How can non-white hair compete?

How can non-white hair compete?

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>going anywhere
>doing anything
>waiting an additional 2h for your gf to finish her ratlines


>nigger detected
white women can actually do this in a reasonable time frame


But that's a white person in the pic


The bible says not to wear elaborate hairstyles

Sup Forums btfo

Ah, Illythia loved her hair styles so much.

the bible is jew shit

The bible is Gods word

Okay what about a braid ring around the head?

The bible also says you can't eat seafood or ham, you can't go to heaven if you're an amputee, and a host of other horseshit.

No. No its not.
The bible isn't even one thing. Its dozens of random "books" all written by different men at different times, that were put together by a council of men, who determined in secrecy which books were valid.

>tfw you got drinks with the girls at 5 but need to lead your people to ruin against rome at 6

Black Heihachi begs to differ

That's true you can't eat it because it's unclean, no it doesn't Jesus said if your right hand causes you to sin cut it off


>jews are white

Wh-who are these t-two...?

Your reply for not making sense

(((different men)))

lol, what are you smoking, my post made sense you silly dilly.

>How can non-white hair compete?
>But that's a white person in the pic
What are you smoking burger?
look at how you just contradicted yourself.
Don't you understand English?

Hahahahahaha, sorry.

i made my hair like this the other day :3

Maybe he'll answer you because he didn't answer me.

Are you the argentine shitposter who's always bringing up that you're a woman?

post girlpucci

Porn isn't allowed on pol

he's talking about a gender sap of a jojo character

You'll answer him and not me? The braid ring yes or no? I've yet to be complained upon, but I want to know.


african americans have the best hair

Please. No one wears their hair like that outside of renaissance festivals. I love my hair that defies gravity and curls up

That's a man

Black hair isn't like white hair though.

Oh look, pro nigger american

Friendly reminder that every time there's 3 americans in a thread, one of them isnt white

Friendly reminder that when there's 2 americans in a threads, it's more likely that one of them is non-white than 2 whites.

Porn is everywhere else. Go there I don't see why people need porn absolutely everywhere.

I Kek'd

Its best to avoid because it's not modest

why do americans have a hard-on for that female gorilla? She isn't even attractive

Blacks don't have hair they have wool

What would be modest straight down? Or?

Just whatever is your natural hair

God is dead.

it can't, reason they wear weaves and straighten their hair

So what? This isn't stormfront ya syrupfag.

No ponytails? That seems so weird, how will I get work done having my hair straight down all the time?

It's a funny picture. Why does it matter you fucking retard. Get control of yourself.

The bible was also written by a kike about a kike
I admire Catholicism for keeping people mostly un-pozzed, but its (((echoey))) to the core.

God can't die
If you're cooking or doing the washing sure put it up I suppose, there isn't a list in the bible saying what's right and wrong for everything, use your judgment. If you're just tying it in a knot is that really an elaborate hairstyle? But if it's something you have to sit down and work to make j would argue that's elaborate

>She isn't even attractive

she was hot back in her younger days, like when she was in the second austin powers movie.

Catholics are pagans not Christians

Why did shlomo ruin our women? WHY?
We have the prettiest women, but also the most degenerate

I see, I've worn the ring braid a few times to church with no complaints. I do ponytails when I do work, especially if I am working at waist level tables.

About 90% of the time my hair is a lazy pony tail or straight.

>ywn have perky cute cheerleaders fool around with you

Now this logic is just dumb
If we could bring back traditional european paganism (celt, roman, greek) i would support it wholeheartedly, but that'll never happen. Its been too long.

It's funny how the length of a woman's hair seems to reflect how conservative she is. Even if long hair isn't particularly attractive on her anymore due to thinning, it could still be kept as an unmistakable symbol.

There's your "outward" symbol, Sup Forums. Long hair for women. Now as to style. . .reverse french braid?

Honey that's a wig. Niggers dont have human hair.

Black hair (and everything else) is ugly.

That woman is ruined too she's dressed like a slut
Yeah because churches don't care, just donate them money
I've seen women in pants and even short shorts leave church
I've seen churches with faggot flags
I've seen churches with female priests

Stow it nigger bitch.

Pagans burn in Hell

>dressed like a slut

Fuck off Mohammad

Yeah but heres the thing. That shit is jew law written for dirty stinky jews not humans so no thanks.

>shitting on your own ancestry

Unless you're a shitskin
Highly probable

This is why I dont like Christians.
>you dont believe you get eternal suffering
>every other religion burns in hell
Fuck off.

