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HINDUs are pooinloo DINDUs
>dude i don't care if whites are replaced as long as those who replace us are considered "bro tier" lmao
You have to go back.
Pretty much tbqh.
Fuck Sikhs, I had one in my class, he was literally wearing that stupid hat 24/7 pretty much socially casting himself out. Nobody is gonna talk to someone wearing a stupid hat.
This. Let them be bro-tier in their own territory.
>Ride to Honor Law Enforcement
Blue lives matter.
You truly are a coward. If only you had a good reason to be afraid instead of this bullshit
That "stupid hat" was meant to make them stand out from the kebab
Reminder that these fucks never shower and underneath the towels is extremely long disgusting hair which is kept in that thing for weeks before they decide to change when enough shit stains begin ti show on it
In NJ they assimilate the gas into the tank of my car really well.
fuck off, leb
I love Sikhs
Pls user, everyone knows Sikh's are cheats and liars, pls have a beef hamburger.
>Sikh's are cheats and liars
I've never met one, but I've only heard good things.
And you're a fucking retard Ahmed.
I don't understand why people hate on them though, they were bought up to counter the filthy mudslimes and they truly are our bros and have no qualms assimilating into our culture.
cause we whitey dont like the shitskin
Found the hindu
This. Sikhs assimilate well and tend to marry other Sikhs. They are honest and law-abiding citizens. Their mortal enemies are Muslims. Wouldbrowith/10
Sikhs being bro tier is my favourite meme because it is such bullshit if you grow up around them.
They may be ok, but they still have to go back. They can go make india great. No again there because it has always been a literal shithole.
This, they have the "might makes right" nigger tier mentality
Yeah I have no problem with Sikh's.
>Beta swede has no might
i like this. this is awesome
>motor cycle hunni hunni
i can get jiggy with this shit
I like Sikhs but they can be just as nuts as everyone else.
>that music
dude shit is banging, this is my new jam
>Let people take my country over. Just as long as their smiling and happy about it.
theres no ammo in that.
>P U N J A B I on tailpipe
A true badass on that bike, good taste in bikes aswell.
Texas represent!
Fuck off Hans
You need as much of them as you can to remove the muzzies
There's literally not enough of them alive to be a demographic danger.
Live in a town that is mostly Indian. A lot of Sikhs.
Literally have zero issues and crime is super low in this part of town.
>No muzzies
>No Crime
>Good food
>Fresh Markets
Sikhs are bros. They're not Muzzies, or anything like Muzzies.
Sikh's don't usually racemix. They have arranged marriages.
What state?
When I was a kid, there was this old Sikh man that crossed a field every time we were walking home from school, and we yelled at him and called him a 'candy bar' until he chased us in the style of T-1000.
As I got older and knew a lot of Sikh's, I realized that the guy probably only ran like that to be funny, and was probably a really cool guy. A lot of them are super-friendly and hilarious.
kek, the reason why the taxi industry is fucked here in Melbourne is because the Sikh cabbies think they can drive you to Geelong when you ask to go Tullamarine airport and by the way every major fraud scam has a Sikh behind it.
They're cheaters and liars.
Is this the most comforting smile on Earth?
Are you sure they're Sikh's? Indian's are prolific scammers here too but it's never the ones with turbans.
Not in my experience, went to high school with a bunch
They are civic nationalist tier and don't have a medieval ideology that expands and demands changing the host culture.
That is why.
Don't they literally carry little daggers because Muslims used to kill them openly?
>he reason why the taxi industry is fucked here in Melbourne is because the Sikh cabbies think they can drive you to Geelong when you ask to go Tullamarine airport and by the way every major fraud scam has a Sikh behind it.
Chinks, sikhs, muslims or hindus
We'll be replaced by one of them
Yes, the fuckers where the turbans.
Some are, same as us. But overall average quality is high. If you were hanging off a cliff, who would you prefer to walk past? A nu-male or a religious Sikh?
