>makeup is false advertising!
>men do the same thing with facial hair
>makeup is false advertising!
>men do the same thing with facial hair
Men are hypocrites
women do similar with long/medium/short hair. the difference is that beard and hair length is natural and makeup is not.
No, not really. A beard is still natural and a product of super duper male vitality.
Guy looks good in all three, what's your point?
Eye area remains the same though, which determines most of your attractiveness. Masking eye area is degenerate.
firstly, that's still our own bodies, secondly, it's not being btfo id your point were valid, more like an even playing field, but less so because a beard can't unfuck most of your features, just your chin
damn that dudes good looking af no homo id probably wanna choke on his dick and balls and give him an anal creampie and shove his fingers in his ass after to play with the cum
>grow something without any intervention
>putting garbage on your face to obscure the ugly
these two things are not alike
It's almost like facial hair just grows or something. When women are start growing eye shadow and foundation then we'll talk cunt
i was gonna call you a faggot but you said no homo so i guess youre clear
So weird how makeup grows overnight, am I right?
if anything, shaving facial hair is more akin to putting on makeup
Only the most autistic of autist virgins call make up false advertising
>b-b-but body hair is natural!!
So fucking what, morons? It still hides unattractive flaws like no-chin and weak jaw. And let me tell you, dating someone who has one of these things and only finding out several weeks to a year in because he never shaves or shows you his childhood pictures is a real fucking bummer. You'd get to see your pig without lipstick far sooner than that.
The only thing is that men were growing beards long before they could ever take advantage of them this way.
Can confirm, am hiding weak chin behind a strong beard.
it just enhances how they look, ugly girls still look ugly even with perfect makeup done
>no one calling out the 9gag watermark yet
Nu-Sup Forums everyone
i dont get it all 3 are hot
Besides all the words men say in a dating situation are false advertising anyways so.
>men spend an hour every morning putting on their beard
Let it grow. Everything.
looks good with full beard
stache a bit weird
addict without any facial hair
When men dye their hair I think you have a case but I think I wouldn't resent gray in the beard. Men are less insecure.
It was the first thing i noticed
I've honestly considered getting laser removal for my facial hair before. Having a full fucking beard that is the color of an orange peel and grows to completion every 2 weeks is not fun.
The only benefit is that as someone who lives in a cold climate it really does keep your face warm.
If you've ever been close enough to a woman's face you'll see the damning effects makeup has. 9/10 times it looms nasty and messy, especially after being on there for a while.
The only beard sins are pubs beards or men who cut it in to a big chin like that midget Dan Blizerian.
>Men spend hundreds of dollars a month growing a beard
Nah man, Shaving your beard off is actually the unnatural thing
How is it false when it grows organically?
If anything, shaving is a false advertisement of youth.
>different lighting
>different expression
>add crushed up bugs n' berries n' shieeeet to your face to imitate arrousal
>allow your fookin hair to grow without cutting it
>these are the same thing in OPs eyes
> so i guess youre clear
Not only is he making a different expression, without the beard he has his mouth open and looking awkwardly straight at the camera
Also, nu-Sup Forums like gooks like you.
He's making progressively goofy faces. Buy the third image, he looks like he's ready to suck a mean cock.
does 9gag even exist anymore?
>using ellipsis
Long hair on a dude looks like shit on 99% of men past the shoulders and if you have a massive beard plus long hair, you will look homeless no exceptions.
t. dude that had long hair that a bunch of women thought was hot until I grew it too long.
Medium length hair is where it's at. Also, if you're going to grow a beard maintain it a little bit. Lumberjack beards are for dudes that don't give a shit and numales.
>be an ugly social retard
>get rejected by girls
>be an ugly social retard with a beard
>get rejected by girls
>be an ugly charmer
>take whatever pussy you want
>be an ugly charmer with a beard
>take whatever pussy you want
Do you see? You sexless faggots who complain about beauty standards (male or female) seem to miss the truth of matter: that ugly interesting people find partners with ease, and beautiful retards have shitty relationships. Of course, being interesting AND beautiful is ideal, but if I had to pick one I would go with interesting.
