>Show me an example of an atheist civilization
>Now show me an example of a feminist civilization
Do you see any pattern?
>Show me an example of an atheist civilization
>Now show me an example of a feminist civilization
Do you see any pattern?
Are we doomed Spain?
Yep, op is always, always a faggot.
>Show me an example of an atheist civilization
Don't you guys have super churches down there?
Are you serious?
You have been the most religious western nation this century
Literally thanking god for every meal
Having in god we trust in the money
Going to church every sunday like no other
Having thousands of religion institutions
Millions of supportes
Soviet Union
>muh pockets of religion
Other than out right genocide, those two nations have atheist governments.
And then of course Nazi Germany
>muh hitler wasn't an atheist!!!
Mhh... and what do we call the Berlin-Vatican treaty?
Soviet Union.
You don't even teach evolution in some states for fuck sake
In wich universe is USA an atheist civilization?
You were founded by moralists
>Soviet Union
It failed
Next question
More superstitious than all Europe combined
Still celebrating all their religious festivities
The nation that will have more christians in 20 years
>But the commie party
the greeks and romans probably didn't believe in their own gods, not really anyway.
>Soviet Union.
Sweden was not built on feminism or atheism
Sweden has turn feminist these last 20 years but Sweden is not a feminist civilization
Also religion is increasing in Sweden due to islam
I don't mean nations that have turned feminist or atheist but civilizations build on that principles
>the greeks and romans probably didn't believe in their own gods
Rome and Greece not religious
civilization is a big word for an individual.
they all come and go. its a cycle
humanity stays the same
>You don't even teach evolution in some states for fuck sake
We teach evolution in all states, get your facts straight
we also don't teach creationism in public schools
We have individuals that are religious. Our civilization, government, economy, media, etc. is atheist.
>Our civilization, government, economy, media, etc. is atheist
Yeah that's why you swear on the bible and a member of each religion speak in the inaguration
that's why you have in god we trust
sure thing m8
osama bin laden wrote to america to stop usury and using womens bodies to advertise products at shopping malls etc. dude wanted to disband AQ if we did. but he also said he didnt do 9/11.
so the currency may say yhwh allah, but it is not in line with any abrahamic religion except jewry
osama bin laden wrote to america to stop usury and using womens bodies to advertise products at shopping malls etc. dude wanted to disband AQ if we did. but he also said he didnt do 9/11.
so the currency may say yhwh allah, but it is not in line with any abrahamic religion except jewry
how is ccp not the answer? feminism is basically asking the state to be daddy, ala ccp.
Those things are relics from the past and have no actual impact
and herr i've been wondering why we forgot what a border is all about
Communism is an ideology and ideology is just a substitute for religion.
There are none because neither of those ideas are conducive to a lucrative or functioning society. Are you against them, or autisticly attempting to make some shitty half-baked bait/point? Either way, fuck off.
>Show me an example of an atheist civilization
Modern Iceland
Come at me shitskin
Secular =/= atheist
We just don't tell you what denomination of Christianity you have to be.
op is seeing if were wise enough to point out juice for his second article.
the first was excellent a few yrs ago. totally spread eagle the system, or lack of.
Isn't China technically an Athiest civilisation?
>Secular =/= atheist
might as well be
>Show me an example of an atheist civilization
>Now show me an example of a feminist civilization
You have to be at least 18 years old to use this board, kiddo.
The vast majority of Americans are Christian and we are one of the most puritanical countries on earth.
American culture is based upon Judeo-Christian values.
In America a 2 second scene with exposed breasts gets a mavie an R rating. In Europe they show full nudity on public TV. Most of them think Americans are religious whackjobs.
It literally is. China is a civilization-state, and the People's Republic of China was officially founded as an atheist state.
Have you ever been outside of Alabama? Only a minority here live their lives according to religion.
Church is funded by taxpayer money
Atheism is gay
but Christianity is not the way out. No abrahamic filth should be used by us whites.
Soviet Union? China? Eastern Bloc?
All countries fail eventually.
I have no idea what this thread is trying to say? Is this even about politics?
I'm suspecting that a lot of posters use Sup Forums as some channel for free psycho therapy for their insecurities rather than for intellectual pursuits.
1. Soviet Union, China, etc
2. All of the modern western world
I was taught that China has always been built on the Mandate of Heaven. Doesn't that qualify a common belief in some kind of god(s)?
No. "Mandate of Heaven" ended with Imperial China.
Got to admit: OP has a point.
Nigga we America! We ain't gonna let some shoeless sandnigger tell us what to do!!
