the objective worst part about trump is that he actually gets things done
have most leaders just been inept this ENTIRE TIME?
the objective worst part about trump is that he actually gets things done
have most leaders just been inept this ENTIRE TIME?
op is not a faggot. wtf dc, i just thought the system was broken, its actually the people in it who needed to get herded by a non-jackass. bump
I know this is hard for the retards who live on this board to understand, but there are negative consequences to pushing out policy rapidly. Trump just doesn't care about the collateral damage.
Like for instance, people with green cards and people in the middle of a flight being trapped in airports.
There's always a damage whenever you change things in a society. Some one benefits, but someone's going to get fucked. This is with everything.
Most people would hesitate when given a clear understanding of how many people die when 1% of policy A is altered, and how many become homeless when 5% of policy B is enacted.
Basically, Trump pulls the trigger without considering where that bullet is going after it goes through the problem's head.
Correct. And it's gonna be like this for 8 more years.
Buckle up nigger commie fag. I bet you're a fucking trot.
Whatever do you mean, comrade.
Trump is doing nothing special.
This is just what happens when you take a solid political stance, then throw away all the pointless trash, pandering to opponents, subversion and self-defeating tactics. Then you have enough time left to win.
He's showing his supporters that it's not BUSINESS AS USUAL, that he's really serious about making America great again. He's more intense AFTER winning presidency, that's not at all what many people expected, remember all this talk about art of the deal, how he's just exaggerating to get patriotic votes, then it'll be another presidential muppet? 10 days into his reign, nobody would even think this.
oh god this shit again
nothing about trumps halt on immigration had any thing to do with legal citizens
>pic related (it's you)
Thanks, Putin.
It's really the Trump supporters who should be throne into the ovens.
All the same, what happens to entrepeneurs or world leaders when they are frozen with fear to make calls like this and big decisions like this because it will impact or inconvenience a certain percentage of the population? Should we just endlessly stagnate, never change policy, and engage in bad business because changing it will lead to periods of discomfort?
Because we've gone with that strategy for quite a while, and what that has lead to is utter stagnation and complacency in decline.
get lost oven dodger
This was my anime dick girl website way before you nazis got here, all excited cause you could say nigger.
You leave.
btw your whole argument boils down to
>muh people will get offended
no one cares
>Like for instance, people with green cards and people in the middle of a flight being trapped in airports
This was the worst thing that happened, nobody died and the order was amended yesterday to exclude green card holders
I may have been wrong on the jew part
>pic related (what you actually look like)
Who's talking about people getting offended?
Pro tip, dipshit: nobody but utter faggots care about "oldfag" status on Sup Forums. You can't prove it, and nobody would care if you could.
PS. You're a little bitch nigger and you bout to get stepped on.
>There's always a damage whenever you change things in a society. Some one benefits, but someone's going to get fucked. This is with everything.
You falsely exaggerate someone being offended as being fucked even though you have no evidence of that and the one "example" you said I already proved you wrong on.
The point was they had to amend it right after because they hadn't even considered it.
OP wanted to know why past politicians took so long enacting things vs Trump. I explained that, usually, they hesitate because they think about the fall out for one thing or another.
Everything I said was true.
So I heard you like getting shit done...
Getting stuck at an airport has nothing to do with being offended.
And I was just using "getting fucked" as in getting the short end of the stick on something.
You're pretty stupid, ain't ya.
Trump has been at it for a little over a week now? I must say I envy the US with how fast and how unforgiving Trump is being.
Now if something could be done about the leftist chimpouts.
Politicians, whether in government or in business, do not get anything done. They spend their time trying to gain power, extort people, create strategies to undermine their enemies, etc. They don't actually get things done. Those are a completely different type of people.
Noticed you didn't say anything to the other guy, even though he was the first to whip out his dick with the "This is MY BOARD, LEAVE" bullshit, and I was just responding in kind.
Seriously you're shitposting, you're a CTR shill and you're not welcome here I don't care how long you've been here
Not inept, because they sure defended the interest of their (((masters))).
All I hope for the USA is that Trump is the real deal. It's all I pray for you guys. You deserve it.
If this is the only thing you have to say against Trump then its really sad. I mean it only lasted like 2 days who cares?
I'm also a grey alien and Illuminati Popsicle who runs an innocent pizza parlor.
We actually want WW3. Just not with russia like Shillary wanted. We want to kills fucking chinks and muzzies
I have a lot of things to say against Trump, but I was making a specific point to OP.
