The rest - fuck off
Anglo Scotch / English reporting in.
and you are just abo then, even in nigger world you are one ugly bastard
It means us Croat diaspora are also second class citizens. But that's ok. I'm just here for the memes
So we're voting Pauline right? Or is there a better option?
Send these men home
vote pauline or LDP
>non-Celto-Germanics Out!
I approve Straya
Pure Celto-Germanic. Fuck off to fucking goats nigger
This is bullshit. Demographics + debt + technology = economic downturn. No avoidance possible.
Found this gem in a facebook group.
>Greek niggers
>Turks from the Balkans
Speaking of Pauline, any of you cunts see this?
One Nation is the only option, don't vote for LDP
why do people call lebs, wogs?
Sorry, not gonna happen
China for Chinese. Sweden for Swedes. England for English. Australia for Wogs.
You'd go great with some coke
>fellow croat diaspora
Top wew
Where from? Are you going to the tourney this year?
Eh. She's not great. But she's one of the better choices. I'm also inclined to vote Lib Dems, but some of their policies are pretty cuck
fuck you i want to start up an AK manufacturing company, i'll call it ivan's ballistically accelerated fish and chips concern
Tfw med
where was this filmed?
Diaspora is really the worst scum on earth
Ldp, one nation just be sure to put greens last.
Canberra I think, maybe Melbourne. I'll see if I can find the post in the group.
Trans-australian here.
The autist posted a photo of language groups.
Pure retardation can be the only answer
>mfw someone uses my name in a thread
Welcome medbro. Get comfy
We will put the nail bombs in your houses. No discrimination. Wog, Slav, gook, leb? Doesn't matter. You have to go back
If Bernadi splits then I'll most likely back him. I'm a member of his conservative movement (sort of like Get-up but for based cunts)
But it depends on how he goes about it.... I can handle (((Civic Nationalism))) because I can't see how in the current landscape we could possibly go full Sup Forums
But we need a strong leader who's committed to restoring our demographic problem, and at the moment Aunty Pauline is doing a good job of taking the slack. It's not looking good, I'm starting to see niggers here and they always spell trouble :(
I was the user the other night that said I'd straight up vote One Nation if even Hanson snorts meth out of a hookers snatch and uploads it to YouTube. So it'll most likely be a vote for One Nation or Bernadi.
David Leyoheljm is pretty based. I like him a lot. But his views on immigration are outright disgusting. So I will not be voting for the LDP.
fuck off back to Italy then
I will be going to a few things, as well as going back to Croatia for a while. I am based in Sydney.
>posts a slavic woman
Modern Greeks are Albanian, negroid and Turkish mongrels. You have no relation to the ancient Hellens. Literally WE WUZ
>mfw trying to learn gĂ idhlig.
>class is filled with fat middle aged american women
Yup, and then once all of us are gone and it becomes a 100% anglo nation, you will die out within 50 years because your women want to go get a degree in Gender, Sexuality and Equality studies, not to mention you cunts can't even buy a house because from the age of 16 you have to pay rent to your own parents.
I agree with this user.
Pauline seems to be the only one willing to address the demographic shift. We won't see any politician go full Sup Forums and name the Jew tho. Not for at least 15 years.
I think the Tournament is in Canberra this year. I'll most probably be going.
>heading back to croatia
The eternal anglo isn't quite a gift of intellect
he thinks that she looks germanic, because she acted in the fictional TV show... abo education
Stop with the Celt meme, poofters. If you want to be Irish, go and fuck some abos.
Kek, we wuz cultured nd sheeit
How long until Australia has its first non-celtic germanic Prime Minister?
I'm going to say 2030's
For the record we've only had 5 Prime Ministers that weren't fully British-Irish
3. Chris Watson: 50% German
17. Harold Holt: 25% German
19. John Gorton: 25% German
22. Malcolm Fraser: 25% Ashkenazi Jewish
28. Tony Abbott: 25% Dutch
Their mixes were all British-Irish
thanks famalam. might need to flee to australia one day
t. visa applicant
Why do you oppose Germanic Australia?
You subhuman Turks are only good for killing other subhuman Turks.
Which state should we anglo's be emigrating too? I live in Victoria but this joint is sjw cancer
what are some things we can ALL agree on?
>remove Apex by force
>halt immigration to Australia from everywhere because we're fucking full
Become a terrorist. Stupid demonstrations and contemporary Western political culture of waving flags won't help. If you are ready to die, live in exile or spend some time in jail, consider the following. As long as you don't neutralise the opposing team: imams, high-profile kikes, cuck party members, community organisers, pro-refugee pro-migrant organisations members and leaders, nothing will change. Act up. Kill them all. Violence gets things done. Start the killing.
But even without the (yuge) achivements of my ancestors i still have merit.
Stay and be the change you want to see. It's a small planet and there's a lot of shitskins, if you run forever there'll be nowhere left to run
When you give up racial and cultural identity it has to be replaced with something else, usually that is cultural marxism.