>There are none because neither of those ideas are conducive to a lucrative or functioning society
that was the point retard
The point is that you can't build a society build on atheism or feminism and that any civilization that gets infected by that has no future
Sweden is a non feminist christian nation that has been hijacked in 2 decades and now it's feminist and atheistic
Wich allows muslims to conquer so the civilizations again turns non atheist and non feminist
That's the point
With atheism and feminism, society crumbles
>Isn't China technically an Athiest civilisation
it's not, it's always been religion
these last years of communism doesn't make china as a whole an atheist society
if the first han nations were feminist and atheist they would've been gone and there would be no china now
I'm not asking for nations that turned atheist or feminist but nations built on that concepts
AND THERE ARE NON, atheist civilization and feminist civilization are oxymorons
When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, they will naturally want to side with the strong horse. When people of the world look upon the confusion and atheism of the West, they see that Islam is the strong horse.
they weren't feminist or atheist for the last 2 millenias
only this century
they aren't atheist or feminist civilizations
they are religious and patriarchal societies than now have turn feminist or atheist wich is very different
Ecclesiastes 1:9: What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.
The only non patriarchal societies ar some small tribes that don't even have a wrote langauge so they are no civilizations
I live in WA state ya dumb kid. Like 70% of Americans are Christian.
Nope. I would say deist is the true master race, though.
Minoans were matriarchal and were the first civilization in europe
>>Show me an example of an atheist civilization
They'll have genetically engineered soldiers while Christians are still whining about the sanctity of life.
>feminist civilization
You're mistaking atheism for irreligion.
Atheism simply denotes a lack of a belief in a God, not religion.
Buddhism is an atheistic religion.
Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Tibet - these are all atheist civilizations that have survived for thousands of years.
she will be mine :)
At least half the people in ancient Greco-Roman cultures didn't actually believe in a literal pantheon and instead worshiped gods and goddesses ceremonially. Then there's the various tribes of Scandinavia.
no Turks are ar*b shitskingn sandnigger.
>They'll have genetically engineered soldiers
They'll have to come out from Chinese technology so they'll be defective and unreliable for far
Losing to their slaves, too.
3rd reich
Nation=/= Government
Men work, fight, train young men, and rule Senate.
Go to school, nigger.
Civilizations aren't religious.
Who the fuck told you they were matriarchal?
t. ancient history degree
>an atheist civilization
It's not civilized to go to Space?
This. I don't believe there is a single parliament that doesn't deserve the rope, even if the vast majority of the nations on Earth are great.
sodom and gomorrah
Check mate Christians
>Show me an example of an atheist civilization
Literally the safest, most long-lived and most technologically advanced civilization in the world, as well as one of the most culturally influential, free and just ones.
Meanwhile, what does YOUR have to show for itself? Your culture is most famous for killing cows for show for fucks sake. The religiousness of a country correlates directly to its savagery and backwardness, with Islamic and African countries coming out on top and USA, Latin America, southeast Asia and the Mediterranean not far behind.
Hey there Mr. Kosherberg.
Which civilization killed Socrates? And why?
I am aware that 'democracy' is a factor. (it's just human worship, desu)
most of their gods were female
religion system was ruled by priestesses
royal succession was matrilinear
>Minoans were matriarchal
yeah sure all the temples designed and built by females ordered by a female queen
female voting in minoan society
sure thing
That's actually a fitting example. Maybe. Depending on whether or not we change their alignment from atheist to secular during ww2.
>You're mistaking atheism for irreligion.
It's the same
>Buddhism is an atheistic religion.
oh please shut the fuck up
>Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Tibet
that's an european slave descendant, not a "turkish girl"
That would be like saying the Holy Roman Empire was matriarchal if god was a woman. The civilization was ran by men
who is the god in buddhism then?
>70 years
I imagine at some point in history a retard just like you must have said "show me an example of a civilization that doesn't know the Earth is flat". Yes, user, all civilizations started out with many false beliefs, and some are harder to grow out of than others.
>A place where you couldn't see the eyes of the emperor cause he was a god
>no religous
>And modern japan is a spawn of america, a colony
>Without a christian america, Japan would've been soviet
Sweden has been a feminist and atheist country for longer than you've been a democracy, my unemployed EU-welfare grabbing little friend.
Sweden isn't going to exist much longer, Sven. Stop shooting yourself in the foot.
>nation founded cause someone said god promised them that land
>killing the jericho people
>establishing a kingdom
>God chosen people
>keeping their traditions for 2000 years thanks to their religion
>retake israel cause someone with the same religion lived there even thought jews are >mostly european now
>An israeli saying civilizations born out of feministm and civilization have future
fuck off really
This one is interesting. Atheists don't believe in gods, but Dalai Lama is a god to Tibetans. Since atheism is only a dictionary definition ('does not believe in the divine') and not a religious point of view, they have to disbelieve the existence of Dalai Lama or redefine themselves every time someone calls something god or God.
Shame there are not that many pantheists around anymore. Atheists would have to explain their world view completely.
buddha is
atheism means no religion not only god denial
if there's no god there's no point in being religious
Japan is Shinto
>can't address the argument
>muh jews! muh israel!
To be fair, feminism really is civilization-destroying cancer, and I agree that there's nothing in current existence that can fulfill the same functions as religion used to do. But your argument is still shit.
>Soviet Union.
Notice how it no longer exists?
exactly, saying that atheism is jut no god but it's ok with prophets and angels and all that is fucking bullshit
atheism means no religion
>buddha is god
he never claimed to be
Well, democracy tends to end in its first vote where the majority agree.