Miss Universe is a fucking joke.
Miss France, seriously? Just look at her, goddammit.
Miss Universe is a fucking joke.
Miss France, seriously? Just look at her, goddammit.
Colombia is hot
All look like trannies.
And Haiti is almost whiter than France, kek
I feel that the Miss Universe pageant would be. Ugh improved if it were turned into a blood sport right to the death for supremacy. I mean seriously another pageant? Big whoop, we've already seen 'em win those. Let's see something interesting for a change.
Was it ever not a joke? It's just attention seeking shitheads participating in this shit.
Can we boycott miss universe already? They fucked up in all the countries on this planet. They clearly have less taste for beauty than a drunk British guy.
And I'd stuck and take all of their feminine penises.
I'll give Haiti this one.
Iz 2016, timongz to be acceptingz diversuhtees n sheeit
Looks like Adriana Chechik
Someone needs to shoop Pepe on Brittany venti
>the one time the black woman is actually prettier
>gives to the white bitch
More pics
O haven't known the winner in decades because officials make it political.
Just don't even acknowledge it.
At least our Miss Helsinki looked like a woman
LOL Haiti picked the fucking whitest person in the entire country. If there's any proof of white supremacy it's nonwhites selecting their best, which is as close to white as they can get.
>let's do more to help the niggers!
a miss universe thread
>no mention of miss kenya's partially based response
good one Sup Forums
France only won because she said that rapefugees are welcome in their country and globalism is the future. They even ditched Kenya becauae she answered a Pro-Trump statement
That's just untrue you fucking mongoloid.
What the real Miss Universe looks like.
u just know
>feminine penises
I invented that phrase back when I'd shitpost feminine penis threads on /b to get everyone riled up.
I...I was a king.
The funny thing is that she's half flipbong
Seriously, all of them looks better than France (Well maybe not the negro one)
And last one only because of Albania... and Finland.
What the fuck is going on with her chin?
she's quite ugly
There is more eyeliner there and makeup than there is flour in the local bakery.
deep pussy
big chins = deep pussy in girls breh
good eye. they are
the jew seeks the destruction of all things beautiful
Look at the wrists, she is pretty pale under those chemicals on her skin desu
>0 white chicks
what the fuck?
miss universes were never about beautiful women, same with most modern models, their standards are shit, so i cant take them seriously
Albania why.
being white is a spook
>Miss Universe
>Only open to inhabitants of Sol-3
Pretty bigoted desu.
>miss haiti
>whiter than columbia
Who allowed this.
they r trying to go for the one brown world shit, why do u think all those spics win? not because of beauty, but because they want the world to be brown
> Invisible eyebrows
> Skin so pale it looks fucking creepy and disgusting + guaranteed skin cancer
> Unnatural/Weird looking shade of blonde
Can't blame them, pinoys are still an absolutely massive step up for Sub-Saharan blacks.
The South American ones are honestly fucking by far the most beautiful by so much that it isn't even close.
She took the Bogpill
>miss haiti is less black than miss finland
Miss France is a shitshow.
Nobody except old people and the families of the participants is watching this shit.
They could elect a baboon that it would make no difference.
Nobody gives a fuck.
I looked up some of the girls participating. Honestly I prefer the black and mixed girls.
White girls are just boring.
Transssexuals aka men with make-up.
There's something very wrong when you allow make-up and plastic surgery in an competition for world beauty.
It's that way everywhere. They've nigger-fied everything so much that only those who want to see niggers pay any attention to shit like this. And then they act like it is some kind of big success. Fucking idiots.
mate, thats albino, not white.
at least pic a good white . ffs
Robbie Rotten won Miss Universe?
Miss Stralya wasn't bad.
Could have had more in the tits department but not bad at all
How did she win? Kek
She looks alright, what th problem? None of these women are hot though. They're just aesthetically conforming to the proportions of what people consider beautiful. My gf is not as "beautiful" than these bitches but waaaay more sexually enticing.
>How did she win?
I can't believe how the Bogpill is fucking real, we are just memeing this shit for weeks only.
Kek. Finland showing up yet again that they always have been part of the khanate
>run by women and gays
>expect to not be a pandering SJW shitfest
>This is the most beautiful "woman" in Canada
Miss Universal is the battle of the Make Up Kits. In 2017 we need a No Fake Up
beauty show
>the other finalists are shitskins
colour me surprised
>and finland
I don't see what's wrong with this picture. She's pretty hot for a mongol.
My mom got mad when I told her France was the prettier one, especially since I don't like black women.
>actually giving a shit about miss contests
well what did you expect
6 panelists. 5 were women.
women don't know a pretty woman.
They single out "oh look beautiful hair, she's pretty" when everything else "flat ass, fugly nose" whatever. They still think she's pretty
Want a real beauty contest. It should have been 4 men, two women panelists.
columbia should have won, tall, beautiful. Exotic. It was a fucking no brainer.
She fucked up her question. So what.
You mean brown
wtf......if that isn't a fucking derogatory costume.
Can't be anything but hockey huh
ya whatever. You would fuck miss columbia in a heart beat.
Shit you would brag until your dying days if you ever just made out with her.
I would ram columbia so hard, her pussy gap would be larger than the suez canal
dat miss finland dayuuum
aren' local contests surprisingly higher level?
Look at missrussia.ru
though it's all surprisingly low level, seen cuter girls in uni. hell, even dated one.Is this because of height requirement, and most super-cute girls are below 6 feet?
Too pale for me. Not one hot dark choco pussy on stage. Disgusting
This. When Haiti is whiter than France you know something is going wrong.
I enjoy reading Sup Forumsacks criticizing as if they would be able to have a chance with the ugliest of them.
the less you can ethnically identify with your host country the higher your chances are of winning by being thrust on the pulpit of beautiful tolerance.
Women can't judge without putting thoughts of social preconceptions first and foremost.
No. She does not look that great... At all... You have low standards..
I want her and entire world of beauty "experts" can go to asshole.
if your country should be represented by a white person then you put a brown girl and win. thats it. just buy the judges with leftie, tolerance bullshit.
Ms. universe needs new rules. No makeup, no plastic surgery.
no one in Haiti looks like that. No one.
I think she's beautiful whats the problem?
She looks like a Dominican..
miss everything is a joke.
Nobody gives a shit if you're miss universe.
Just a have a T H I C C female body and you ready to go.
Those women aren't "THIC".
Chile's a qt, I wonder if she flies helicopters.
I would rather fuck this picture related than the miss Muh universe
So it's fucking nothing at least for me, and all that fucking hype here is for naught.
when's miss teen universe?
she can sit on my face everyday
Poland sent a raid boss.
What did she say?
You have good taste. That's what a woman is supposed to look like.An ass like that is meant to breed healthy offspring and keep a good man warm in the winter.
so your right hand it is nordicuck
yep, thats what a slut is supposed to look like, and sluts want nigger cocks
That's the type of woman that can make some men have a fucking anxiety attack.
This is the Bogdanoff timeline-drifting starting to have serious consequences. I don't think this iteration can remain stable much longer, our agents have have to evacuate.
>Unnatural/Weird looking shade of blonde
tfw when the ignorance is too visible