This shit real?
Quebec Attackers Syrians?
This makes me extremely hard. Trudeau is gonna get gassed by parliament.
probably not, too good to be true
This was all apart of his plan
Heated that too.
Doesn't habe to be true tho.
San bernadino police scanner said 4 white man were the suspects at first.
A lot of things that are too good to be true are actually happening lately.
Yes. On the very same day Trudeau denounced Trump and vowed to bring in more immigrants.
Best timeline. Thank you KEK.
>say trump is wrong for stopping refugees
>get snackbarred the next day
This is the best timeline.
This to be honest, if this is true then Trump will use is twitter to rain truthbombs on the media.
Praise kek
omg please be real. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be real. Kek wills it.
No. It's unconfirmed. One is Moroccan.
I fucking guarantee the media will not report on their race and religion
If true, it makes me think that people from shit countries don't see us as lands of opportunity, but power vacuums.
Well, then that changes everything
They're really fucked on this one. Trudork came out immediately (thinking it was whites) and declared it a terrorist attack.
They've got no choice.
Both are confirmed immigrants. One may be 2nd generation, but neither has Canadian blood.
Anyone have a source?
Source? I only saw that one of them is moroccan. Nothing about the oher shooter
What is "canadian blood"?
Do you mean native?
where is my weed Justin?
No local media is yet mentionning the nationalities.
We can't count our chickens before they hatch.
I wouldn't be surprised if liberals/MSM have upped their game and are INTENTIONALLY withholding the race of the shooters, to build up this conviction that they are Muslim, only to later reveal they were White supremacists.
We can't fall into this trap.
They are (pseudo) confirmed to NOT be Syrian refugees, as at least one of them supposedly spoke with a Quebec french accent. They did, according to reports, yell "Allah hu akbar". This could POSSIBLY have been done as a gesture of defiance by White shooters.
If it turns out they're Muslim, we win big. But don't get your fucking hopes up, we have very little to go on at the moment.
the leftist press is ABSOLUTE silent about it...
here in germany the literally just said its a terrorist attack on mosque (heavy implying a rightwing attack between the lines) and nobody know anything.
if it was really syrian refugees the fun will start anyways i hope Trump twitter some nice words of condolence.
The MSM and liberals both have proven themselves to be irredeemably stupid and incompetent this last 12 months. They have no more tricks up their sleeves.
I'm still waiting for confirmation on the second shooter.
I'm just hoping they're both muslim. It would still go to Trumps point.
To be honest, even if I live only a few miles away from the mosque, there has been almost no details about the shooters and their motives
This is only the very beginning of our winning levels
What the fuck do you think, hombre
Its real, But the Canadian government will plant white people as the attackers
The media is literally trying to bury the story lel
Any other confirmation?
With president trump. They can't hide details
His twitter keeps them in check
If they turn out to be mudslimes, he'll let the whole fucking world know
They won't want to but there are 6 dead here even cucknada can't not report these details eventually.
Intended for this,
No you fucking leaf.
I mean white. Canada is a white country.
>one 'of Moroccan origin'
Global News is posting screenshots of literally lisping Hitler. Wonder if they even kow who he is
they're hiding the other. The Moroccan was from Canada. both screamed Allah Akbar, probably some shia vs sunni stuff
I don't think we should underestimate people.
They made that mistake with us and they are by nature crafty and subversive little creatures.
All I'm saying is don't shout it from the rooftops and look like an idiot if they turn out to be nationalists.
People will see the lengths Trudeau, the mosque, the Canadian police and the MSM have gone to to cover up their ethnicity if they are Muslim, and that's even better for us. Makes it easier to swallow the MUCH needed immigration reforms all Western nations will need to enact.
Forgot the pic...
shut the fuck up you mong Coulters law in play. They are definitely not white males or we'd have endless coverage already
Im literally shooting dust by now
Bump bump bump
I wanna believe that as much as you do you fat burger munching pussyole. I just don't want to be proven wrong and have people hate your nation even more.
Daily Beast is a national enquire tier rag anyways its not even news that they're fake news
Here in america terrorist attack means muslim or at least arab.
If the world terrorist is ised for a white anerican its referred to as homegrown terrorism. These guys are most definitely muslim.
We know one was Moroccan origin. They were heard yelling Alluh Ahkbar or whatever they say when they go full jihad.
Honestly Sven, if they were white dont you think wed know about it already?