Their scam is setting up companies etc that defraud people of their money, you can't do that as a high school student.
> we yelled at him and called him a 'candy bar' until he chased us in the style of T-1000.
THIS. The reason Muslims aren't attacking them is there is no point. Their small number means they will side with us if civil war ever erupts.
Nu male, at least they have ethics etc. Sikhs are all about exploiting other people to make a quick buck.
didnt you hear about muslims grooming sikhs?
You are truly are fucking retarded or a muslim.
fucking what?
Are you from (((Hellbourne)))?
Hahaha I guess that sign is for all Northern Hemisphere fascists
>yes goy, remember that it's white people againt the world
t. george soros
Theyre pro christmas too
Always forget the link
The slide isn't open m8
All the people hating on Sikhs are muslims.
I seriously never met a single person who dislikes them apart from pakis.
They don't assimilate at all retard. They just buy up businesses and send a ton of the money straight out of the country. Fuck Sikhs.
No, that's indians, some asians and mexicans...
Try growing up around both.
They hate each other but would always side with each other than side with a white person.
Sikhs hate us because 'muh British oppression', I was mates with a lot of them until a certain age where they all decided they hated white people.
Bro tier my arse.
face wise this guy looks very caucasian
>No, that's indians
>Sikhs aren't Indians
You fucking what m8
Confirmed, I have never met a Sikh I didn't like. wonderful people, fit well into culture, religion is genuinely peaceful despite carrying a knife as part of it. The symbol is dope.
>They just buy up businesses and send a ton of the money straight out of the country
Sounds like good ole capitalism... what are you? a filthy fucking commie?
>sikhs could replace us
there are literally only 24 to 27 million of them globalism
only about a million in the US
Sikhs, while not white, are Caucasian. That's why they act white even if don't look white.
Excuse me... "Paki's"
Most Sikhs are serperatists and want their own sikh homeland, for sikhs by sikhs.
You fucks can't ride Emus or tame them can you?
You lads lost all hope after you lost your guns.
What is being done to bring back your guns?
They're still Indians.
Australia's so cucked it allows sikhs to carry shanks but when whitey does it its a crime cause fuck whitey
>North Indian
Like I said, they're still Indians.
Sure thing Ahmed Sikhs recieved special treatment in all british colonies for their service and religion. In places like Hong Kong they were as citizens allowed to move more freely than anyone else short of the british armed forces themselves.
Anyone else see Ronald McDonald on the left in this images thumbnail?
>Sikhs recieved special treatment in all british colonies for their service and religion
Yet they still hate us.
>let me tell you about your country, kid
Fuck off.
>your country
You mean my country you paki faggot. I am british and nobody cares how many generations you've lived there on welfare. You will never be of us.
They hate britian because they ended up giving muzzies pakistan and hindus got india. they didnt get thier own sovereign nation after the partion which lead to the 1984 sikh massacres
Most of them are dirty fucking punjabi-niggers with the lowest education. They stick to their own and have a major idenity crisis even more than mudslimes because of the turban/hair thing. When they give in to the western degeneracy they really go off the rails. But mostly they just end up getting an arranged marriage with some punjabi princess (ie peasant slut) and then end up bringing the whole clan over on realtions visas and fucking up the whole taxi/carwash industry.
Fuck em. they need to go back.
Sikhs are BROS. Flight 182, who cares! Brotier!
>They stick to their own
How's this a bad thing cuck?
>When they give in to the western degeneracy they really go off the rails.
When any minority does this they turn into professional victims, ill give you that
>But mostly they just end up getting an arranged marriage with some punjabi princess
You want them to race mix with your wyt wymenz cuck?
>You mean my country you paki faggot.
Then you clearly didn't grow up in an area with Indians. Call me a paki all you want faggot.
I grew up in the Midlands surrounded by the fuckers, so forgive me for not sucking them off you cucked civic cunt.
Flight 182 contained mainly canaidian citizens that were shitskins going to their motherland. they did you a favour.