Why do you guys hate muslims so much?
Why do you guys hate muslims so much?
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because they stink
Because it's Satanic, you literally just posted a picture of idolatry in action. We can't allow this Satanic lifestyle within our borders
It should be obvious at this point
because they want to kill my fag friends
Like Christianity, Islam is just another arm of the Saturnian cult.
But it's not though
They're bowing down and praying to the box
they literally pray to a fucking rock from the sky
basically dirtier scientologists except more boomy
I guess there's a little good in everyone
met some muslims who i like and some who are complete dickheads
the problem i have is that when you call them out on their shit you're instantly branded a racist even though the biggest racist i've ever come across are muslim
Off all the religions of the world, not a single one preaches violence. Except islam of course, and it shows.
I'd love to see that thing blown up, but I wonder if it would just cause a shitstorm that's not worth it
because every muslim I know, including the ones in my family, is an uninformed retard, and nobody encouraged them to think for themselves.
why do Muslims hate the west so much?
do you expect the west to just lie down and take it?
The militarized muslims come from a region devastated by war that has lasted for decades
They've been fucked by the US just because they have oil
>inb4 they dindu muffin
They have caused problems but it's downright evil to hate them for the crazy ones
Whats your background?
How is that satanic
If you aren't a Muslim it's literally their religion to not consider you human and to consider you an ultimate sinner that's going to hell. Why the fuck WOULDN'T you hate them?
Because God said don't worship idols
Allah tells them to
God said rapists should be put to death
Allah said rape is okay as long as it's a foreign woman
God said murder is wrong
Allah said murder is okay
God said incest is wrong
Allah says it's okay
Allah is Satan
They hold back progress and space colonization
I like Arabs.
So your God is better than theirs?
What makes him more betterer?
i dont really care about religion, but all immigrants come exlusively for the gibs
they are lazy
Because they've been trying to kill us for 1500 years.
You included.
Don't think they'll spare the dhimmis.
Are you like, new to religion studies? I thought Sup Forums was the board of peace & knowledge.
So do poor, white people
Their God is Satan, that's why he's asking them to sin, the greatest Tequiya is that Muslims have convinced the world he believe in the same God they don't
Because they congregate at the idea of evil, praying to give power to the Mecha's Kaba Power Cube plotting to use its power to destroy the world.
Every time I actually interact with one I get creeped out, they just say things like 'god peace on him' without thinking, they're brainwashed and dangerous.
No I know that in Christianity you can only worship God because he's an insecure cuckings
But I'm wondering why you think God is better than Allah
What makes him more real to you
Have you even read the koran?
Lol of course not wtf
Have you?
Bullshit. Islam has been attacking the west sonce 711ad faggot.
We did not fucking waltz into their country and take their oil. They sold it to us through international trade deals.
Alternatively, Islam invaded Europe in 711ad, and ruled parts o0f it for 700 years. Ffs, the crusades didn't even start for 300 years when people had enough of their bullshit.
>don't worship idols
Christians carry around crosses everywhere as well as have fabricated pictures of what mere humans thought Jesus looked like.
Islam on the other hand don't have pictures of their prophets or religious figures anywhere because that would be idol worship.
>Their God is Satan
Nice alternative fact, Moose
Yes, and that's why I hate mudslimes. Read it or stop shitposting about things you know nothing about.
This is the perfect place to drop a nuke. Right on top of that shit. This would whip them into submission. Many would loose their faith in Allah.
Possibly the whole religion would disintegrate.
I would be pro nuking Mecca.
Allah and God are both real, it's just Allah is actually Satan
Why do I think God is better than Satan? Is this a serious question?
Satan HATES mankind he hate so everything God does
They have an explosive temper.
its the game
because terrorism works. 80% of muslims aren't even Arabs.
Why do you think God is better than allah
>lol these kuffir need a little white guilt
get fucked achmed
you attacked us first way back in the 7th century
you colonized Spain
that was the first interaction between Europe and Islam - Islamic aggression
It began with you and it will end with us and no more of you.
Yeah they do and it's a big problem, it comes from the pagan practises in Ancient Rome which Constantine made the church adopt.
Muslims everywhere are supposed to pray in the direction of meccah, they're committing idolatry everywhere they go
They worship idols
Because Satan is evil
They were once our allies.
>Allah and God are both real
Neither did the Iconoclasts and they were christians.
Why is God not Satan
Why is allah satan
Because they're backwards savages. Do we need any more reason than that?
cause they follow a book that advocates all this
and they think you should as well, or else violence
We're racist bigots, and we have common sense. It's 99.999 % about the common sense part, but feel free to call us racist bigots.
because muslims want to enslave us all and rape our women and children?
look what happened to the yazidis.
Hate and pragmatism are two completely different things. I don't want to import terrorists, low-skilled workforce, 75% young men, invasive religion.
Because 95% of then arent
Arab national socialists getting educated on the cancerous Semitic religions.
I'm always fascinated by how loyal the Nazis were to inferior peoples. Japan lost them the war, India did very little, and the Arabs had a tantrum and stopped the deportation of Jews to Palestine (along with the British).
Had it not been for the Arab and Anglo, Hitler would have never been accused of the shoah, Israel would have been formed in peace, and nationalism may never have died.
also, digits prove this correct
>I want innocent people to continue to suffer in a shattered state filled with people you want to kill each other
And you call them the monsters
you don't get to make up your own slurs, ctr. lurk moar.
Read the koran and then compare it to the bible. In the end, they're both just two versions of an all powerful being that humans made up to control each other, but the proto muslims were more savage and controlling than the proto christians, so they murder and pillage much more. You can retardedly honk about MUH MODERATE MUSLIMS!!!!!!!!!!!!! all you want, but they are the ones who are following the religion incorrectly, and are also at risk of being purged for the infidels that actual muslims see them as.
