If you think playing identity politics is going to win any elections in the near future, you haven't been paying attention
>I had no idea who this wanktank was before he was memed by the media and I do not give a shit about him.
t. 56%
>muh 8% of the black vote.
Spencer (Even if you agree with him) is horrible at convincing his message, and alt-Right getting lumped in with him just makes us look like a bunch of idiots.
You're no better than the Jews or the black supremacists who want their own state because they can't handle people who LOOK different than them.
Civic nationalism is the only NON-MEME way to 1000 year American Reich.
Pic related.
It's not fair.
At least I'm white.
>You're no better than the Jews or the black supremacists who want their own state because they can't handle people who LOOK different than them.
Your point?
>Civic nationalism is the only NON-MEME way to 1000 year American Reich.
Top kek you do realize that USA is still gonna be minority white by 2100 if you don't start kicking out mestizos?
>Top kek you do realize that USA is still gonna be minority white by 2100 if you don't start kicking out mestizos?
Literally my point.
sure thing, ahmed
So what are you mestizos yourself or something or are you just dumb white that does not care about the future?
>dumb white who doesn't care about the future.
This but I wouldn't call it dumb, having allies isn't a bad thing, and excluding allies simply because they were born a certain way isn't exactly smart, either.
I don't like certain cultures, but it doesn't mean certain races cannot possibly assimilate to a different culture (as they should if moving to a new country).
pt 2.
You aught to teach people, instead of shouting at them or excluding them point blank. If you taught people a different way they might teach their kids, and their kids teach their kids, so on and so forth. By excluding they'll never learn.
he is a faggot and probably a guck as well:DDD
Lauren Southern is the true fashy leader that will bring NatSoc to vigtory:DDDDDDDDDDD
She was coal burner in high school,bro...
You're girl?
>This but I wouldn't call it dumb, having allies isn't a bad thing
LMAO how stupid can you fucking be? You think they will fucking want you inside USA when it becomes their USA.
>I don't like certain cultures, but it doesn't mean certain races cannot possibly assimilate to a different culture
>when obviously different race
>things that happen
You do realize that to assimilate you have to be unrecognizable from the other right? The browner you are the easier to tell that two people are not the same.
>You aught to teach people, instead of shouting at them or excluding them point blank. If you taught people a different way they might teach their kids, and their kids teach their kids, so on and so forth. By excluding they'll never learn.
You can't "teach" away race recognition unless you mix until its unrecognizable, just what leftists want. They even fucking know this yet you don't, embarrassing.
>By excluding they'll never learn
Learn what? You are born in ethnicity not taught it.
So tired of these /r/thedonnald faggots
Knew they were going to be a problem
how much longer are you planning on forcing this meme you proxying faggot?
Why would I be a girl?
Off by one again.
qt white hands
Let me help
This is just depressing.
i still dont know who that is so i voted no
This isn't about the near future.
Spencer is a forced meme, literally WHO is he? he came out of nowhere with le " i am leedur of alt-right" which doesn't exist anyway, hes probably a jew
I dont like him but I sympathize with him more now after the punching video.
It still pisses me off that everyone is celebrating him being punched for being a nazi when, in the video, the last thing he says before being punched is "I'm not a nazi, those guys hate me".
Kinda makes me want to start indiscriminately assaulting anyone left of center and justify it by saying they're communists and had it coming
This isn't fucking fair.
What drives a man to post so much dumb shit?
I've got a ton of scars on my hands though.
I wish this fuckhead would die already.
Newfag, I presume?
No one here considers him a pillar of the alt right community or anything, but I've been familiar with him for at least 3 or 4 years now because of Cascadia threads that popped up every once in awhile. He wasn't a complete unknown around these parts prior to Hillary's muh alt right speech
Fuck the (((alt-right)))
why he looks like he's concerned about his hemorrhoids
>Fuck the (((alt-right)))
>The use of the "echo" originated from a 2014 episode of The Daily Shoah, a podcast produced by the alt-right blog The Right Stuff
>you will never be as dumb as this user
feels good man
Hi Spencer, fuck off!
It's you that hasn't been paying attention, cuck.
The white population in the United States is declining by a significant margin with each passing year.
Blacks, Hispanics, etc. all have advocacy groups looking out for their interests, meanwhile, Whites are openly discriminated against and any push toward White racial awareness is slapped down with labels of Nazism and White Supremacy. If we don't start looking out for ourselves, we're going to be living in the next Zimbabwe/Haiti/South Africa within the next few decades. We'll see just how many elections we win in the near future when us Whites are living in the minority.
Non-Whites vote overwhelmingly Democratic. Blacks have been voting Democrat since the 1930s, and Hispanics have been as far back as we have been tracking Hispanic voting patterns. Asians used to vote Republican, but came over to the Democrats in the 1990s.
You're completely oblivious to the bigger picture.
Check these fgt
I agree with all of this, still not going to win elections by instantly removing 40% of the population from the equation
>Pol is full of shitskins
We say the HWNDU
I like him. He's got a good message and he's pretty well-spoken. I don't love him, he's not a leader or anything, but I'm good with him.
Hey Miguel
Spencer is /our/guy
Friendly reminder that every time there's 3 americans in a thread, one of them isnt white
Friendly reminder that when there's 2 americans in a threads, it's more likely that one of them is non-white than 2 whites. So don't be impressed when its always them who hate ethnostates and stuff like that
The most likely outcome here is 5 white and 3 non-white
I've been on Sup Forums since about 2009 at earliest and Sup Forums since the board was founded, and i've never heard of him and I shitpost in nearly every thread.
fuck off shills
>I've been on Sup Forums since about 2009 at earliest and Sup Forums since the board was founded, and i've never heard of him and I shitpost in nearly every thread.
Maybe because you shitpost in every thread you don't notice what they are actually about? I fucking learned of him people from NPI and Alt-right from Sup Forums. Maybe pay attention next time?