"This guy insulted my beard and height on the Internet!
I wish I was as tall, masculine and successful as he is."
>Do you see? You sexless faggots who complain about beauty standards (male or female) seem to miss the truth of matter: that ugly interesting people find partners with ease, and beautiful retards have shitty relationships
>Everything is about MUH DIK
A lot of things in life are but if you want to grow a wild beard and/or hair don't do it if you want a decent job. Maintain that shit. People will judge you.
hol up
you be sayin men paint beards on themselves?
Oh fuck it, I dont know anything anymore
Your hairstyle is only as good as your face. Men with good facial structure can get away with heavy metal whips as well as bald cuts.
Interesting = wealthy
Since when is this about fucking
You have read some bullshit pick-up stuff and want to show it off? Fuck off
I don't mind makeup for false advertising. We've been using makeup or doing grooming on ourselves since cave men. For how traditionalist you folks are you'd think you'd be in favor of women doing makeup.
Dude that's disgusting why would you post thi-
*checks flag*
kek. it's almost like men look better with facial hair
t. Alawi Al Stockholmii
How is this Sup Forums?
Facial hair is natural though
>Men with good facial structure can get away with heavy metal whips
No, extremely long hair on a dude will turn off a lot of women completely even if it's extremely well maintained (not proud of this but women used to tell me that my hair looked better than their own) and you have a god tier face. It will also cause employers to completely next you.
A small minority of women go bonkers for dudes with long hair but the vast majority of them will think you look like a girl (just like chicks with short hair cuts look like dykes to us guys) if you have a decent face. You will look homeless if you don't.
Also, no one in the business world will take you seriously if you're rocking long hair and/or a lumberjack beard. Maintain your shit or cut everything short.
yup, exactly.
OP's argument is dogshit.
I suppose combing your hair and brushing your teeth is also lying about your appearance
Well yeah I agree, if your hair starts to touch your ass or resemble a cape then it's definitely too long. There's little aesthetic use or function to go for any additional length after reaching upper back.
Past the chin is pushing it. Past the shoulders = get that shit fucking cut.
You can tell yourself that going to work has nothing to do with being an instinct to be a desirable mate but it doesn't make it true.
Not necessarily, plenty of examples of struggling artists hitting primo trim
>not about fucking
everything is about fucking in the end. I don't read pickup stuff and I'm not claiming that anyone can have anyone. The opposite, in fact: that no amount of primping, physical or otherwise, will make anyone attractive. If you want to apply it to the professional world then its still true. There is literally no profession on earth, aside from pure modelling, where attractiveness is the deciding factor in your value. You can be a fat fucked up looking unshaven shower-free abomination if you're good enough at what you do.
Women and men should be able to style their hair how they want but makeup and plastic surgery should be punishable by death
But hey epic banter right?
not rly, banter is among friends and lads, you are nothing to me.
>You can tell yourself that going to work has nothing to do with being an instinct to be a desirable mate
It has to do with making money faggot and buying your own shit. Unless you own your own business, good luck being anything other than a rock star or retail worker with long as fuck hair even if it's well maintained.
>makeup is growing naturall on women
really made me think
How long do you think it normally takes to see a woman you're dating without makeup? It doesn't make that much of a difference anyway. And for men, unless it's a lumberjack beard you can usually still determine facial features it "hides".
Nice try though, sweetheart.
Oh, and/or a programmer/server admin but you're probably not one of those, anyway.
>tfw when cucked by corporate america and have to shave myself ugly
Can confirm that no matter how nice the hair, if past the shoulders, its to much for a guy
I also think that hair far past the shoulders looks like shit on girls too - on both sexes it just looks like you have a fucking mop or rag hanging off your head. To the shoulder hair is where its at for everyone.
