Starbucks CEO is pledging to hire 10000 refugees over American citizens. What the actual fuck is wrong with these people are they just fucked in the head?
Starbucks CEO is pledging to hire 10000 refugees over American citizens. What the actual fuck is wrong with these people are they just fucked in the head?
its a globalist move obviously, to promote and help their cause.
and fire 10k american workers instead??
german companies also said they would hire refugees at the beginning of the migrant influx.
to this day they have hired less then a 100.
Who cares? Their stock value will tank within a week and he'll overturn that decision before the first Achmed is hired.
Good thing I don't drink Starbucks
>starbucks coffee is shit
>cuck of a CEO decides to employ the shitstains of the earth
>gets even more shit
nothing of value will be lost
What so they can fuck up orders and pocket cash from the register?
Schultz wants to run for something some day. It's been apparent on Morning Joe for almost a decade. Fuck Stabucks, overpriced, overcooked bullshit.
Do you really want to be a barista? No? Then shut the fuck up. It's a shitty job.
finished. Burn, drained or dumped have coffee implications?
Not the point, plenty of HS/College age kids get these types of jobs to get work experience.
...They got 10000 job openings?
>Do you really want to be a barista?
No but I imagine there are a fuckload of high school and college kids who need the job more than some borderjumper who shouldnt be here in the first place.
>Oh gosh, Im so tired of writing this article for HuffPost. Excuse me, can I get another organic cofee?
He knows his crowd. Reddit will spend money in Starbucks to Stop Drumpf
I never drank jewbucks in the first place. Hard core jew company, I heard they put some gay stuff in coffee too.
never again
Yeah, like as if shitskin rapefugees will work
One, be fucking silent, this isn't your country.
Two, no, I don't want to be a garbage man either but I'd be pissed off if my city talked about letting ten thousand shitskins pick through my garbage, so shut your fucking mouth. Seriously do not talk about things you don't understand. Do I go to Thailand and tell your little boy prostitutes how to blow rich businessmen? No, but that's only because I go to Macao for my underage sex tourism. Meanwhile no Thai has EVER come to America and demanded anything, and we shouldn't start now, faggot.
>Drinking Caffeine Jew
insommnia make better coffee here anyway
Want to fight back?
Create a betting site.
Make it Politically related.
"Is starbucks going to suffer from refugees(Muslim activity, terrorism, unchristian behavior) in the next two yearS?
ez, boycott starbucks. I don't trust fags and feminists serving me coffee any more or less than I trust terrorists.
Looks like I'm going back to the supermarket for my instant coffee.
Don't assume that flag denotes citizenship, douche.
As long as they can serve a good coffee, pay taxes live a normal life. Great, I don't care. Better to have someone who appreciates the job and a safe place to live than some spoiled white chick who's on her phone 1/2 the time, or some nigger who fucks up your coffee because she doesn't care either.
I do a lot of traveling and I've found that the places that hired the immigrants (mexican or otherwise) tend to do a better job than places that hire lazy white trash or niggers. Just get a big mac in Chicago O'Hare airport sometime and see what I mean
>May I take ya order you fuckin cracka?
Fuck is wrong with faggot? why you whining about faggity as minimum wage jobs?
Like holy shit faggots should just get smarter or learn a trade at the very least instead of bitching about minimum wage shit.
Like damn how poor are yall that 7.25 an hour is something to whine about potentially losing? like fuck sakes are yall a bunch of faggity as NEETS living on government assistance or some shit? Like god damn yall fags need to get more serious and instead quite whining like the bunch of right wing SJW yall are fucking turning into whining about social justice for the whites and again fucking minimum wage at that.
Fuck off, Foreigner. Stay out of business that isn't yours.
I never drank Starbucks in the first place.
Considering most of their most loyal customers are hipster liberals it's actually a pretty smart move.
Doesnt this count as Treason
Cant Trump just send the feds on their ass and close them
>"10,000 of them over five years in the 75 countries"
Good, keep them out of the US, and hopefully when we reform our immigration policies, out of the UK and Europe too. This isn't a bad thing you mongoloid.
>U.S. by making the initial focus of our hiring efforts on those individuals who have served with U.S. troops as interpreters and support personnel in the various countries where our military has asked for such support.
If some terp wants to be a barista I don't give a fuck. Terps are pretty based, usually fed up with Islam, they love the dick and were persecuted for it in Iraq and Afghan.
