These are the official KEKED power rankings:
1. Sweden
2. Germany
3. France
4. Canada
5. United Kingdom
6. Belgium
7. United States
8. Australia
9. Austria
10. Denmark
These are the official KEKED power rankings:
1. Sweden
2. Germany
3. France
4. Canada
5. United Kingdom
6. Belgium
7. United States
8. Australia
9. Austria
10. Denmark
Other urls found in this thread:
nigger you have a muslim mayor
>fpbp United Kuckdom btfo
You have a Swedish mayor for a Muslim population.
We have too many snowflakes. I'm afraid that without conflict with Russia we've gone soft and half of our male population now pees sitting down.
>having muslims forced upon you
Australia's official status
Pick both.
You fucking took them in willingly. How are we equally cucked?
The US may have Trump but is still owned and run by Jews, is the main source of all the Far Left, Third Worldist, Feminist, Anti-White Rhetoric Propaganda, is by far the least white of the countries listed here, and ethnic nationalism is literally not even possible here. How is it not higher?
1. Canada
2. Sweden
3. Germany
4. France
5. United Kingdom
6. Italy
7. United States
8. Australia
9. Belgium
10. Can't decide
You're not, you're less cucked. 10 is lower than 5 Danebro.
Italy is mostly ethnic Italian.
Australia will soon be majority Asian, and Belgium's urban areas at least will soon be majority non-white.
Yay i'm not relevant feels comfy :DDDDDDDDD
Because the changes are far less rapid and noticeable than the countries above. Demographers predict the US black population will only rise a little over the next few decades. In the other countries the Muslim population is exploding both literally and metaphorically.
America's urban areas already are nonwhite and is much closer to becoming minority white in general than Australia or Belgium are.
I don't know about Belgium, but
>Italy is mostly ethnic Italian
I live 50km away from Italy. It's niggers everywhere. Don't tell me Italians are white or even ethnic Italian because they're not.
You just need to project on Sweden because you live in hell. It's okay man, let it all out.
No, you're 5 because you elected a fucking Muslim as your capital mayor. And all the gang rapes of little girls
Britain is still in ethnic purgatory m8, Sweden however is undoubtedly in Satan's deepest dungeon already.
what has austria done?
It's Germany-lite in terms of refugees.
>US cucked
>Trump is President
Kys paki
A cramped little island with its capital lost to moslems and the rest almost consumed. Sorry there's just no comparison. You read exaggerated news trying to paint Sweden badly. We're good up here mate.
In which Swedish city are ethnic Swedes a minority? There's nothing like London or Luton or some of the suburbs there to my knowledge.
Malmo is now majority non-Swedes.
Sweden and UK has both gone way beyond the point of no return and soon we will pay the price.
Actually London doesn't have a huge muslim population, that's Leicester, Blackburn, Luton etc.
> Run and owned by Jews from the coasts
> Ethnic Nationalism is literally impossible outside of wild unpredictable wacky scenarios
> Leads the Western World in producing degenerate, third-world, anti-white Jewish filth propaganda
> Literally the least white by far of all Western countries
> People in the country are actually celebrating being the least white country and becoming less white all the time
By contrast your country has a literal National Socialist party/political movement with the possibility of gaining actual political power, even if the country is shitty in comparison to the US economically.
Hahaha you are a Nigger.
Come on man you shouldn't even be an indipendent nation... You were much better off when we were ruling over you, or maybe you are just an edgy Slovene kid.
nah when i remember correctly they shut down the refugee route quite harshly
UK isn't accepting refugees, many of whom come from Somalia. The birthrate for Somali women in Sweden is 3.9, while for Swedish women it's something like 1.7.
It's at the bottom of the country and nobody likes it anyway.
Is that actually true? I'm extremely skeptical of most of the bullshit about Sweden on here, it's a really nice and overwhelmingly white country, Malmo's not even bad on the whole, just parts of it. Also even if ethnic Swedes were the minority, there would also be Norwegians and Danes, who are close enough to being the same thing, plus Finns, Germans, Netherlanders, etc.
Yes, but they will all die when they can't receive welfare in their containment areas, plus there aren't that many Somalis here, the main problem is Arabs.
