Martin Schulz

Is he worse than Merkel?

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Same shit just more jewish.

So yes.

Is he, dare I say /ourguy/?
The memes are with him.

>merkel is the least shitty option


When will you learn Hanz

He would be a fucking disaster. They actually found someone worse than Merkel.


If red red green comes into power were are so fucked.

But this will be good because it will strenghten the right.

Say good bye to your money, guns and non eletric cars though


Fuck off Volksverräter kys.

They're both genocidal kikes, they're interchangeable but Merkel gets away with more because of her vagina.

>AFD clearly has no chance yet
>at least 4 more years of Merkel or socialist Jew Schulz government

Just fuck my shit into pieces.

I hope refugees and other shitskin immigrants go on a rampage in these next couple years. Otherwise we'll never be able to uncuck this country.

So far, all of the above posts are true, except for:


He looks like condensed cancer.

I feel like I'd eventually become emotionally and spiritually poisoned just beholding his repulsive visage for too long.

>red green into power
Union will still be the largest political group, even larger than the green-red coalition combined.
Black-red will be at it again I think. Unless FPD returns to form... Oddly enough, while Fipsi was around, none of this shit happened.
Save us, oh based vietnamese nuclear scientist guy

>condensated cancer
Top fucking kek

What the fuck is wrong with Germans for allowing these freaks into power?

Are you that cucked and guilt ridden about WW2 that you are prepared en masse to let your country be destroyed forever?

What goes on in the head of the average kraut?


Kek the FDP will never recover.

They've become completely irrelevant.

We don't really have a choice in this matter.

Muslim Cock

FDP is a meme tier party. Last serious FDP guy was Möllemann who called out the kikes and was murd... I mean accidented for it.

Also they dont have an opinion, they are not for gun rights or actually decreasing taxes.

If the AfD gets strong enough red red green could happen.

I would love a scenario that gives instability and opens the path for weimar style steady elections.

He is a socialist Jew who cares more for Israel than for Germany. Don't vote for him.

Germans should all move to australia, we can throw the abos out and become the greater austrogermanic empire

how much of a jew is he /10 ?

Full on, no brakes, no apologies, 100% kike.



Srsly, this is the guy that prompted german women to stop breeding with whites to kill out "nazi" white men.

guy looks 100% jewish. is he a kike?

So do he and Merkel differ on ANY political points? Seems like you have the choice between John Jackson and Jack Johnson.

of courshe!

At least a crypto kike


yes! he is a a mix of Merkel and Stegner.

absolutely, he is a giga-kike.
i forget where I read it, but he was talking to his jewish friend about how the "new germany" was built solely to serve Israel


Wasn't this Gysi?

If you want to establish all out EU communism and the new GDR Concentration Camp, now non-germans only, you gotta vote for him.

i hope your firstborn gets raped by a rapefugee

He's a jew leftie,of course he is.

I checked, yes you are correct. I remove myself from this thread for spreading misinformation.

Sorry anons

Nah, that was Gysi


came here to post this

I sterilized myself and transfered my reproductive rights to a migrant 2 years ago

I'll luckily never give birth to a white man's child.


I spotted the jew, look at his ratface and his slimy skin.


In need for a young, buff machinist?

I got my shit together and work hard, sometimes I need to call in sick though vecause rheumatism, but that's about 4 days a year

>In need for a young, buff machinist?

NO! Schulz is literally /ourguy/

>wants to make europe great again
>more taxes for the rich
>supports refugees
>fights against racism
>strongly opposed to right wing parties
>strong supporter of the jewish community and Israel

I'm going to vote for him and I know many people who will do it as well.
Schulz will be great

>In need for a crippled low wage cuck?

kek, AfD cucks


is this guy as sinister as he looks? he has wife beater written all over him

Never forget


Germans, how true is this?

And what do you do for a living? Mom and dad got some mobey to help you out at uni?

fake, obviously.
It's from Sup Forums.

Not true at all.
Probably some AfD supporter / Schulz hater

Is that the face of the EU? Is that the most punchable face of all time?