No, he mean's surrender monkey-gene's you fucking leaf-frog
>Do not jewgle leaf-frog, it's literally pepe
Can't you see goyims? Trudeau is winning by letting Muslims in!
when everyone moves on and forget the story. Makes sense
Doesn't make sense if they are jihadists. The moroccan guy called the police and told them where he was. People say he was crying when he got arrested.
Doesn't sound like a jihadist to me
Justin "let them in put mosque in the bin" Trudeau
we already know they are refugees you fucking tea bagging bong. Cheerio and relax m8 the fact that the news is painting a narrative already without revealing the race names of the shooters means they aren't natives or white. They wouldn't be busy as fuck trying to paint a different narrative than what really happened if it was whites that shit would be plastered everywhere
>Witnesses heard shouts of "Allahu Akbar" in a Quebecois accent.
Jesus Christ, its too late for Canada.
>he doesnt know most muslim attacks are interfaith
These animals constantly kill each other. Youre right, its not a jihad. But it is muslims killing muslims, business as usual.
breddy gud
I can never say shit to Polbros
For all the shit we talk around here, you guys are actually fucking doing it. White, Christian, based as fuck.
Never change Poland, never change
Part beaver or part moose, I reckon.
>a fucking leaf
>we already know they are refugees
Ok now you're just being stupid mate.
They're not refugees. That was never the question. The question was are they Muslim or not.
At this point, yeah they probably are.
Keking so hard when I think about that exact moment
It's seems to be that the attack has suddenly stopped trending on (((Facebook))).
I wonder (((who))) is behind this?
>San bernadino police scanner said 4 white man were the suspects at first
nah, they were already talking about muslim names/suspects minutes after the attack
>F-fucking white males
>Nvm it was allah snackbars, nothing to see here
That was a great day.
Know how I know you dont belong here?
Enlighten me, you maple syrup sipping dick sucking pussyole.
We were so close to being fucked by globalists it's not even funny. Previous ruling party almost made a deal with germany to relocate tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands immigrants here. They were just few months away from that and then elections happened.
Our conservative president won just by 1, 2%. Opposition is constantly trying to overthrow legally chosen government. And Soros still pumps huge money into stirring shit in Poland. So we're not really safe yet. I don't like how socialist our government is, but at least they're morally conservative
fake and ghey
bongs are just as bad as leafs. why in the fuck do they get a free pass?
You may not believe it, but a lot of us follow your politics as well
I still remember that election, and I remember it fondly. I went to bat for you guys, nothing but respect for Poland from here.
Hows the government doing now? Unfortunately 99% of the news we hear about you guys is from (((media))) saying youre evil Christians who hate women cuz you dont like baby killing. I hope you guys are still standing tall.
HAHAHAHAHA please be real
Yeah, crawl back into your igloo you little snow mexican bitch.
I seem another report saying it was "2 white supremacists" any other sauce for OPs pic?
They're throwing our hard earned money left and right on socialist stuff. They're nationalists and socialists at the same time... ekhm
But apart from cases of nepotism, they're doing ok for now. I wish they would speak with Russia more. They're opposition are clowns, so they can't do real damage, but it's unnerving that they keep screaming for so long.
I don't know what foreign media are interested in, but baby killing laws arent' really changed and lgbt folks aren't persecuted.
bulgaria might be correct, can someone who can actually read french fluently tell me if the mosque was shia? here's their page:
kike book .com/CentreCulturelIslamiqueDeQuebec/
Come to Canada, it's """"""""""safe""""""""""
>que Curb your enthusiasm song
The "Quebecois" accent was a report by a Muslim in the mosque
Given that mudshits are irredeemably arrogant and always consider themselves victims, I'll bet it's bullshit
Praised be
Thank you Based Lord KEK!
apparently they use sahih al-bukhari, which would identify them as sunni muslim. so i don't think it was inter shia-sunni strife since shia don't amount sectarian attacks on sunnis on any regular basis, nevermind in canada.
Prob not true. They were caught with multiple AK-47s and handguns. I doubt they can get all that so fast let alone as refugees. Could have been provided but I doubt it. Sounds like bait from libs.
Don't worry, we get al-Taweed
Anyone else notice that the media is going out of their way to link this to Trump?
Shameless fucks.
Dailybitch going to get tucked in tonight?
Lets MEME this to existence senpai
See this is why we need C-51