Again I don't really give a shit about this. It's like hiring Sikhs or Nepalese people, it's not a big deal to me because they detest Islam and enjoy western society. If you feel otherwise I understand, we should be focusing on the White middle-class where possible, but as far as liberal backlash goes, this is pretty moderate.
This is a great bluff, because it will make the liberals love starbucks even more. While at the same time he know the refugees will never accept a gob where they are bossed around by some dyke manager.
Actually most of them work their asses off in jobs whitey doesn't want. I spent a week in Tyson plant that processes chickens an they hired a bunch of Somali's its SHIT WORK but they do it because they actually appreciate the job.
Know why they had to bring in Somalis? because of welfare, the local white trash an niggers wouldn't take the jobs. And they don't under pay. They make a competitive wage for the area.
The jewish lobby
Well, it's a war, all majors take their side.
t. someone posting in a Europe-related thread 5 minutes ago
OP is just bitching, it's not like starbucks is going to take his job. It's not like some Libyan is going to bomb his coffee. It's all hype.
Maybe major shareholders have told him to say something
I get Starbucks maybe once a week. What business I gave them in the past will not happen again.
>are they just fucked in the head?
What are all the Social Science grads supposed to do now?
a week in and trump created 10,000 jobs while shitting on the left.
Any depression of wages in any sector will lower wages in all other work. As supply of labor is increased in one place it forces work into other parts of the economy causing a over supply there.
This is why your H1B visas and our similar programs cuck all recent graduates as it gives them a huge low cost supply of vaguely educated people, but this applies even more so to no skill jobs.
> Waiters won't be able to understand English. They'll mess up orders.
> They'll rape the other staff members and customers causing mass amount of desertion of starcucks.
> They'll steal money from the cash registers and run.
> Allah akbah
>they'll put spicy curry shit skin crap in the starcucks food.
>Allah akbah
> Won't serve anything harem. Will behead those who want anything of the sort.
> Allah akbah
RIP starcucks 2017
Refugees have had a difficult life, much more than the average American. The least you can do is prioritise them for jobs.
what he does is illegal discrimination
put his c.u.c.k. ass to jail now
>Redpilling liberal students when they have to work up close and personal with 3rd wordlers instead of imagining how great they are from behind a computer screen in 90% white suburbs
>in jobs Whitey doesn't want
Remember guys we're the racists here. This is corporatist talk for "I am too greedy to pay you for work because we found Somalis who will do it for pennies". What an incredible psychological mindfuck of an ideological position. Have fun trying to justify that one you retard
>this just in, president Trump announces a 45% tax increase to "coffee related beverages"
this is why you don't allow africa to have the internet
Wow, he is actually trying to kill his customers
also: not buying anything in starcucks starting today.
ceo of international company has globalist anti-nationalist views.. shocker
> your H1B visas
this shit will be over in a year. the whole program is unrecognizable from what it was intended to be. They don't even need to end it, they just need to ask for program rules enforcement for it to be over.
Dunkin Donuts has cleaner shitters anyway.
If you would actually read the article is says 10,000 across the world. Fucking shitposting son of a bitch.
Well they need to pass the time somehow in between bombings and the occasional massacre
this, it's all for the shekels
I've never bought anything from starbucks and I still won't.
Thats discrimination and they will just get shut down.
I switched to a different deli because the hindu lady that got hired at my usual could not understand the difference between #1 slice and #2 slice, do you think people won't simply go to a different chain or location? it's super easy to lose customers, even if they are coffee addicts. There's Tullys, Peets, etc, in addition to mom and pops.
>Howard Schultz
New slavery owners
>Not paying $20 an hour to cut up chickens is corporate greed.
No, again because of welfare, the poor whites DON'T WANT to work there. The starting pay at the plant was $10.50 an hour but since most can make more on overtime or working 2nd or 3rd shift (which pay more) they are making between $15~17 and hour. I've seen this in other plants in Iowa and Arkansas with other ethic groups as well.
But not like actual facts would change your mind.
Result: No one goes to Starbucks any more for fear of the clerk exploding
>And they don't under pay
Faggot liar.
