Why are sexy white women so mean and concited and hard-to-get these days?
Why are sexy white women so mean and concited and hard-to-get these days?
youre just a beta
Does it even matter anymore? We have traps now
>hard-to-get these days?
I mean, you are in Lebanon and at least a thousand km away from them.
Because you're Lebanese.
It's just a test of your masculinity mate.
Obviously and unsurprisingly you failed.
dude you just say "eeeh you got good tiddies"
truth be told men aint gonna fix themselves if the first price are broken goods
>Hard to get
You must be an ugly motha fucka
Kek what the FUCK is that
Just because all your women have been Sanded doesn't mean ours are fucked too, Germanistan
>Why are sexy white women so mean and concited and hard-to-get these days?
>Posts chill as fuck HoMM champ Daddario
because white men
There is literally nothing wrong with women in this world, just men
funny because last time i was in OZ your major cities were overrun with arabs and chinks and the majority of "white" australian girls were leftist air heads
Typical asian american "love you long time" pump and dump station.
Still easy for blacks tho.
Pic related of her taking a BBC.
what the fuck would shitskins know about white women??!!
They stop playing "hard to get" when they hit late 20s.
chekem truth
The power goes to their head. If every woman in the world kissing your feet and sucking your cock, willing to do anything for you and buy you stuff, do you think you wouldn't be just a little arrogant?
Blame thirsty betas.
Our cities may as well be Canadian.
Much like real Canada, all the actual people are in the outback.
The cities are where we wall in the scum.
EZ mistake to make, not gonna fault you for it Kraut mate.
white women are slut and very easy you could get one in the blink of an eye if you tried
me on the left
When they are alrealdy whores and don't fit into marriage?
Oh shit..
Kek really loves his traps!