Congratz Canada! You beautiful diverse bastards!
I am feeling so vibrant for you right now!
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it was just a random incident let's not jump to conclusions
I heard the attackers might be moroccans too.
finally officially welcome Leafs in our caliphate of peace and love
Yes yes yes warm welcome to the united nations of peace!
AlaaaaaAAaAAaAAaaAAAaaa AkbaaaaaaaaaaAaAaAaAAaaar!!!!11
I don't Doesn't Canada have better gun control laws?
it's like a self cleaning oven, great stuff
Was this Muslims or Nazi larpers?
If they're trying this hard to avoid saying who did it, that probably puts it at a 90% probability that it was mud infighting. Was the mosque in question Sunni or Shia? If it was Shia then you know it was some irate goatfucker who did it.
Good thing Canada banned weapons so things like this can never happen!
At least we're not backwards and racist like the rest of you fucks.
Best part is Trump is going to purposefully push for these liberal countries to triple their refugee quotas, then watch as his position wins and liberal countries implode.
At least we're still alive
ha even based ching chong getting on the leaf bantz
I fucking love this day
milo did it
>a burger making that argument
enjoy enrichment faggot
Yesterday here in /pol there was a post about stay away of some place and was a leaf I wonder if....
at least we won't die out in 1 generation
From what I read in a german newspaper they were two students and one of them is moroccan
Canada will soon have the same amount of gun crime as America.
i need a source on them being arabs, chinko
by the way where's my fucking USB-C charger i ordered it off ebay 2 months ago
probably a couple sand nigger died in a mosque. Why should i give a shit?
>Was this Muslims or Nazi larpers?
Almost certainly the latter.
They were shouting "allahu ackbar" or whatever as they gunned down random muslims.
It's almost as if terrorists don't respect law and get guns another way...
I bet they believe this was done by some white kids therefore called an act of terrorism fast, if they were muslims they would be telling that it was an isolated incident or mental problems, then the flowers, tears and the candles and that's it.
Now one of them if Moroccan let say how they twist this. in the end they will blame Trump, calling it now.
Jesus Christ, leaf. Shut the fuck up.