Sup Forums is an echo chamber of weaponized autism and can be controlled easily. Quint essentially pol is a 5th Collum, a right wing internet defense force of pretty desparate individuals, whom most of them are a product of the modern crisis of the nuclear family, hence raised without male role model or in absents of a father figure. Sup Forums user are over intelligent but under performer due to the lack of the understanding of basic morality and self discipline. Hence Sup Forums user are very easy to control with their passion, which is their internet addiction, conformity of like Minded "individuals" and their lack of having a truly intimate relationship due to their fear of letting other people come close and getting hurt again.
The result is an rather unsecure mind which consider themselves as individual but at the same time adopt other peoples ideas by the means of meme-tier info graphics without fact checking or questioning them. The Sup Forums lives in his constant urge to "participate" at the next "happening" but only projects his wish "to end his situation" to the geo political theater. This gradual process will lead to a product which is ultimatively controllable as I said a 5th Collum of right wing puppet masters with doom and gloom as prospect. Also I would generally suggest that the average Sup Forums user is sexual unexperienced or insecure because modern society raised them by the believe that sexuality is the most important thing and rather play video gamed than looking for another "competition" or failure as "lover".
But then again Sup Forums also is the possibility to truly challenge the own believes and meet very interesting people. The aim should be to see positive into the future and be the change you want to see yourself instead of perpetuating white supremacy memes and doom and gloom.
Be the agent of positive change and not the puppet to a master you dont know.
They may hire 10,000 Muslims but they have lost one paying customer!.
Even if he retracts his un-American statement I will never, ever, set foot in another Starbucks again.
I hope other Americans will do the same.
Saw online that Starbucks sales are flat and they were blaming long lines caused by their cell app. Lol!
Drop Bucks, drop app, never buy their SJW coffee again!
God fucking dam i lost my shit reading this.
I am finished.
If you're American, you have even less of a right to speak, because you're in Thailand fucking underage boys. Kill yourself. We will make that fetish you pretend is a sexuality illegal soon.
I've actually been there.. have you? Oh wait, it doesn't fit your narrative so you just shitpost.
Its a stupidly obvious marketing ploy. They couldve done it a long time ago if they wanted to but now with this shit going on they just wanted more good boy points.
I can't wait for the fucking fines levied and possible prison sentence for hiring illegals.
This could bankrupt starcucks.
If they're a publicly traded company, sell, sell sell!
I'm pretty sure that at some point we will read article about Hassan rape basement at Starbucks or they will find some grinded bones in coffee maker after disappearance of local teens. Coffee of piss will strike, mark my words.
>10,000 over 5 years
that's actually a laughably tiny number considering the sheer size of Starbucks. That's like when McDonalds says it's hiring 10,000 people but then you split that across the millions of McDonalds out there and you go, "oh."
also he's vowing to hire refugees over college-educated millenials who can't find any better work that slinging coffee or flipping burgers. HE'S LITERALLY TAKING THEIR JERBS. lets see how hipsters react when they can't even get a coffee barrista job anymore.
right that is why Tyson chicken got into huge trouble when they found out they were hiring so many illegals. It's because nobody wanted them jobs right? not because it wasn't worth it working while making less than welfare. fuck you.
Implying lazy americans want to work at starbucks.
Maybe if your teenager, a felon, or women's studies degree.
This is going to be great, now SJW`s will have to deal with actual migrants when they go to get their coffe`s, oh man...This is going to backfire epicly
I give it three days of refugees working before one of them goes on a shooting rampage because of all the women with uncovered heads.
>wasn't worth it working while making less than welfare.
The fact you say that means you should die in fire you lazy fuck.
Nobody should be on welfare if they can work.
>starcucks stock literally about to jump off a cliff
Comfy opening coming up lads
Fuck Starcucks, their shit is overpriced anyway.
Yes because that has happened so much in the USA?
Oh yeah tell me again about the "Extreme Vetting" we are doing to Saudi's? the ones that killed over 2000 americans? Oh wait... we aren't
what're you talking about all the chickens get their heads cut off in there homie.
I worked in a meat packing plant up north, packaging bacon. Despite the labor shortage, the pay was minimum, and they wouldn't even let us do forty hours. THEN management started sneaking Mexicans in through Puerto Rico, and let the white employees go.
So fuck your bleeding heart hard on for skinnies. MAGA.
starcucks btfo
That comment section though. Last time I remembered yahoo comment sections were blue pilled as fuck. What happened?
doesn't this fall under discrimination laws
he's just memeing