Why isn't my toothpaste country on it? I agree the people are pretty right-wing but our politicians and media is extreme left. We deserve a cuck mention. Don't let us off the hook.
Gothenburg will soon follow, as will Sodertalje.
Eastern Europe best Europe.
There were 65,000 Somalis in Sweden in 2015 before the refugee influx.
>10. Denmark
Why? Norway would make a lot more sense than Denmark.
Are the Dutch a minority in any of their own cities? Also you guys seem a whole lot more redpilled to Islam and opposed to it in general than places like Sweden or the UK or even fucking America of all places after seeing this recent fucking bullshit going on in response to the Trump executive order.
Denmark has a smaller population but a similar number of refugees / migrants.
This isn't really about being "cucked" by having immigrants entering your country. This is about people learning in school that Hitler thought Swedes were the ultimate race, and that's why we're targeted by hate propaganda even from Right Wingers.
>In charge of ranking
You're easily supposed to be #1 on this list.
Why? Both of them actually seem pretty based and nationalist, especially relative to Sweden, the only thing I can point to is that I think you may have more Muslims and non-Norwegians in general and your king and populace seem more cucked and open to them based on some speeches and polls I've seen.
>Ethnic Nationalism is literally impossible
You are right about that.Thats why US can focus on Civic N/S.
There are based blacks,jews and spics.You can work with them just fine.Clear SJW,hood rats and the rest
N/S isnt about hate others.A black man can be National Socialist too
For ethnic swedes born and raised in sweden, they are a minority in malmö. But that does not count in other nordics/europeans living in malmö. To be honest malmö is pretty much ~75% white , but Sup Forums likes to meme around with sweden so most people overlook this.
>no poofta Jew Zealand
lol get fucked cunt. Australia shouldn't even be on there you lanky streak of piss
Don't set foot in Rotterdam, AMsterdam or the Hague, or fuck even Utrecht or Gouda then, my American friend. We're not quite Sweden/Germany/UK level, but goddamnit, a lot of us are trying.
Same can be said about London
Belgium can be a little higher on that list.
Source am Belgian
Yeah but our diversity in general does nothing but make the country more pro-third world and anti-white and anti-Western in general, and barring something extreme just based on the average person from our nonwhite groups that isn't going to change and the country is just going to drift more towards anti-Westernism and degneracy.
Yeah exactly, plus if the same bullshit keeps happening to Sweden at the pace it's been going Sweden actually has the chance of experiencing a resurgence of ethnic nationalism. It isn't like the US where that's literally impossible, or like Britain or France where it's perhaps possible but almost pragmatically impossible or never going to happen anyway even if possible.
Yeah I've heard Rotterdam in particular and Amsterdam followed by the others are somewhat bad, but honestly considering how well known your country is for general purpose degeneracy like prostitution and marijuana you still seem extremely based compared to Germany, Sweden, the UK or even the US.
Maybe the Netherlands is more than just 4 big cities and there's a large population of Calvinist farmers or something that I don't know about.
How is France more cucked than Uk.
Like you have paki Mohammed khan the magnificient mayor of Londonistan you fucking capital .
You have fucking sharia tribunal
You have fucking Fahtima school where all girls wear niquabs.
On the other hand. I can go to my local bar or sports club and call my friends jews or niggers and nobody bats an eye. The amounts of time I hear words like cancer-faggot or cancer-Morrocan satisfy me.
Most of the support for the SD party comes from the province Malmö is in. The sad truth is that most swedes are oblivious to the problems of migration since they live in shitty forest areas with no contact to civilisation, not even sand niggers want to move there. Sweden is so politically split between north and south its ridiculous.
t. en arg skåning
>Maybe the Netherlands is more than just 4 big cities and there's a large population of Calvinist farmers or something that I don't know about.
It is, of course, but the problem is that the borderless cultural marxist delusionals have infiltrated all walks of Political, Academic and Media life. The coming months will show what direction the Netherlands will take.
How is Denmark on that list britfag. Your country is an utter shithole
>Yeah but our diversity in general does nothing
How about Trump? 30% of the latinos voted for him
What's Northern Sweden for a Skåning?
>7. United States
>8. Australia
yeah, fuck this place, who wanna live here?
I moved from the big city (Sthlm) to this, cuz fuck all those "people".
