when you like metal but you are muslim
and you can't make the sign of the beast
When you like metal but you are muslim
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Her pinky is up user.
One finger is an ISIS symbol.
this kuffar should be stoned to death desu
only possible answer
>when you want to be hardcore but your dad will chop your head off for appearing on public without a hijab
>suicide silence/slipknot
>pick one
This tbqfhfam,
It was a matter of time before (((they))) came for that genre. In the last few years non whites and leftist politics have been slowly seeping in to what was clearly a vast majority white scene.
black metal is going to fall to them first
Isn't that guy a Mossad agent named Shlomo?
I think that's a meme, but I swear I know his face.
metal is degenerate shit for manbabies
always has been always will be
right, better expose them to hip-hop and indoctrinate into racemixing
Actually, Thrash already fell first, since it's associated with leftist Punk rock. Then Black will be after, once Crust Punk took Black Metal influences, and how tongue-in-cheek Satanism is hip now.
Metal is being taken over by Antifa unless NSBM fights harder.
Is Sup Forums the most pleb board?
It's so fucked. Even on shit like Viking and Folk metal.
The metal community is a perfect example of Poe's Law. It became a parody of itself.
No that would be /qa/ Sup Forums /lit/ /gif/ Sup Forums and /his/
reminder that Sup Forums and /r9k/ are containment board to prevent unlikable dicks to shit up normal boards
and Sup Forums
go start a music festival even in turkey
enjoy the DEATH metal
source: turkroaches killed for listening to radiohead - survivors don't murder their own parents for voting in islam (they should have)
No, that's /fa/.
>Those watermarks
>That impact font
You have to go back
Why do South Americans in particular love metal so much?
You keep that attitude, we don't need any more faggots clogging up the scene.
And fuck, you're Finn, you guys are one of the great places for white pride metal.
Because they have good taste in music.
For example: If you can't appreciate Iron Maiden's Rock in Rio concert where the crowd was excellent and energetic, then you're probably a pleb.
t. Pablo
I've noticed they only like thrash. Spics love thrash. Also, they want to be white. Kinda like when the Nordic theme was big in metal where non-Scandis wanted to be vikings.
Metal is for edgy teenagers and manchildren, it's literally nigger-tier edge-signalling for people with no taste
I wanna hug her :(
Fuck metal, fuck rap, fuck pop. Fuck everything came after 1950s.
Listen real music disgusting barbarians.
This stuff is more hardcore than your disgusting animalistic primitive rhythmes.
>Fuck everything came after 1950s.
Of course you'd say that.
Turkey is still stuck in middle ages.
you can't, you are a kuffar
do the fox god sign instead
Because they are descendants of white people, who are the biggest listeners of metal
Babymetal can fuck right off.
Brazilian thrash metal is the hardest.
lol bet you're an ex-muslim or a jew
>when you think you're witty but you're just blind as a bat
Instrumental music is haram.
Harissa is shit, plus it's Jewish not t*nisian
Good thing the airports have metal detectors these days
I beg you to no make a joke. Please. The world isnt ready for German humour.
>your dad will chop your head off
That's already pretty hardcore
is funny joke ja fick off
Type in "Aboriginal Australian Metal gangs"
Top keks 4all
maybe if you say it in German
You're okay.
I think power metal (the gay type) is most popular and besides that all big bands, regardless of the genre.
Redpilled men listen real music like this
MDMA pilled animals listen disgusting metal. Anyone who listens metal isnt a civilized person.
Maybe we should take Islam's women! They have been trained hard so their fear should last a few generations before we fuck them up with equal rights.
Lets trade two SJW's for one based soul looking to be free and to Rock this shot down!
Fuck making the sign of the beast. That shit is degenerate Satanic.
and this
Is Dominick /ourguy/?
Metal is nice but it's something most people grow out of.
Babymetal are saviors of metal. Based nippon will never fall to muslims and blacks.
How about you do. Babymetal are legitimately my favorite metal band.
I want Sup Forums to leave.
Oh, and I speak your hipster lingos as well. You're unfleek.
>grew up listening to all kinds of badass punk and thrash metal
>tfw I read the lyrics nowadays and I don't even agree with everything they say
Listen to this:
Some of the lyrics go like:
>We were given the right to bear arms
>When our land was all ranch and farms
>The law is old and in need of updating
>There's no time time for hesitating
That's the same retarded gun control logic they are pushing even today. They won't even acknowledge that the gangs they describe in this song are statistically using illegally obtained guns.
Fuck, I can't even wear a D.R.I. shirt anymore without feeling like a fool.
desu I'm glad devildriver hasn't been cucked
Burzum will never fall to islamic influences
NSBM is untouched and pure to this day.
It's the most edgy ,extreme anti-normie style out there, and all thanks to the slavs who are keeping the genre alive.
What they need to do is put NS into other genres out there who are predominantly white, like certain styles of eletronic music and take over punk since it's pretty much dead by now.
I don't see the problem here, I'm Sudanese myself and Islamic metal is very popular.
He truly is /ourguy/
I have talked about this with couple of Mexicans. Basically, many young people in SA become conscious about their pagan roots, so they choose metal music as a form of rebellion against the Catholic church and westernized society. Metal is particularly popular in countries with big native population (Brazil, Mexico, Bolivia etc.)
where do you see that ?
It's a Six Feet Under and a Cannibal Corpse shirts
Mfw I can listen to metal with one of my coworkers from El Salvador and he know's his shit.
(legal immigrant actually going through proper processes)
Strangely, that would be Norgay with that honor.
He has to go back.
>suicide silence and slipknot
>not mentally unstable emo pop