>Google gives 4 million to immigration rights groups
Google gives 4 million to immigration rights groups
What's the best way to get the Google Jew out of your life?
I download the music off of their website so I don't have to go back and listen to it other than that what else does google have that's mandatory?
Use duck duck go
>billion dollar company only gives 4 million
something seems to have changed their priorities
stop using the internet
>5 years later
>BREAKING NEWS: Google has recently filed for bankruptcy. The move resulted from the recently elected Feminist CEO, and UNDOCUMENTED FLO having made numerous contributions to Black Lives Matter, Sanctuary Cities, Feminist Frequncy II, among others
>when questioned why, they simply responded; "Reddit told me so. It doesn't matter, we're all good people and not bigots, Reddit told us so"
>more news at 5
Isn't Google a bunch of Pajeets, don't Pajeets hate Mohammeds?
Yeah but they love their H1B1s. Its cheaper than hiring Americans.
turn off every data collecting shit on your google settings. thats their meal ticket.
this is no better alternative since the internet is run by jews
I really love how their banner changes for every minority in history and Veterans Day gets a small flag at the bottom
>literally pennies
I'm not sure if they're pro migrant or if they're insulting them
block all of their known ip ranges.
Half of your internet will go down, including Sup Forums.
Shady cunts are gathering info on everything they can - so they bought out whatever they could and large chunk of the net traffic goes via them.
>Try to use duckduckgo
>Inferior results compared to googlejew
Why is there no real competition?
how can a public company just give away money like that
also I checked my google history and it has every single Sup Forums thread I visit lmao
Google buys them out, they have a monopoly on search engines
they will soon go bankrupt
their quality is going down the drain
android apps, services, even the re-captcha
it's because they hire women and shitskins now
due to their retarded (in)equality policy
of preferring retarded shitskins over competent whites
Google will be dead soon.
>companies are now virtual signalling
Google is evil corporation, more news at 11.
Time to delete my gmail and use anonymous email service for 15$ per year from people i know nothing about but have a site without images or data and 30mb inbox
4 million dollars to nonprofits to pay themselves admin bonuses
thx keep me posted
Good luck.
Forgot to mention, who do you think the captchas are for?
So now instead of paying taxes, a company can choose to pay organizations devoted to white genocide
Seems like a good deal if you want to save money and wipe out white people at the same time
Pro-migrant groups as in, lets import people into the country indefinitely so we can drive down the wages of the working and middle class whilst we profit.
Start Page. Duckduckgo. Firefox.
yeah it can afford to when it doesnt pay taxes
NoScript, RequestPolicy, Self destructing cookies, Adblock.
Use Google's resources, but deny them income.
well duckduckgo uses google and sends them your IP per query. Even though that's still 90% better than the shit you give when you use google(+chrome especially), you're still jewgled out.
Startpage is better but it's kind of the same.
Qrobe.it might be better but they lack a ssl certificate(lol)
Realistically speaking, what can Trump and his people do to subvert these companies?
An adblocker is absolutely essential. Everypony ITT needs to get one immediately if you don't already.
what is a conservative or apolitical alternative to engagdget?
I read them all the time until half their shit became anti trump last year
Firefox is even more SJW than Google
Stop their tax dodging.
Probably, but they're also less powerful.
i use waterfox. never firefox.
>billion dollar corporation gives a few million to show how much they take the issue at heart.
u-use their dns goy!
I-its easy to remember so you can just plug that in in a pinch!
>man gives 1 dollar to a dog so it can lick its own ass
that's the point of corporations making donations, they want the good boy points from cucks that can't see through the transparent and dishonest publicity stunt
If they really cared they'd donate anonymously, instead of going "Look I donated this much, what a good person I am"