>Trump pushing out great policy at massive rate
>forgets one thing on an otherwise great executive order
>Liberals freak out
>fixes it a day and a half later
See how your point about frequency doesn't make sense when it's much easier to do it Trumps way then to just sit in your own shit?
>Most people would hesitate when given a clear understanding of how many people die when 1% of policy A is altered, and how many become homeless when 5% of policy B is enacted.
Being a leader means making these tough decisions. If you think you can just do nothing because you don't want to take responsibility for the people who get hurt, you're not a leader, you're a pussy.
I'm surprised this isn't a leaf post.
>people have become so complacent to incompetent politicians that a competent one has left everyone agape in stupefaction
Lol, stay mad libcuck
What incentives do politicians actually have for rapid change. If they actually aggressively do their job there's nothing to campaign on for reelection.
Sometimes planning is better, sometimes action is better.
I said Trump acts without planning, and other politicians tended to plan without acting.
Nothing I said was wrong.
All other "points" you all imagined cause I called you all retards.
We all know who's mad here. I wonder how many more of you I can stir up over basically nothing.
Exactly fucking this you libcuck retards. Look, we got another establishment bozo who promised shit and over 100 days later literally nothing is being done. You guys got an outsider and he's literally making your country great again day after day. But, pls, cry more and threaten to move here more cause it's funny as fuck how butthurt you are that you have nothing legitimate to complain about.
>Trump acts without planning
You said you've been here a long time but you're really bad at shitposting
Its a lot easier to break shit with no regard for the consequences than it is to build shit up that will last a long time.
He doesn't have to unite a bunch of countries to form NATO, he can just say "fuck you"
He doesn't have to change decades of cultural stereotypes about muslims and build partnerships with the Middle East, he can just say "fuck you"
Trump is only able to get a lot of stuff "accomplished" because he is the first president to not have to give a shit about anything.
The whole reason he won is because people didn't give a shit about America anymore, that's why they are okay with Russia and China taking control of world affairs.
Why would I be mad about all this #WINNING
Just look at this autistic screeching. Get a life.
Yeah uh the whole "international community" meme was just liberal nonsense. A community is made up of people you know and trust. People you have face to face interactions with.
Your church, your school, your neighborhood, the mom and pop store down the street, these things are what make up a community. Shared interests and values are just the surface. It's about relationships and trust forged by a connection to place.
The US pretending to give a shit about problems in foreign countries has always been an obvious lie. Anyone with an ounce of critical thinking can see we look out for our economic and military interests first and everything else last.
But you libshits don't care as long as your adored politicians spout fancy rhetoric about caring for the poor and downtrodden. It makes sense since you fags usually only have a surface level understanding of things. But just so you know, only you guys fall for it when career bullshit artists pay lip service to some "oppressed people" in campaign speeches.
The "oppressed people" know better. They have learned from experience. You have no experience.
Only an outsider could think the government is actually supposed to get something done. And what kind of unsophisticated fool would actually try to do the things he was voted into power to do?
You guys have been going through your reaction folders and now this guy goes through the whole thread to link all of my posts.
But I'm the autist.
>now this guy goes through the whole thread to link all of my posts.
This only takes 2 minutes. You on the other hand arguing with us to achieve what end?
For fun?
These guys have been in the thread just as long as me.
And I guess you really are autistic if you thought I was talking about how long we've been talking instead of the weirdly compulsive need to gather all the posts together...
I understand efficiency is very important to autistic people though. Very impressive it only took you two minutes!
I'm not even reading your posts, all I see is that half of the posts in a specific thread are from a single poster who isn't OP. You just seem like incredibly desperate to reply to anyone who'd be willing to give you attention.
Don't even reply, I'm not going to read your comment nor any further one in this thread, but take an advice and stop embarrassing yourself.
Actually, the immigration ban was specifically done with no notice so that terrorists would not be able to also be notified and hurry their asses over here.
Gas yourself kike
The President of the United States is the most powerful public figure on the planet, everything Trump has done so far falls entirely into the established powers of his office, and both domestic and international leaders are scared shitless of him because he went through the largest character assassination in history and still won the mandate of elected support from over 60 million people.
Oh no. Think of the children.
and you read it
He really is high energy.
It's like releasing a modern video game, i guess. You just shit it out and patch it later.
>do thing
>causes a minor problem
>ameasily fixed within hours
What's the problem
Fuck you
He is also rich enough to hire his own security and detectives, and to pay for counter contracts in the event of his untimely demise, so he has more leeway than the average puppet.