Though its worse on males because then theyre donning a feminine thing
Do you work for JetBrains?
>Women naturally generate makeup out of their skin and have to remove it regularly to stay presentable
wow that really did the thinky dinky
>you have to have good hormones and genes to grow good facial hair
>you have to buy cosmetics to do make up
>but the vast majority of them will think you look like a girl
If you're a manlet and a dyel, sure. In this case kys
Xavier: Renegade Angel BTFO
Yes personality is also important.
Even if you have a decent face but you're an autistic neckbeard type you'll get less dates than a ugly Mick Jagger looking guy.
Keep telling yourself that, Pierre. Go cut that mop off and watch the compliments flow. If you want "long hair," make sure it's well maintained and not past the chin. And if you're balding in some way just forget it. Again, this doesn't apply if you own a company, don't care about how others perceive you, and/or you're a programmer/Unix beard with a good skill set.
How do I grow a good beard, goyim?
I tried growing one, but it's not strong enough to make me look manly.
Do you think increasing testosterone levels via fasting, taking vitamin D/zinc, letting your balls cool off etc would make you grow a better beard, or is it that not enough to activate more hair follicles (i.e how Asians can't grow facial hair even with high test)?
Husband is 6'5" with long hair, to the end of his back.
He has never been mistaken for a woman.
If you act like a woman or give people the opportunity to think you're one from the back (dyel) then it is your fault.
Women with long hair are sexy. Very feminine
Beards are natural and and not all men look better with a beard.Apples and oranges
yea but since he is not trap its still 0,0,0
Oh yeah I forgot. You're not Aryan.
My bad.
just starting to grow a decent coverage of facial hair. went over to my friends house after a while because he's been at college. his dad was like oh you look good! and he points out my facial hair. then he points out my face colour looking healthy. weird guy but hey, it looks better.
>When the SJW think people who can grow beards need to check their privilege
I thought I would never live in a world like this, but I am crying it's so funny, an argument bait thread about how men shouldn't have beards.?
>You're not Aryan.
you dont mind non aryans in your gf
>unless you own your own business
I didn't say you can be a pleb but act like a patrician without looking like a retard. There are lots of ways to work for yourself.
Tattooed degenerate pic related gets paid millions of dollars to build cars for rich idiots. He looks like a bartender from Cleveland.
Go back to /lgbt/, zinedine.
do you realize those are 3 entirely different people, right? look at the eyes. look at the hair. look at the ears for fucks sake. his entire face is different for fucks sake
that being said, i agree 100%. I work with a LOT of neckbeard betas, and I spend my time imagining their cuck-chins underneath that mess of gross, smelly hair.
Left = natural aesthetics
Center = 70's porn aesthetics
Right = gay best friend aesthetics
I'm greatly offended bong.
Being surrounded by pederast must have made you delluded about heterosexual relationships.
this is why I always trim to ~0.5mm
you can still see jawline
it's a part of your body you retard, you're comparing getting haircut or a beard style to putting a mask of fancy dirt on your face
What exactly is false advertising about any of that? If you want to nitpick, a shaven face is actually the least natural.
You sure seem worried about what random women think.
>envious of women with long hair
>rationalizing her own trucker lesbo looks
I once saw a video where a man pulled another man's dick out of a third man's asshole and sucked it like it was filled with oxygen and he was drowning, and your post is still the gayest thing I can remember.
Beard wont fall off after i put a bit of water on it
I have my beard on me 100% of the time
I need to trim my beard one a week/two weeks
Growing beard is a natural thing after which you only maintain how it looks.
How is that in any way comparable to makeup?
Its like saying that excessing is "false advertising" because when you lose the muscle you won't look as good.
Facial is natural you fucking faggot
Wait... Why would you watch that?
2/10 hands, would accept a stroke job on the condition that she drops those big knockers
hey newfriend welcome to our online community, pls upvote this post k thnx
left: illegal spic
right: aryan germanic