You are confusing me with Jesus. I'm not a savior. I'm interested in my own life first. I don't want to make my country significantly worse.
The proof is you exist
Because God is good, he created all life
If Satan (Allah) could have it his way he would have all of us being tortured for eternity. This is why Allah asks you to rape and murder, he wants you to sin
1. they attract all of the fatherless niggers because MUH ALLAH and islam gives them and excuse to hurt people because again, being fatherless niggers they are merely overgrown children
2. they always play the victim, while also spewing a bunch of shit about holy this and holy that.
3. they are literally destroying us, we are like the Germany of the Caribbean at this point.
4. They encourage nigger breeding.
5. They took over my country for a week and pretty much fucked us since then.
6. There is LITERALLY a gang of niggers called the muslims, and another called unruly ISIS, yup both niggers of islam.
7. They are muslim.
In Christianity you are supposed to stone people to death for stuff and eating shellfish and mixing cloths is a sin?
Christianity is just modernized both are crazy nonsense
>>Why do you guys hate muslims so much?
Why not?
Never said that your Jesus
Just calling you out on being a piece of shit
antithetical to Western society
Most of them are totally fine
It's not mixing cloths, stop quoting the Satanic NIV bible
The KJV says it's linen and wool
This is the most valid response so far
They're not fine they're going to burn in Hell
>my religion finally made sense 1611 years after it was invented
How far up your own ass do you have to be
The difference is christianity was reformed multiple times, look at all the different versions of the bible. And nobody stones anyone to death in the modern day except for, you guessed it, fucking mudslimes. And they do this because it's perfectly accepted and permissible by the koran. Until islam is reformed, and its core values are no longer literally antithetical to the western way of life, everyone who isn't a retarded cuck like you will hate muslims, just on the principle that you can't live peacefully with someone who follows a holy book like that.
US is one of the biggest terrorist states in the entire world and has a large share of responsibility for the current state of the middle east.
Finland isn't even in fucking NATO.
It's your mess, deal with it.
The NIV written in the 1970's and published by Harper Collins which publishes the satanic bible and the joys of gay sex is a much better source than the inspired KJV right?
Gods word has made sense since day one, and on the day he made that law he said it's linen and wool you can't mix
Is it possible to get some Ebola to this muslim gathering every year?
jealously, greed. Muh african resources. Ya, those niggers never had a single concern for their land's wealth, until the Europeans showed it to them.
They're violent, they're invaders, they're ugly and they stink.
>2017 and still believing in fairy tales
>I'm a retarded cuck
At least I don't believe I should devote myself to some charismatic who was alive thousands of years ago because a book says so
And the Koran goes against violence so hard that if you kill someone, you lose the right to be Muslim
>but the non-Muslims just keep claiming jihad because they are bad dudes
>The proof is you exist
What did he mean by this?
The best humanity can tell, we are a product of millions of years of slow evolution that eventually culminated in the propensity for free will and sentient thought.
>god is good, he created all life
Again, where is the proof? Other than a 2000 year old book?
Just look how they treat minority groups in the middle east, beheading christians and terrorizing them from the day they are born
I don't believe in fairy tales I believe in God
This belief that God created us goes back around 6,000 years when the world was created
Why can't you mix linen and wool?
And the kjv was written in 1611 so it's totally invalid bc it's not the original
It always baffles me how ignorant Sup Forums is on ww2. Here's a very simple fact for you: USA and soviet's entry into the war was inevitable.
>And the Koran goes against violence so hard that if you kill someone, you lose the right to be Muslim
Well I can't read Hebrew, but Jews can and they say it's linen and wool also.
And who knows? It's meaning has been lost with time, all I know is Gods word is truth and I still follow it no matter what
Can you read?
taking responsibility is antithetical to US values
>biggest terror states in the entire world
Right, I suppose next you'll be saying the U.S is the Helghan empire and Muslims are the ISA. kindly kys.
Muslim here, with a message for you Islamophobic people.
The West created this mess.
It was you who divided up the land.
It was you who put in the puppet governments.
It was you who built the oil wells on Muslim holy lands.
It was you who allowed the Jews to exterminate and enslave the Palestinians.
It was you who played geopolitical games with Iraq and Iran during their war.
It was you who gave Saddam chemical weapons.
It was you who caused the Ayatollah to come into power in Iran.
It was you who created the Mujaheddin, Osama Bin Laden, and Al Qaeda.
It was you who killed 1 million children with your economic sanctions on Iraq.
It was you who, with your gluttonous oil consumption, gave power to Saudi Arabia and turned a blind eye to their funding of Wahhabi extremism.
It was you who abused the Arab world so much that they felt they had to attack your soil on 9/11.
It was you who started an endless massacre across all of Afghanistan in retaliation against a small group that lived there.
It was you who invaded Iraq unprovoked, destroyed it's infrastructure, massacred it's people, and left it in shambles in your wake.
It was you who covertly ignited civil wars in Libya and Syria because it suited your geopolitical interests, only to let the bloodbaths stagnate when your goals failed.
It was you who not only caused ISIS to exist, but allowed them to grow like a cancer unchecked.
It was you who destroyed the lives of millions of Arabs and forced them to leave their homeland.
You are the cause of all of this. Still you go ahead and blame us for all these tragic incidents. I'm not easily triggered but shit like this makes me really mad.
stfu. you'd be gased by hitler yet you still worship him
same thing
>Why do we hate muslims so much?
Because everything they touch turns to shit.
If they want to live in an islamic shithole, nobody is stopping them from doing so but get the fuck out of Europe or Auschwitz is going to be re-opened.