The problem is christianity and globalism. Two words who will make the avrage Swede into a autistic crybaby if you EVER bring up.
Det skjuts för lite politiker helt enkelt.
1. Sweden
2. Germany
3. France
(huge gap)
4. Belgium
5. Netherlands
6. Canada
7. Denmark
8. Austria
9. United Kingdom
10. Norway
>mfw all protestant/atheist-cucks except for France and Belgium (eternal frenchcucks don't count)
Om all politiker skulle dö idag så skulle det inte göra någon skillnad, nya skulle tillsättas och Bonnier m.m. skulle fortsätta hjärntvätta befolkningen. Man måste göra sig av med den främmande makten som har kontroll över all media i Sverige för att det ska bli skillnad.
it's still not a statistic to be hopeful about, especially when you examine the average Latino's social and political views, plus that number still means that Hillary destroyed him in the same demographic.
This, desu France's Muslims at least seem A LOT more secular than most of Europe's
> shitty forest areas with no contact to civilisation, not even sand niggers want to move there
They probably don't want to move there because there's less gibs and people there aren't bleeding heart pro-third world bleeding heart retards but fucking nationalist patriots. I'm not an expert on the matter but just going based on a rudimentary knowledge of Sweden, rural Sweden is probably one of the nicest, comfiest places on earth senpai.
I get the feeling that Den Haag is probably a lot worse, more pro-third world globalist and cancerous than the rest of the country since so much international finance and law takes place there. Amsterdam and Rotterdam are probably places where non-Dutch go because it has more benefits and free shit and degeneracy and the people there probably don't even like them much.
>USA 56% white
>Russia 14% mudslims
Du gamla du fria.
>both literally and metaphorically
How can you exaggerate grenade attacks and multiple rapes of young whites by 'young' 'refugees'
Daily reminder att du borde flytta härifrån till Polen eller liknande.
1. Sweden
2. Sweden (so cucked they take both top spots)
3. Germany
4. Canada
5. France
6. Austria
Hey, that's pretty accurate!
Fegt att fly.
Is there a similar list for most based/least cucked?
Poland or Hungary probably tops the list, it's too bad it seems all of the really based countries are shittier than the nicer, more Germanic, cuckier ones. The Czech Republic seems like a nice compromise of both, not too shitty or bad off economically but also seems pretty based and nationalist, plus their nationalism isn't Christian-based or religious in general so them being based doesn't also come with them being general nutcases.
You literally have camps for degenerates and are the most Muslim boom country in Europe. You should be #1. Parts of France are 100% Muslim and whites are attacked when they go there. France is a mess.
Why the fuck are we on there? What a joke, we've got to be the least cucked semi-important country on here aside from maybe Poland.
So having less to do with your cucked arse makes us cucked?
Sounds like we're leaving a burning ship while we still can to be honest pom.
1. UK
You know, I'm not even Belgian but this place isn't THAT cucked. Brussels is in freefall, sure, but that's just the retarded idea of forcing two countries to merge. Outside of Brussels and 1-2 villages, it's pretty solid. Wallonia is crap, but that's just the French.
They have actually realised how cucked they are here and are acting about it. Sure, they're still Dutch, so they are cowardly, quiet and shit, but at least they are acting upon it. Hell, I saw my wife watching some Belgian TV show that literally aims to reform numales. And hey, if they achieve uncuckedness through merchantry, so be it.
Netherlands is far more cucked, they hardly have a city you can even move through.
Canada should be higher, and the USA should at least be higher than Australia, really Australia is probably the least cucked extremely developed first-world industrialized country I can think of.
Technically the Muslim is from the British empire
At first glance I thought the pic was Marge Simpson.
>US and Straya higher than Austria
Hofer lost, remember? Their president is a Green party member that looks like Bernie Sanders.
Non country
UK is definitely much more cucked than Canada.
Belgium has to be there. Have you been to Brussels?
This. Britian is going to move up 3 places for that. If Brexit fails then def put on top of Germany. Sweden will always be first though.
1. Germany
2. Sweden
3. Canada
4. Belgium
5. France
6. United Kingdom
7. Austria
8. United States
9. Ukraine
10. Netherlands
>Hey people, lets forget and abandon our clay because some muslims moved there !
Swedish logic, no wonder you're going extinct.