I'm still in school, but my dad says people like you are the reason why I need an 1.0 Abitur.




He had literally no degree or notable achievement before he started sucking jewish cock.

He just got into these positions by simply being a good goy.

Caliphate soon

Better pic

he owned a bookstore in Würselen, a small city near belgium. became mayor of the city. rose trough party ranks, got into eu-parliament.
thats it, hes what germans would call a "party-soldier". no achievements outside the party.
he has to be capable though somehow, since hes pretty influential in brussel for years now.
failing the abitur(high school/first year college diploma)... i dont know how, you have to be retarded imo, which he isnt

his face literally makes my skin crawl. one of the politicians i hate the most. but it doesnt matter, they are all shit and im voting the also shitty afd anyway

>Sup Forumstears
>AfD tears

2017 is going to be great

No, he is a jew doing what jews do.

Merkel is a traitor to her people, even if most Germans can't see it.

It is pretty fucked up that he will be, most likely, Merkel's vice chancellor.

Very unfortunately, the CDU/CSU does not want a coalition with the FDP and AfD. The best we can hope for is that the CDU/CSU are so strong in September that they can form a coalition government with the FDP.

But a coalition government with the SPD means 4 years of blockading by Schulz.


You are probably baiting.

Please explaun to me why someone with a 1,3 Fachabitur and a successful Ausbildung as a machinist requires you to have a good Abitur.

There are too many of you guys, every second person goes for Abitur and wonders why nobody wants another limp wristed cuck with high payment expectations and zero practical experience.

You are the reason why everyone is doing so bad

you're gutter trash, you will never archieve something in your life.

I am predistined to be a German - An engineer and a social pioneer. You impoverish the country, I'll make it prosper.

You're a burden and there is no way you can call yourself a German if you fix cars for money.

100% true, but he forgot the part where Schulz nearly lost everything because he was an alcoholic

>"i'm still in school"
>you will never archieve something in your life

Are you talking to yourself?

Do you even know what a machinist is you fucking cunt?

Google "Feinwerkmechaniker" and look what I earn you fagtron.

If someone is predestinied to become a engineer it's me, as soon as I finished evening school for Techniker Ima going to go to uni as soon as I got enough money.

Other than you I need to work for success


Are you?

>hurr durr le I need to work for success
what are you, a fucking commie?

He is far fucking worse. You are looking at a man that so vehemently hates his own people and the regular European that in any other time he would be tried for treason and his obvious attempts at enriching himself and his cronies.

He is the face of everything people despise about the European union and how it is trying to federalize Europe, how anyone can think this man will be anything than a fucking disaster? Were Merkel destroys Germany through her own misguided philosophy of “”help fucking everyone, even if they want to behead you”, Schultz is there to say “Help all the “refugees” and replace all Europeans and neutralize any threat for me and my corporate cronies losing power”.

If I was German I'd vote for him over Merkel. At least he would make the death quick.

>Hurr durr I don't need to do anything for success
What are you, a spoiled brat?

a jew obviously

100% accurate.

If Merkel is a conservative how fucked up things will get with a communist chancellor?

Götter und Spötter, Unterschicht.
Muss Siggi euch Kanalmenschen erst wieder als Pack zurechtweisen?


Careereistic to the absolute core, willing to sell every single German up to and including his family for a slightly better post and pay.

As I have mentioned here before, I hate the prick so much I "accidentally" shoulder-checked him when I used to work in the EU. Hated his guts so much.

I googled Machinist....Is the pic you?

Merkel is a traitor.
Schulz is the enemy.

Traitors are a higher risk than enemies, so:
No, Merkel is worse.

Wie ich sehe hast du aufgehört zu argumentieren, deine Weltansicht ist nicht kompatibel mit der Realität und ich möchte das du dich erhängst.


Everyone in the SPD is garbage


I did so too just now, I have no clue what that is, but there have been other pictures also, so stop picking the funny stuff.


die sind stolz auf sowas. unironisch.

Accelerationists would vote for Schulz.

Way worse

I always thought there couldn't be a option worst than Merkel, but then Schulz happened.