Nature abhors a vacuum .
>This amount of division between LDP and One Nation
C'mon, We have to focus and agree on ONE. We can't have half of us going LDP and One nation.
Too much division like that will fuck up the election when that comes around
>not just random niggers nigging it up
I'm surprised a pussified anglo even knows the word "fight".
From what I gather, the approach your people have adopted is to just roll over and fucking die like a submissive bitch.
On the refugee policy we should just solely take white Europeans or white people of European descent. No more sudanese or lebs. And we make a concerted effort to get them out of the country asap.
You can vote for both tho.
arh roit lads i just went ta the fakin toilet and guess what i saw? a fakin massive spider! the cunt nipped me nob off i just piss out of me arsehole now
fakin hell
Putting a halt on immigration for at least 30 years under the guise of "restoring Australian culture" I think is attainable.
Especially if we promote the idea of Special Economic Safe Zones. These are an alternative (and the better option) to accepting refugees in the country. So we actively fund areas in Syria or Somali for example where civilians can be protected by troops and go about their daily lives in the country. But no, they cannot come here. It's still humanitarian.
Ultimately I'd like to fuck off any foreign funding.
It's better in Terms of Propaganda and group effort for us to all focus on the One Party
Sounds like Italy ww2 desu
This is a good point. We need direction and organization. Both Labor and Greens have a large voter base, in order to beat that we have to be united.
But is it a question of which party meets /auspol/'s needs better, or which party has a better chance of winning? Because the same as what I said applies above.
>Croatshit manlet
>calling anyone else a pussy
You sucked miles of Turkish schlong. Your ancestors are Dalmatian whores and Turkish rapists. You have nothing to be proud of.
I won't be going to that, unless my friends are interested. My holiday will be going to catch up with relatives etc It's always nice.
apex has become a generic term for niggers nigging in melbourne
reminder that dis is our land you dumb dawgs
>Celtic germanic master-race!!
>Posts a Russian woman
Ausbogan education, everyone. This is why we're getting cucked by China.
It's actually spelled farkin* mate.
I love how are law enforcement works.
Out number small pockets and regroup and repeat.
A wog talking shit about Anglo culture?
L m a o
Other than Kebabs and not paying taxes what's your contribution to Australia?
Just joking I love kebabs and I hate taxes.
But seriously if you don't like Anglos your welcome to leave.
Hello alphabet soup
This desu
Victoria or just Melbourne m8?
I would say that Cultural Marxism is the force which is pushing us away from our cultures and traditions. I suppose consumerism is one thing it is being replaced with, not to mention "bread and circus" type forms of control.
LDP is great and better organised. They have some brilliant ideas. However they're complete cucks when it comes to immigration.
Only One Nation can solve our muzzie, nigger and gook problem
What are you doing with that keyboard pommy? Put it down at once, you might hurt yourself on the square edges!
The cultural police will be with you shortly.
that's a stronk slav m8
I live in the shithole of sydney , gook, muscunt,Somali,hapa Abo central .
fucking do it irl faggot instead of roleplaying on the internet
protip: you wouldn't dare
I feel like One Nation is the one the public know about more.
7 News likes to comment on them alot.
Not many people know or give a shit enough to get interested in LDP.
It's a bit out there.
I'm in love with Pauline's Anti-Islam and 100% certain Anti-Refugee policies
Cultural marxism or nihilism. Both bad.
tfw great grand parents were from Holland
i've noticed more vibrant youths in sydney recently as well. the other day on the bus there was a drunk/high nigger ranting aggressively about random shit and freaking out all the white people on the bus. then he started literally "we wuz kanging" to some asian guy
thank you mate!
>mfw without poms you'd already be a province of china
Russians are partially Germanic anyway
The immigration problem comes first, partner.
That's the BIGGEST threat to us atm.
Everything else is literally irrelevant during this refugee crisis
Immigration Policy ====== All that matters here
See, now we're talking.
Honestly it doesn't even have to be a guise, because that'll be the main benefit. Australia is becoming such a homogenized, globalised shithole quickly. And Chinese coming in and buying up property big is wreaking havoc with the property market.
>Especially if we promote the idea of Special Economic Safe Zones. These are an alternative (and the better option) to accepting refugees in the country. So we actively fund areas in Syria or Somali for example where civilians can be protected by troops and go about their daily lives in the country. But no, they cannot come here. It's still humanitarian.
Genius desu.
Aren't negroids just putrid to look at? They are so harsh on the eyes and just all round look disgusting.
I want them gone. My day is fucking ruined when I walk down the path during a break at work and see fucking African. Yuck!
i wanted very badly to fuck tyhe ghost girl from scooby doo ghoul's school as a child and to this day i appreciate ghost girl aesthetic
She's been saying that since the election last year, where have you been user???