In your opinion. I find nothing pretty about hair worn down and straight at all times. It's just.....blah. Basic.

Soon nigger bitch soon

Objectively false
I'm dating an Italian qt with jet black hair and green eyes. Nothing wrong about that.

I've seen those women you talk about too. They're discouraged, but a lot of churches don't discourage them for fear of being called out for not being "inclusive"

I would never attend a church with a female priest.

that's clearly a fucking painting


She's showing her boobs to the whole world, she has no shame
No it's not, Jesus said if you preach against the law you'll be called least into heaven
There is no eternal suffering, that's a Catholic pagan lie they believe in the Roman hades instead of the real Hell. The bible says you just die and that's it

you realize that all these women would prefer black lover over white one right? since, bigger dicks .

If we're going to be inclusive why not let Rabbi's and Pagans hold church services?
At some Christian meeting I think in Toronto they started with a Buddhist prayer, only the Korean Christians refused to listen to it and walked out.
The church is infiltrated by Satan we need to open our bibles and let God guide us because man won't

That is not what the bible says mate

>this is a jewish nigger

Really makes you think

Revelation 20:14
And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

You go to Hell and die a second death

That's the issue with Canada, they try so hard to be inclusive, that they walk all over our traditions and values for other garbage.

Also being a Christian in Canada is pretty hard, because people crap on you on all sides. Other religions because of the belief that we've some how oppressed them and of course atheists as well.

Where I live now it is highly liberal, but my mother and I who are sick of the party girls, and club culture that is in our town (University Town so you can imagine). We plan to move somewhere more rural.

I find it rare to encounter someone from Canada who keeps to the bible properly. I mean more so than our priest here.

Jesus refuted the stupidity of Leviticus

I was raised by atheists so the only exposure I had to Christianity was from the bible which is Gods word, I believe most priests are corrupting this for their own benefit.
So what if Church attendance drops? So what if atheism is on the rise? If you try and combat this by bastardising Gods word you're not fixing the problem, you're making it worse. If only a minority will believe then only a minority will be saved

wtf i hate god now

When did he do that?
Matthew 5:18-19
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

Yes, go- I mean guys! Do not take pride in your race and don't even think about trying to look good to attract a mate!

agreed femanon op.

No clue,
But it's for an NHL team, here's a starting point predators&oq=nashville predators&aqs=chrome..69i57.3024j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#q=nashville predators ice girls

Wearing elaborate hairstyles has nothing to do with race, it's about modesty.

That's right, a lot of my family won't go to Church since my grandfather died. He was our priest, and he was quite strict. He's also kicked out people who oppose what is written.

My mother and I float from church to church, and have just decided to keep with our own learning until we find a place that isn't twisting things.

I'd rather a church be empty with a few good people, than it being filled with hypocrites and liars.

The bible gives us a huge warning

1 Corinthians 5:11
But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such an one no not to eat

Yes that's right, and a church that doesn't try to improve the lives of, guide away from sin, or preach the word properly, isn't a place for me.

My only issue with the hair thing is my hair is wild and out of control, and I keep it long. So I braid it around my head to keep it from getting everywhere. It can end up in the mouth of a person talking next to me if there is a gust.

Not really

> t. Fucked a coalburner, told I was bigger

It's good that it's kept long, I see too many women who look like dykes with short hair claiming to be a Christian which is going against Gods word. The longer the better I say, I think it's best to just look at the situation and say to yourself why did I choose this particular style? If you say my hair was in the way I think a pony tail or a bun would suffice, but sitting down and making a deliberate effort and spending time on a hairstyle isn't something that's done for convenience. You can still look nice without going overboard

Did Jesus personally say that? Otherwise I don't care.

Shut up you boring leaf nigger

Jesus said if you preach and follow the law you'll be called great in Heaven

Being plain is a good thing, modesty is the most important thing in the world

You sound like a Muslim not a Christian

Lecturing about modesty,posts a clothing add from the age or ornate clothes and elaborate hairstyles. A fucking typical leaf.

Hmm, I guess I have done it for so long it takes little effort. My hair has a lot of "fly aways" so doing it like this looks tidy and not unkempt in a holy place.

At my length the time spent on brushing the hair and keeping it clean is long enough. So I tend not to do anything too fancy, just what I have seen worn in the middle ages that can still work now. So the ring braid was born.

I mean I can try something else, but I can't stress enough the ridiculous monster my hair can be. The braid is quick enough, and most guys don't pay attention to me anyway.

I was just showing an example of how covered up I think people should be, searching modest clothes on google just brings up Muslims or whores